Circular 7/2002 Nurses who have been removed but paid the old Annual Fee before March 2002, have been exempted from paying the Restoration Fee – Details and conditions

Circular 7/2002 Nurses who have been removed but paid the old Annual Fee before 31 March 2002

23 July 2002


To ALL Stakeholders: Hospitals
  Labour Organisations
  Departments of Health: National; Provincial


The Executive Committee of the South African Nursing Council on 18 July 2002 resolved to exempt the payment of restoration fees for nurses that:

paid the old fee of R114,00 or R96,00 before 31 March 2002 but were liable for the increased annual fee because payment was made after 5 December 2001; and
were removed from the register/roll because they failed to pay the outstanding balance of the increased annual fee before the due date of 31 March 2002.

The above exemption only applies if the outstanding balance of fees is paid before 31 October 2002.


Please note that nurses to whom the above exemption applies, and who have already paid the restoration fee for 2002, will have the amount automatically credited towards the 2003 annual fee.


Kindly communicate the above resolution to the affected members of your organisation.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 6/2002 Credits for exam papers – withdrawn see Circular 12/2003

Circular 6/2002 Withdrawn – see Circular 12/2003

21 May 2002

This circular has been withdrawn and replaced by Circular 12/2003 (also available on this website).

21 May 2002

To all Nursing Education Institutions


Credits for Each Examination Paper Passed in the following Programmes:

Diploma for Registration as a Midwife – Government Notice No. R.254 of 14 February 1975 (as amended)
Diploma for Registration as a Psychiatric Nurse – Government Notice No. R.880 of 2 May 1975 (as amended)


The Council’s Executive Meeting of 24-25 April 2002 has resolved that:

Candidates for the abovementioned programmes retain credits for each examination paper passed
Candidates can therefore apply to rewrite only the paper which they have failed
The examination results will therefore show marks for the different papers written for these programmes.


Your co-operation in implementing this resolution and advising the candidates accordingly is highly appreciated.


Dr Grace Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 5/2002 Assessment of learning outcomes – a Paradigm Shift

Circular 5/2002 Assessment in learning outcomes – a Paradigm Shift

7 May 2002

To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities and Stakeholders


Assessment of Learning Outcomes – A Paradigm Shift
The Urgent Need to Train Assessors in Generic Assessor Standards



Much is changing in the area of assessment in South Africa. The development in education around outcomes based education, a radical shift from the previous knowledge and input based systems is an indication that assessment and the role of the assessor has to change as well.

The following statement describes the desired change from the assessment practice in the past to the present ethos of assessment.

Learning is no longer something that is “done to” the learner, but something that the learner is actively involved in. As such the role of the ASSESSOR has changed from being a “gatekeeper” who uses assessment to prevent learners from developing further, to a SUPPORTIVE GUIDE who has the success of the learner at heart – so that the learner can gain access to further learning

(SAQA 2001 Criteria and guidelines for the Registration of Assessors – Page 7)


The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) requires consistency of practice in relation to the assessment of National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Standards and Qualifications. For this reason generic assessment standards cutting across all the NQF fields have been developed. These generic assessor standards constitute the basic minimum requirement for all assessment leading to credits for standards or qualifications registered on the NQF. This therefore means that:

all assessors must meet the requirements of the generic assessor standards; and
subject specific assessors should meet criteria determined by the Education and Training Quality Assurance body (ETQA) registering the assessors.

For SAQA all practitioners who will be responsible for the assessment of the achievement of learning outcomes leading to qualifications and standards registered on the NQF should within a period of 3 years (i.e. by May 2004) become certified assessors and registered constituent assessors for specified qualifications and/or standards.

(SAQA 2001 – Criteria and guidelines for the registration of assessors – Page 13)


The South African Nursing Council as an accredited ETQA has a responsibility of:

ensuring that existing assessors are registered as assessors for nursing qualifications and standards.


In order to meet the above deadline, providers are urged to train existing assessors in generic assessment standards.

It is recommended that by the end of year 2002 each provider have at least two certified assessors.


For more information on the issue of assessment you are advised to acquaint yourselves with the content of the following SAQA document:

Documents are available on the internet at
(N.B. : This document is no longer available)



For providers who have no access to the internet, contact the South African Nursing Council’s Communication Section, for attention:

Ms L Jele

Tel: (012) 420-1066
Fax: (012) 343-5400

Copies of the above documents will be posted to you on request.


