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Annual Fees and Annual Practising Certificates

Who should apply for Restoration to the Register?

Any nurse or midwife who intends resuming practising and who is not currently on the register must first apply for restoration to the register. A person may have been removed for one of the following reasons:

  • Removed for non-payment of the annual licensing fee;
  • Removed at own request (when no longer practising);
  • Removed in execution of the sentence following a professional conduct hearing;
  • Removed administratively for failure to notify the Council of your correct address;
  • Removed on expiry of a limited registration; or 
  • Removed because Council has been informed that the person is deceased.

Although it may seem strange to mention the last reason (deceased) in this section, it has happened in the past that Council has been incorrectly notified of a person’s death.  This can be very distressing when the person concerned finds out about it.  Council will obviously correct any such record immediately – see the following section.


What can I do if I believe I have been removed by mistake?

If Council establishes that a person has been removed from the register  erroneously, it will automatically correct the persons record without the person having to pay any additional restoration fee.  Any such person will have to pay any outstanding annual licensing fees that would have been due if he/she had not been removed in error.

If you believe that your name has been removed by mistake, please forward full details to the Council so that the matter can be investigated and corrected if necessary (the dedicated email for restorations is 

PLEASE NOTE:  That failure to pay the annual fee because you did not receive a reminder or because you did not know what the correct fee amount was, or any other such excuse will not be considered as a reason for automatic restoration.  The Nursing Act, 2005 makes it clear that it is the responsibility of each registered or enrolled person to pay the annual fee, to pay the correct fee amount, and to pay it on time.

How do I apply to have my name restored?

Every persons wishing to be restored to the register in order to practise his/her profession in the Republic of South Africa, must:

  • complete an Application for Restoration form;
  • pay the required restoration fee; and
  • pay the annual licensing fee for the year in which he/she intends to resume practising.

The application form contains full details of the procedures to be followed and the required fees.  Click on the link below to download a copy of the application form.


Application for Restoration Form
