Circular 3/2001 Contribution of questions to the Council’s Examination Bank

Circular 3/2001 Contribution of questions to the Council’s Examination Bank

12 February 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions accredited to offer the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse (Government Notice No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended))


Contribution of Questions to the Council’s Examination Bank


The Council requests that nursing education institutions accredited to offer the abovenamed programme, submit examination questions (of their choice) with accompanying marking guides to the office of the Council.

The examination bank required is for both first year and the final year examinations.  This information will be entered into a database for the Bridging Course (R.682).


Thanking you in anticipation for your co-operation.


G Ramadi (Dr)
Deputy Registrar

Circular 2/2001 Criteria for the approval of clinical / additional Clinical Facilities

Circular 2/2001 Criteria for the approval of clinical / additional clinical facilities

12 February 2001

To all Accredited Nursing Education Institutions and all Stakeholders


Criteria for the Approval of Clinical/Additional Clinical Facilities


Cognisance should be taken of the following criteria applied by the Council for the approval of a clinical/additional clinical facility:

  1. The application for approval should be submitted to the Council by the approved nursing education institution (NEI) prior to the placement of students/pupils in the proposed clinical/additional clinical facility.
  2. Retrospective approval of clinical facilities will not be granted.
  3. The period for which students have been placed at a clinical facility that has not received prior approval, will not be recognised by this Council.
  4. Approval of a clinical facility is granted for a specific nursing education and training programme for a particular NEI.
  5. Automatic blanket approval for any programme for a particular NEI is not accommodated.
  6. A situational analysis, based on set norms and standards, of the facility should be carried out by the NEI. Where inadequate/inappropriate learning opportunities exist arrangements should be made for practica to be completed at an alternative facility.
  7. In the event of the alternative facility not being an approved facility, the same procedure is followed in order to obtain approval.
  8. A copy of the situational analysis, indicating that the facility meets with the predetermined standard of the NEI, must be submitted together with the application to the Council.
  9. A copy of the formal agreement between the NEI and the facility to be used for the placement of students/pupils should accompany the application. The formal agreement should specify the role of the facility versus that of the NEI in fulfilling the objectives for the said placement.
  10. An indication must be given of the maximum number of students/pupils to be placed at the facility as well as the duration of such placement.
  11. The name(s) and professional qualifications of the person(s) responsible for the structured clinical guidance and the clinical accompaniment, as well as the number of students/pupils each preceptor is responsible for, should be submitted by the NEI to the Council annually, for as long as the clinical facility is to be used by the NEI.
  12. Documented evidence of clinical accompaniment must be kept for all basic, supplementary basic and post basic nursing education and training programmes.


The Council has the mandate to inspect all facilities where students/pupils are placed for clinical practica at any time. The Council may also interview students and personnel during such an accreditation visit.


G Ramadi (Dr)
Deputy Registrar
S A Nursing Council

Circular 1/2001 Spelling mistake on cover of Afrikaans version of the Nomination Form

Circular 1/2001 Spelling mistake on cover of the Afrikaans version of the Nomination Form



To all Stakeholders, Nursing Education Institutions and Non-training Institutions

Correction Notice

Correction of a spelling mistake on the cover of the Afrikaans version of the nomination form published under Government Notice number 95 of 17 November 2000 for a by-election to replace a resigned registered member of the Council.


On the cover of the Nomination Form of the Afrikaans version, the word “Berpleging” is to be replaces by “Verpleging”.  You are kindly requested to bring this to the attention of your staff and colleagues.

This correction is done in good faith and without prejudice.  We regret the inconvenience that this might have caused.


Hasina Subedar (Ms)
Returning Officer


Circular 16/2000 Increases in DDs prices wef 1 Jan 2001

Circular 16/2000 Increases on DDs wef 1 Jan 2001

7 December 2000

To all Nursing Schools, Universities, Nursing Colleges and Non-training Institutions


Distinguishing Devices: Increased Fees and new Application Form


A copy of the application form for distinguishing devices with the increased prices which will be effective from 1 January 2001 may be downloaded from the Council website or printed copies may be obtained from the Council.


