Circular 1/2006: Amendment of Guidelines for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse (R.683 of 14 April 1989)

Circular 1/2006: Amendment of Guidelines for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse (R693. of 14 April 1989)



                   NURSING STAKEHOLDERS 




The South African Nursing Council has, over a period of time, observed that there is an overlap of content of Papers I and II of the above-named programme. This leads to a number of queries around the examination time.

The Council has therefore reviewed these guidelines as follows in order to assist the schools:

First Year Examination
Integrated General Nursing Science I

Paper I

  1. Basic Medical and Surgical Nursing with regard to patients with illness of:
    a)    Cardiovascular system,
    b)    Respiratory system;
  2. Operating Theatre Technique and Anaesthetics;
  3. Ethos and Professional Practice; and
  4. Applied Social Science.

Paper II

  1. Basic Medical and Surgical Nursing with regard to patients with illness of the:
    a)     Digestive system,
    b)     Genito-urinary system,
    c)     Ear, nose and throat nursing,
    d)     Ophthalmological nursing;
  2. Ethos and Professional practice; and
  3. Applied Social Science.

The implementation/application of these guidelines will be effective from the July 2006 Council examination.


Hasina Subedar
S A Nursing Council

Circular 4/2005: SANC Year-end closure

Circular 4/2005: SANC Year-end closure


7 December 2005

                   NURSING STAKEHOLDERS 


South African Nursing Council


23 December 2005 – 02 January 2006

South African Nursing Council will close its offices for the Christmas holidays at 16:00 on 22 December 2005 and will re-open at 08:00 on 03 January 2006.

Please contact the Communications Officer at telephone (012) 420 1000 if there are any queries about this circular.


Hasina Subedar
S A Nursing Council

Circular 3/2005: SANC Examination Schedule for 2006

Circular 3/2005: SANC Examination Schedule for 2006


4 October 2005

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule – 2006


The Examination Schedule for 2006 can be accessed on this website.


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations.

  1. The closing date for examinations should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates.
  2. Only registered students/pupils will be eligible to enter for an examination, the head of the institution must ensure that all students/pupils are registered with the Council within the prescribed period (this does not apply to the Admission Examination for Enrolled Nursing or to the Admission Examination for Foreign Nurses).
  3. The Council will only process examination applications that meet the following requirements:
    1. submitted on the Council’s Application for Examination Form which is completed in full and signed by the relevant person;
    2. accompanied by the prescribed fee or proof of payment of the fee into the Council’s bank account; and
    3. includes all the required documentation.
  4. Only those students/pupils that have been issued an examination number will be eligible to write Council examinations.
  5. All practical Mark Sheets must be submitted to Council by the end of the month in which the examination is written. Examination results cannot be processed if practical mark sheets are not submitted on time.
  6. The Council reserves the right to cancel an examination reflected on the schedule if there are insufficient candidates for such an examinations.

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 2/2005: Increases in Council fees

Circular 2/2005: Increases in Council fees


4 August 2005

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Non-training Institutions


Increases in Nursing Council Fees

You are hereby notified that increases in South African Nursing Council fees have been published in the Government Gazette.


Fees that will increase on 15 August 2005

The following fees will increase as indicated on 15 August 2005.  This means that the increased fee will be payable for all amounts received on or after Monday 15 August 2005

Annual Fees

Registered Nurses



Enrolled Nurses



Nursing Auxiliaries


Restoration Fees

Registered Nurses



Enrolled Nurses



Nursing Auxiliaries


Restoration Fees

Registered Nurses


(after voluntary removal)

Enrolled Nurses



Nursing Auxiliaries


Student Fees

Registration (basic qualifications)



Restoration (basic qualifications)



Registration (additional qualifications)



Restoration (additional qualifications)


Pupil Fees

Enrolment as Pupil Nurse



Restoration as Pupil Nurse



Enrolment as Pupil Nursing Auxiliary



Restoration as Pupil Nursing Auxiliary



In respect to payments made prior to 15 August 2005 :

  1. A person who has paid the fees (in full) prior to the above date will not have to pay the difference between the old and the new fees.
  2. If fees have been paid via postal services and the posting date on the article is before 15 August 2005, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.
  3. If fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 15 August 2005, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.  In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically.  Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution.