A list of accredited providers for training in generic assessor standards can be found on the internet for your information.  These providers are accredited by the Education and Training Development Practices Sectoral Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) ( )


By December 2002, all providers should submit names of certificated assessors in their employment.


From January 2003 assessment of candidates for Recognition of Prior Learning should be done by nurse educators who are certified assessors.


Kind regards


Grace Ramadi (Dr)
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 4/2002 Distinguishing devices: increase in postage and price of epaulettes

Circular 4/2002 Distinguishing devices: increase in postage and price of epaulettes

7 May 2002

To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities and Non-training Institutions


Distinguishing Devices: Increase in postage and price of Epaulettes


A copy of the new application form for distinguishing devices with the increased price on postage and epaulettes, effective from 01 June 2002, may be downloaded from the Council web site or printed copies may be obtained from the Council.


M M Mulder
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 3/2002 SANC RPL implementation guidelines and quality assurance standards (a discussion document)

Circular 3/2002 SANC RPL implementation guidelines and quality assurance standards (a discussion document)

8 April 2002

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Non-Training Institutions and Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Recognition of Prior Learning Implementation Guidelines and Quality Assurance Standards (A Discussion Document)


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is one of the central pillars of the  National Qualifications Framework and is seen as a mechanism for facilitating access to further learning as well as accelerated progression through qualifications for adults who may have creditable learning developed in contexts outside the formal education system.

These guidelines are intended to provide a framework for the implementation of RPL in the nursing profession.

Stakeholders are requested to comment and input into the document.


Inputs should be submitted to the Communication Section of Council on or before 6 June 2002, for attention:

Ms L Jele
Senior Communication Officer
Tel (012) 420-1066
Fax (012) 343-5400


Your co-operation in this regard will be highly appreciated.


Grace Ramadi (Dr)
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 2/2002 Education and Training of Nurses in HIV/Aids Management

Circular 2/2002 Education and Training of Nurses in HIV/Aids Management

28 March 2002

To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities and Stakeholders


Education and Training of Nurses in HIV/AIDS Management


t has come to the attention of Council that although providers have been advised to include HIV/AIDS in the curriculi for both basic and post-basic programmes, there is no clarity regarding the content that should be taught.  As a result most of the nurses in the country have very little knowledge about this disease.  Providers are again requested to ensure that students and practising nurses are updated on issues of HIV/AIDS.


It is recommended that the subject content include the following topics:

Awareness and basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the immune system
Pathophysiology and epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Diagnosis including voluntary counselling and testing
Prevention and control of HIV
Management of clinical manifestations of HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infections
Antiretroviral treatment
Psychosocial economic issues and support
Principles and strategies of behaviour change
Palliative and homebased care
Legal and ethical issues
HIV/AIDS in the workplace
Research based on clinical experiences of HIV/AIDS
Care of caregivers

The following sources of information are recommended:

1.Fact sheet on HIV/AIDS a desktop reference
Compiled and edited for South Africa by:

The National Department of Health

The World Health Organisation


DENOSA (Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa)


This publication is available at the:

Department of Health, Pretoria

DENOSA – Head Office and all provincial offices

The South African Nursing Council


2. Nursing Curriculum

Developed in Sub-Saharan Africa in collaboration with the Baylor International Paediatric AIDS Initiative, Bayler College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.
Your co-operation in preparing nurses for this pandemic is appreciated.

Grace Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 1/2002 Review of the Council building names

Circular 1/2002 Review of the Council building names

12 February 2002

To all Stakeholders and Council Members


Review of the Council Building names as part of Transformation and Conceptualisation of the South African Nursing Council (SANC)


The South African Nursing Council is in the process of reviewing the names of the South African Nursing Council building, committee rooms and other important structures within the building.

A resolution has been taken that the following compartments be renamed:

  1. Constance Nothard Council Chamber on the 5th floor
  2. Glass Box Committee room on the 5th floor
  3. Museum on the 4th floor
  4. Conference room on the 3rd floor
  5. The complex on the 3rd floor allocated to Equity Project Plan
  6. Lounge area on the 3rd floor
  7. Examination room on the 2nd floor
  8. Library on the 2nd floor
  9. Sick bay on the 1st floor
  10. Waiting area on the ground floor
  11. Dining room
  12. VIP dinning room
  13. Garden


In order to facilitate the selection process, the following criteria will be used:

  1. Outstanding achievers
  2. Unacknowledged achievers
  3. Gender balance
  4. Race balance
  5. Disability balance
  6. Historical land mark within the SANC
  7. People who have promoted human rights


Stakeholders are advised to complete the nomination form (that can be downloaded from this web site) and submit their nominations to the Communication Section of the South African Nursing Council, for attention:

Ms L Jele

Senior Communication Officer
Tel: (012) 420 1066
Fax: (012) 343 5400


The closing date for submission of inputs is 2nd April 2002.


