Circular 14/2013 Requirements for processing of learners who are registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005

Circular 14/2013 Requirements for processing of learners who are registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 


22 November 2013

TO:Universities: School of Nursing Science
 Universities of Technology: School of Nursing Science

Requirements for Processing of Learners who are Registered in Terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)


To inform mainline Universities and Universities of Technology to comply with the stipulation that a person undergoing Education or Training in Nursing must apply to the Council to be registered as a learner nurse or learner midwife – Section 32 (1).

The person in charge of a Nursing Education Institution (NEI) must, within 30 days, notify and furnish to the Council information prescribed by the Council in respect of each learner nurse or learner midwife who has commenced, completed, transferred to or abandoned a prescribed Nursing Education and Training Programme (prescribed programme) – Section 32 (3).

No person may practice as a practitioner unless he or she is registered to practice in a prescribed category – Section 31 (1) and (2).


Nursing Education Institutions are expected to comply in terms of Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No.33 of 2005) that a person undergoing Education or Training in Nursing must apply to the Council to be registered as a learner nurse or learner midwife – Section 32 (1).  History has shown that some mainline Universities and Universities of Technology do not adhere to this stipulation in the following Nursing Programmes:

Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (GG Regulation No. 48 of 22 January 1982 as amended).

Diploma in Community Nursing Science (GG Regulation No. 276 of 15 February 1980 as amended).

Course for the Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing for registration as a Psychiatric Nurse (GG Regulation No. 880 of 2 May 1975 as amended).

Course for the Diploma in Midwifery for registration as a Midwife (GG Regulation No. 254 of 14 February 1975).

Course for the Diploma in Nursing Administration (GG Regulation No. 1501 of 8 July 1983 as amended).

N.B.  This circular must be read in conjunction with the Guidelines for Nursing Education Institutions: Requirements for Processing of Learners who are Registered in Terms of the Nursing Act, 2005.  This circular becomes effective and implementable on its receipt.  Implementation of this circular excludes learners who are undergoing in (GG Regulations No. R212 Course in Clinical Nursing Science leading to registration of an additional qualification of 19 February 1993 as amended).

All queries must be directed to:

The Manager: Registration

Ms. S.J. Nxumalo
Telephone: 012 426-9599

Yours sincerely


Mr. T. Mabuda 
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 16/2013 Learners must download regulations which were formerly issued to them

Circular 16/2013 Learners must download regulations which were formerly issued to them


22 November 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial Departments of Health
 National Department of Health 
 All Stakeholders

Regulations Issued by the South African Nursing Council on Successful Registration of Learner/s into a Nursing Education Programme



To inform all relevant parties about changes relating to issuing of regulations to learners on registration with the South African Nursing Council.



The South African Nursing Council used to issue hard copies of regulations relevant to the programmes that learners have been registered into.  These regulations were packaged and sent by either courier or postal services to the respective Nursing Education Institutions.  To improve turnaround time and to reduce the operational cost related to courier and postal services, the South African Nursing Council will post these regulations on the SANC website.



The Council resolved that, it will no longer post these regulations except registration certificates of learners.  Nursing Education Institutions are required to download relevant/applicable regulations once the certificate of registration as a learner has been issued.  Applicable regulations are downloadable at on the Publications/Regulations/Index to Regulations page (follow the links or click this link to go straight to the correct page).


For further clarification, enquiries should be directed to:

The Manager: Registrations
Ms. S.J. Nxumalo


Yours Sincerely



Mr T Mabuda 
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 13/2013 Exam schedule for Examiners, Moderators and Markers, 2014

Circular 13/2013 Exam schedule for Examiners, Moderators and Markers, 2014


12 November 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 SANC Assessments External Staff

South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule for Examiners, Markers and Moderators – 2014


Attached is the Examination Schedule for Examiners, Markers and Moderators for 2014.  Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to Markers and Moderators:

  1. SANC shall initiate the pilot project regarding the centralised marking in GautengKwazulu Natal and Free State provinces in 2014 following May and November 2014 examination.