Fees that will increase on 23 October 2005

The examination fees will increase as indicated on 23 October 2005.

Examination Fees

Exam paper (basic)



Exam paper (post-basic)



Late entry fee



Remark script



The increases for examination fees will be implemented as follows:

  1. .The increased fees for exam papers and late entries will be payable with respect to all examinations to be conducted in 2006 or later.  The closing dates for applications for examinations to be conducted in 2005 all fall before 23 October 2005.  To avoid ambiguity, the old fees will also apply to any late entries for 2005 examinations that are accepted after that date.
  2. The fees to be charged for remarks will depend on the date on which the full payment for the remark is received.  Where payment is received after 22 October 2005, the remark fees will be charged at the increased rate.
  3. If remark fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 23 October 2005, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.  In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically.  Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution. 



Please note that the above fees all include VAT at the current rate of 14%.



These amendments to the regulations also fix outdated references to “nursing assistants” (which should be “nursing auxiliaries”) wherever these occur in the regulations.

The regulations on the Council website have been updated with these amendments.  To access the updated regulations, click on the links below.


Regulations for Registered Nurses  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Enrolled Nurses  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Nursing Auxiliaries  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Student Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Pupil Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Examinations (English / Afrikaans)

Copies of the amendment regulations published in Government Gazette No. 27788 of 22 July 2005 are available on the Council website for your information.  Copies of the Government Gazette can also be purchased from the Government Printers.  To access the copies on the Nursing Council website, type the following address into your browser:

You can also click one of the following links to select specific amendment regulations.


Amendments for Registered Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Enrolled Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Nursing Auxiliaries  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Student Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Pupil Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Examinations (English / Afrikaans)

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 1/2005: Notice of the Council’s position regarding nurses non-compliance with prescribed dress code

Circular 1/2005: Notice of the Council’s position regarding nurses non-compliance with prescribed dress code


4 May 2005

    Health Facility Managers
    Nursing Service Managers


Non-compliance of Nurses with the Prescribed Requirements for Uniforms and Distinguishing Devices

South African Nursing Council is aware of the protest action embarked on by some nurses against the uniform allowances by reporting for work in inappropriate attire, in the Gauteng and North West Provinces. 

The Council in response to this protest action provides the following guidance to employers:

  1. Employers must ensure that nurses who do not wear the accepted uniform and distinguishing devices do not place patients in their health facilities at risk.
  2. The Regulations of the South African Nursing Council require nurses to wear distinguishing devices with suitable attire that befits the image of the profession of nursing. Nurses that are inappropriately attired taint the image of both the nursing profession and the health care system.
  3. Nurses who violate the South African Nursing Council Regulations pertaining to the distinguishing devices and uniforms for nurses, are liable to be charged with unprofessional conduct and should be reported to the South African Nursing Council.

You are also advised to contact the Council if you require any further assistance or guidance in this matter.

Hasina Subedar

Circular 4/2004: SANC Year-end closure

Circular 4/2004: SANC Year-end closure


7 December 2004

                   NURSING STAKEHOLDERS 


South African Nursing Council – Year End Closure

23 December 2004 – 03 January 2005


South African Nursing Council will close its offices for the Christmas holidays at 16:00 on 22 December 2004 and will re-open at 08:00 on 04 January 2005.

Please contact the Communications Officer at telephone (012) 420 1000 for any enquiries.


Hasina Subedar
The S A Nursing Council


Circular 3/2004: SANC Examination Schedule for 2005

Circular 3/2004: SANC Examination Schedule for 2005


15 September 2004

                   NURSING STAKEHOLDERS 


South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule for 2005


Examination dates for examinations to be held during 2005 can be found on this website.


Please note that examinations will only be held where there are candidates registered for that particular examination.

