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Proposed Changes to the SANC Regulations

(Published for public comment)

The Minister of Health has published the following new regulations proposed by the Nursing Council in the Gazette for public comment.

Please send your comments directly to the Department of Health as per the instructions in the government notices and NOT to the Nursing Council .

Take careful note of the due date for comments to be submitted.

13 October 2013

Proposed New Regulations Relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner Leading to Registration in the Category Midwife

(Government Notice No. R.786 of 13 October 2014)

The due date for comments to be submitted to the Department of Health is 12 January 2015.

8 March 2013

Proposed New Regulations Regarding an Appeal Against Decisions of South African Nursing Council

(Government Notice No. R.172 of 8 March 2013)

The due date for comments to be submitted to the Department of Health is 7 June 2013.

14 December 2011

Proposed New Regulations Relating to the Keeping, Supply, Administering, Prescribing or Dispensing of Medicine by Registered Nurses

(Government Notice No. R.1044 of 14 December 2011)

The due date for the submission of comments has already expired.

14 December 2011

Proposed New Regulations Relating to the Institution and Conduct of Inquiries into Alleged Unprofessional Conduct of Persons Registered with the South African Nursing Council

(Government Notice No. R.1051 of 14 December 2011)

The due date for the submission of comments has already expired.

5 August 2011

Proposed New Regulations Relating to the Conducting of Inquiries into Alleged Unfitness to Practise due to Disability or Impairment of Persons Registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)

(Government Notice No. R.619 of 5 August 2011)

The due date for the submission of comments has already expired.

11 July 2003

Proposed New Regulations Regarding Profession Identification Devices and Dress Code for Nurses and Midwives

Read more >

(Government Notice No. R.997 of 11 July 2003)

This new regulation will replace the old distinguishing devices regulations.

The due date for the submission of comments has already expired.

This proposal has been put in abeyance – to be looked at later.

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