  2. Individual Markers from Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape and North West provinces will still be supplied with examination scripts to mark for a period of 21 working days as it was done previously. This process shall begin following the May and November 2014 examination.

  3. The return dates for examination scripts from Markers and marking centres as per schedule should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates.

  4. Moderators to adhere to scheduled moderation dates in 2014.  All moderation activities shall be conducted at SANC Cecilia Makiwane building.

  5. Programmes to be marked at SANC Cecilia Makiwane building are as follows:

5.1  Diploma in Midwifery for Registration as a Midwife (R.254)

5.2  Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Science for Registration as a Psychiatric Nurse (R.880)

5.3  Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (R.48)

5.4  Admission examination for Foreign applicants leading to Registration as a nurse

5.5  Admission examination for Foreign applicants leading to Enrolment as a nurse

5.6  Admission examination for Foreign applicants leading to enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary

5.7 Diploma in Community Nursing Science (R.276)

  1. Programmes to be marked at the piloted marking centers and by individual markers

6.1  First year examination for Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to Registration as a General Nurse and or Psychiatric Nurse (R.683)

6.2  Final examination for Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to Registration as a General Nurse and or Psychiatric Nurse (R.683) 

6.3  First year examination for Enrolment as a nurse (R.2175) the following electives:

(General nursing care) 

6.4  Course leading to enrolment as Nursing Auxiliary (R.2176)

6.5  Final year examination for Enrolment as a nurse (R.2175) the following electives:

(General nursing care) 
(Nursing care of the aged)



Mr T Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 12/2013 Notice of the appointment of the new members of the 15th South African Nursing Council

Circular 12/2013 Notice of the appointment of the new members of the 15th South African Nursing Council


4 November 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 National Department of Health
 Provincial Department of Health 
 Nursing Stakeholders

Notice of the Appointment of the new Members of the 15th South African Nursing Council


The 15th South African Nursing Council had been appointed by the Honourable Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi in terms of Section 5 of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005).  The Council had its first meeting on the 1st – 2nd of November 2013.  The term of office of the Council is five years (2013 to 2018).

In accordance with the Act, the Chairperson was appointed by the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi in consultation with the Council. The Vice Chairperson and the Executive Committee members were elected by the Council members.

The Council members were appointed in terms of Section 5 of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) as follows.  The Council members are:

Section 5 (1) (a)

Fourteen members who are registered in terms of Section 31 (1) (a) and (b)

Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary (Chairperson)

Cloete, John Cessil
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu
Dzebu, Munyadziwa Jane
Human, Susara Petronella
Jeftha, Gloria
Jordaan, Estelle Louise (now Coustas)
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose
Mokale, Segomoco Irene
Mokoape, Nomagugu Charlotte
Ndlovu, Bawinile Cecilia
Nyalungu, Fanny Obert
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
Vasuthevan, Sharon (Vice Chairperson)

Section 5 (1) (b)

(i)    One person must be an officer of the National Department of Health

Mohlabi, Dikgwadi Rheinett

(ii)    One person must have special knowledge of the law

Harper, Giuseppina

(iii)    One person must have special knowledge of financial matters

Rammutla, Pitsi Josephine

(iv)    One person must have special knowledge of pharmacy

Santho, Palesa

(v)    One person must have special knowledge of education

Gihwala, Dherendra (Dhiro)

(vi)    One person must have knowledge of consumer affairs

Chauke, Mkhacani Noel

(vii)    Three persons must represent communities

Isaacs-Raiss, Nasiema

Mkhonza, Thandi Lillian
Thupane, Aletta

(viii)    One person must be registered in terms of Section 31 (1) (c)

Ngidi, Duduzile Queen

(ix)    One person must be registered in terms of section 31 (1) (d)

Manamela, Thupetsi Marious



Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary (Chairperson)