Should the normal closing date for an examination fall on a weekend or a public holiday, the next working day is regarded as the closing date for that particular examination.

Enquiries can be directed to Ms Marga Cronje on telephone (012) 420 1079.
Alternatively, you can e-mail 


(Signed: H Subedar)
The S A Nursing Council

Circular 2/2004: National mass Measles and Polio Immunisation Campaign

Circular 2/2004: National mass Measles and Polio Immunisation Campaign 2004


27 July 2004





As part of the global fight for polio eradication and measles elimination, a countrywide Immunization Campaign will be conducted in South Africa during the weeks of 26 to 30 July 2004 (the first round of measles and polio immunisation), and 30 August to 3 September 2004 (the second round of Polio Immunisation). The primary objective of the mass immunisation campaigns is to eradicate polio and eliminate measles.

Historically measles and polio are known as two of the most dangerous diseases of childhood. Therefore the Department of Health has requested the assistance of all nurses and midwives in ensuring that parents and caregivers take all children aged between 0 and 5 years old to their nearest clinics for vaccination, even if their children are fully immunised.

The campaign does serve as additional doses, which will protect a large number of children over a short period of time, thus making it practically impossible for the viruses to find unimmunised children in which to replicate and cause disease.

The slogan for the 2004 polio and measles campaign is:

“Stop Polio! Stop Measles! Immunise!”

Go to the Department of Health web site for full information on the campaign.

(Signed: H Subedar)
Registrar and CEO
The S A Nursing Council

Circular 1/2004: Increase in the price of postage and additional requirements when purchasing DDs at the counter (from 1 June 2004)

Circular 1/2004: Increase in the price of postage and additional requirements when purchasing DDs at the counter (from 1 June 2004)


24 May 2004

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-training Institutions
             Nursing Stakeholders


Distinguishing Devices: Increase in Price of Postage and Additional Requirements when Purchasing Distinguishing Devices at the Counter


A copy of the new application form for distinguishing devices, with increased postage and additional requirements when purchasing distinguishing devices at the Council counter, is attached.

The additional requirements when purchasing distinguishing devices at the Council counter are:

The person who purchases the devices at the counter must present his/her own ID document for verification by the cashier. For this purpose only, Council will accept an ID Book, credit card type driver’s licence, or passport as a valid ID document. Distinguishing devices will not be supplied to a person who cannot produce the necessary ID DOCUMENT.
If you send someone else to purchase distinguishing devices on your behalf, you must send a letter with him/her indicating the full names and ID number of the person authorized by you to receive the distinguishing devices on your behalf. Distinguishing devices will not be supplied to a person who cannot produce the necessary LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION.

These changes (and the new form) are effective from 01 June 2004.

It is extremely important that this information is brought to the attention of all nurses and midwives to avoid problems that might otherwise occur when purchasing distinguishing devices. Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Please destroy or dispose off all old forms in your possession.

Extra copies of the form are obtainable from the Council on request. Please make telephonic arrangements beforehand if you require large quantities.


Please contact Ms M. Mulder at telephone (012) 420 1080 for any enquiries.


(Signed: H Subedar)
Registrar and CEO
The S A Nursing Council

Circular 13/2003 Distinguishing Devices: increase in the price of epaulettes

Circular 13/2003 Distinguishing devices: increase in price of epaulettes



6 November 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-training Institutions
             Nursing Stakeholders


Distinguishing Devices: Increase in Price of Epaulettes


A copy of the new application form for distinguishing devices, with increased prices on epaulettes, is attached.

The increased prices (and the new form) are effective from 01 December 2003.

Please bring this information to the attention of all those who may be affected by the increases.

Please destroy or dispose off all old forms in your possession.

Extra copies of the form are obtainable from the Council on request. Please make telephonic arrangements beforehand if you require large quantities.


Please contact Mrs M. Mulder at telephone (012) 420 1080 for any enquiries.


(Signed: H Subedar)
Hasina Subedar
Registrar and CEO