M M Mulder
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 15/2000 Repeal of regulations regarding fees to be paid to SANC

Circular 15/2000 Repeal of regulations re fees to be paid to SANC

11 October 2000

To all Stakeholders, Nursing Education Institutions and Non-training Institutions


Repeal of regulations regarding fees to be paid to the South African Nursing Council and the amendment of inspection fees


The new regulations published under Government Notice No. R.921 of 15 September 2000 are available on this Web Site.


Please note that the regulations mentioned above have been repealed on 8 March 2013 and are replaced by new regulations published by Government Notice number R.170 of 8 March 2013 – which are also available under the Regulations page of this website.


Please note that the new fees reflected in the regulations do not include VAT and this will be charged accordingly.


Yours faithfully

Hasina Subedar (Ms)
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 14/2000 Closing of SANC offices over the Christmas period

Circular 14/2000 Closing of SANC offices for Christmas period

22 September 2000

To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities and Stakeholders


Closing of the Offices of the South African Nursing Council over the Christmas Period


The Office of the Council will close at 13:00 on 22 December 2000 and re-open at 08:00 on 2 January 2001.


Yours faithfully


H Subedar (Ms)
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 13/2000 Payment of Annual Fees: persons registered/enrolled who are currently on training programmes must maintain their registration/enrolment with SANC

Circular 13/2000 Payment of 2021 Annual Fees

11 September 2000

To all Nursing Institutions


Payment of Annual Fees 2001


You are reminded that there are persons who are registered/enrolled as nurses with the South African Nursing Council that have obtained admission to a further course of study on the strength of such registration/enrolment.

As it is a prescribed requirement that such persons maintain their registration/enrolment it would be appreciated if you could draw their attention to this fact.

Kindly remind them that they should remit their fees for 2001 (R114,00 if registered/R96,00 if enrolled) to reach the Council before 31 January 2001.


Yours faithfully

E E Bielfeld
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 12/2000 Maintenance of Standards of Nursing Education and Practice

Circular 12/2000 Maintenance of Standards of Nursing Education and Practice

4 September 2000

To all Training Institutions


Maintenance of Standards of Nursing Education and Practice


Council at it’s meeting held on 15 May 2000 resolved that it be emphasized to all nursing education institutions affiliated to universities that:

  •  the universities role in the monitoring of standards must be adhered to
  •  evidence of this monitoring role must be reflected in the formative and summative evaluations related to both the theoretical and practical components of Nursing Education and Training programmes


Grace Ramadi
Acting Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 11/2000 Annual Licence Fee and Restoration Fee prices remain unchanged for 2001

Circular 11/2000 Fees remain unchanged for 2001

30 August 2000

To all Training and Non-training Institutions


Annual Licence Fees – 2001


The Executive Committee at its meeting on 25 July 2000 decided that the annual fees for the year 2001 remain unchanged i.e.

  • R114,00 (including VAT) for registered nurses and/or registered midwives.
  • R96,00 (including VAT) for enrolled nurses and enrolled nursing auxiliaries.

The restoration fee stands at R114,00 (including VAT).


Grace Ramadi
Acting Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 10/2000 Results of by-election of an Enrolled Nurse

Circular 10/2000 Results of by-election of enrolled nurse for the period 2000-2003

4 August 2000

To all Stakeholders, Nursing Educational Institutions and Non-training Institutions


By-election to serve as a member of the South African Nursing Council for the period 2000 to 2003:


The by-election of an enrolled nurse for the current Council was finalized on 27 July 2000 and the following candidate was elected as a member of the Council:

DIRE, Rose Motlalepula


The votes obtained by the candidates are:

DIRE, R M 334
NZIBA, B 108



Grace Ramadi (Mrs)
Acting Registrar and Chief Executive Officer