Vasuthevan, Sharon (Vice Chairperson)
Human, Susara Petronella
Cloete, John Cessil
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
Mohlabi, Dikgwadi Rheinett
Rammutla, Pitsi Josephine
Mkhonza, Thandi Lillian


Let’s join hands in welcoming and supporting this newly appointed 15th South African Nursing Council, together we can achieve much more.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 17/2013 Year end closure of SANC offices

Circular 17/2013 Year end closure of SANC offices


4 November 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 National Department of Health
 Provincial Department of Health 
 Nursing Stakeholders

South African Nursing Council – Year End Closure


The South African Nursing Council offices will be closed at the year end from Tuesday, 24 December 2013 at 13:00 and reopens on 2 January 2014 at 08:00.

However, Cash Management will be opened for payment of annual fees and purchasing of distinguishing devices ONLY on the following dates:

14 December 2013      08:00 – 13:00
21 December 2013 08:00 – 13:00
27 December 2013 08:00 – 16:00
28 December 2013 08:00 – 13:00
30 December 2013 08:00 – 16:00
31 December 2013 08:00 – 13:00

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.


Alternatively, payments for annual fees can be made into the Council’s bank account.  Payments will be recorded effective from the date it is made into the bank account or, in the case of Internet or other electronic banking payments, on the date that the transaction will be effected as per agreement with the client’s own bank.


SANC banking details are:

Name of Bank   :   First National Bank
Account number   :   514 211 86 193
Branch code   :   153145
Reference   :   Person’s own SANC reference number followed by ANLFEES


Yours sincerely



Tendani Mabuda (Mr) 
Registrar and CEO
SA Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 11/2013 SANC Examination Schedule – 2014

Circular 11/2013 SANC Examination Schedule – 2014


19 August 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule – 2014


Attached is the Examination Schedule for 2014.


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations:

  1. The closing date for the examinations must be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates. 
  2. Only registered students/pupils will be eligible for an examination:  The Head of the Nursing Education Institution (NEI) must ensure that all students/pupils are registered with the Council within the prescribed period (this does not apply to candidates writing the admission examination for Enrolled Nurses, Foreign Nurses and Refugee Nurses). 
  3. Candidates will not be registered for an examination with only an identity number.  Council reference numbers are needed in all cases.  Please follow up with the Council Registration department first, if students are not registered for the course before registering students for an examination. 
  4. The Council will only process applications for entry into a Council examination that meet the following requirements:

a)  The Examination Application Form is filled accurately, complete and signed by the relevant person/s.  The surname and given names must be those appearing in the identity document. 

b)  All the required documentation are included.

c)  There is proof of payment of prescribed examination fee into the Council’s bank account;  such payment must be done by the Nursing Education Institution (NEI) (group payment) and not by individual students/pupils.

Banking details are as follows:

Name of Bank:First National Bank
Account number:51425166282 (Current Account)
Branch:Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria
Branch code:253 – 145
Reference:              NEI S-number followed by the type of fee code ‘EXAMFEE’
The correct reference must appear on all deposits to expedite the processing of your payment.  The code ‘EXAMFEE’ must only be used for payment in respect of examination fee.  This code must not be used for any other types of payment. Here is an example of what a correct reference will look like for an NEI with S-number S12345:


NB:    The Head of the NEI must ensure that payment of fees by their Provincial Department or Head Office is made separately for each NEI and for each specific examination.
 Provincial bulk payments without specifications create administrative challenges and cause a delay in processing of the applications.

Only those students/pupils that have been issued an examination timetable/number will be eligible to write a Council examination.

All PRACTICAL MARK SHEETS must be submitted to the Council by registered mail/courier by the end of the month in which the examination is written.  If the PRACTICAL MARK SHEETS in SANC format are not submitted on time, the examination results will be published without the practical marks, hence qualification certificate will not be issued to the affected candidates.

The Council requests invigilators not to enclose the practical mark sheet or any other documents with the Examination package.

The Council reserves the right to cancel an examination reflected on the schedule if there are insufficient candidates for such an examination.