Your co-operation in this regard will be appreciated.

Circular 18/2001 Annual Licencing Fee increase 2002

Circular 18/2001 Annual Licencing Fee increase 2002

7 December 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Non-training Institutions and Stakeholders


NOTICE: Annual Licensing Fee Increase 2002


Government Gazette No. 7223 of 5 December 2001.


You are hereby notified that the annual licensing fee for 2002 is increased with effect from 6 December 2001 as follows:

Registered Nurses
R160,00 (R140.35 + R19,65 VAT)
Enrolled Nurses
R120,00 (R105,26 + R14,74 VAT)
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries
R105,00 (R  92,11 + R12,89 VAT)

In respect of payments made prior to 6 December 2001:

1. Any person that has paid the annual fee prior to the above date will not have to pay the difference between the old and new fee.

2. Postal Fees: any fees paid via the postal service and the date on the article is before 6 December 2001 such person will not be expected to pay in the difference.


Payments through the Bank: all persons making payments to the bank from 6 December 2001 will be liable to pay the difference before an annual receipt will be issued.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 17/2001 ECSACON announcement and invitation to submit abstracts for paper and poster presentations

Circular 17/2001 ECSACON announcement and invitation to submit abstracts for paper and poster presentations

12 October 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Non-training Institutions and Stakeholders


The East, Central and Southern African College of Nursing (ECSACON) 1st Quadrennial Meeting and 6th Scientific Conference, 6-10 August 2002


Copies of a pamphlet announcing the above event and inviting abstracts for paper and poster presentations on the theme “Nurses and Midwives Responding to the Health Challenges in the 21st Century” was circulated.

The Council has been unable to obtain copies of the pamphlet in electronic form at this stage and can therefore not include it on this web site.


Anyone who requires additional information can contact ECSACON directly.  The contact details are:

The Regional Secretary

Attention: The Coordinator
Human Resources Development and Capacity Building Programme
Commonwealth Regional Health Community Secretariat
P O Box 1009,

Tel: 255 27 250-4105/6

Fax: 255 27 250-4124

E-mail: [email protected]

Circular 16/2001 Approved examination centres for foreign applicants

Circular 16/2001 Approved examination centres for foreign applicants

12 October 2001

To all Nursing Schools


Arrangements for Examinations for Foreign Applicants


The foreign applicants who wish to be registered or enrolled with the South African Nursing Council are required to write an examination in Ethos and Professional Practice.

The examination for registered nurses was previously conducted by appointed colleges. These examinations are currently conducted by the Council.

Candidates who have attained entry to this examination may write the examination at an approved examination centre (See Annexure A below) of the Council, on the dates set out by the Council.

Arrangements are to be made with the Council, the candidate and the specific examination centre.

Examination dates for foreign candidates will coincide with the scheduled dates for 2002, as reflected in the examination timetable for 2002.


NB    Foreign candidates who wish to write this examination in their country of origin, must stipulate this in their application. Such request will only be accommodated, if the candidate bears the total costs incurred, prior to the examination.


Mrs E Kaye-Petersen
Senior Manager: Professional Development Section
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer



Annexure A

Approved Examination Centres for Foreign Applicants

Bloemfontein Free State School of Nursing
Private Bag X20520, Bloemfontein, 9300
Cape Town Groote Schuur Hospital
Private Bag, Observatory, 7935
Durban King Edward VIII Nursing College
Private Bag, Congela, 4013

McCord Hospital
P O Box 37587, Overport, 4067

Eastern Cape Eastern Cape Nursing College
Private Bag 6047, Port Elizabeth, 6000

Umtata Hospital
Private Bag X5014, Umtata, 5100

Kimberley Henrietta Stockdale Nursing College
Private Bag X5051, Kimberley, 8300
Pietersburg Pietersburg Hospital
Private Bag X9316, Pietersburg, 0700
Pretoria S G Lourens Nursing College
Private Bag X755, Pretoria, 0001