The Council request the NEI’s to inform all their learners of the outcome of the examination results once published.  No examination results will be given out telephonically by the Council.  However, learners will receive results via text messages (SMS).

In respect of the Admission Examination of the Course Leading to Enrolment as a Nurse, the NEI has responsibility to establish that the learner complies with the requirements of regulation 7(4)(a) and (b) of the regulations published by Government Notice No. R.2175 of 19 November 1993 (as amended) before the learner is entered for the Admission Examination.  Once a leaner has successfully passed Admission Examination, it becomes very difficult to convince the learner that he / she does not qualify for the exemption allowed in terms of the regulations.  Particular attention must be paid to the requirement of an academic standard 8 or equivalent qualification.

The Admission Examination for the Course Leading to Enrolment as a Nurse effectively now only applies to those Nursing Auxiliaries who pre – 1993 followed the 100-day course leading to enrolment as a Nursing Assistant where the final examination was conducted by the institution not by the Council.

No learner shall be allowed to write the Final examination of the (R.2175) course before he/she has passed either the First year examination (R.2175), Council Auxiliary Examination (R.2176) or the Admission Examination for (R.2175).



Mr T Mabuda
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Cover Letter for Circulars 8, 9 and 10 of 2013: Implementation of the new Nursing Education qualifications – July 2015

Cover Letter for Circulars 8, 9 and 10 of 2013: Implementation of the new Nursing Education qualifications – July 2015


13 August 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 National Department of Health
 Provincial Departments of Health

Implementation of the New Nursing Education Qualifications – July 2015


Attached herewith find the following S A Nursing Council circulars:

  1. Circular No. 8/2013 : relating to curriculum framework for entry levels of nursing (Higher Certificate: Auxiliary Nurse; National Diploma: Staff Nurse; Advance Diploma: Midwifery and Bachelor’s Degree: Professional Nurse and Midwife)
  2. Circular No. 9/2013 : relating to Revised Policy Guidelines for the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning by Nursing Education Institutions (NEI’s)
  3. Circular No. 10/2013 : Policy on Accreditation Appeal Process


Also note that these circulars must be read in conjunction with the following documents and other relevant prescripts as issued by the Council:

(a)  Qualifications Framework for Auxiliary Nursing, Staff Nurse, Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and Midwifery and Advance Diploma : Midwifery

(b)  Regulations R.169, R.171, R.173, R.174

(c)  Nursing Education and Training Standards

(d)  Circular No. 6/2013: Dual submission for Accreditation.


These documents will assist NEI’s in the preparation to offer new nursing education qualifications which will be phased in by July 2015.  You can also access these documents through S A Nursing Council website



Tendani Mabuda (Mr)
Registrar and CEO
S A Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 7/2013 Extra exam date for Final R. 2175 in November 2013

Circular 7/2013 Extra exam date for Final R. 2175 in November 2013


12 July 2013

TO ALL:Heads of Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs)
 Nursing Stakeholders

Addendum to the South African Nursing Council Circular  8/2012: Examination Schedule – 2013

This serves to inform you that an additional examination date has been added to 2013 examination schedule previously communicated through SANC Circular 8/2012.  The detail of the additional examination date is reflected below:

Additional date for Final Enrolment as a Nurse (R.2175) examination is scheduled for 22 November 2013.
(* The closing date for the above examination has been extended to 7 September 2013.)
All previous dates of the other examinations remain unchanged.

You are kindly requested to communicate this information to all learners.

Please acknowledge receipt of this circular in writing if you have learners who will be writing the above mentioned examination.  All enquiries and acknowledgements regarding this circular must be directed to the Manager – Assessments:

Attention :Mrs MN Dolo
Tel :012 426-9596
E- Mail
Fax to e-mail :  086 566-3763


Your assistance and co-operation is always appreciated


Yours faithfully


Tendani Mabuda (Mr)
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

*  The closing date was not published as part of the printed circular when it was distributed.


© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)
