Circular 9/2014 Annual and Restoration Fees for 2015

Circular 9/2014 Annual Fees for 2015


31 July 2014

To:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial and National Departments of Health
 Nursing Stakeholders

1.     Closing Date for Payment of Annual Fees
2.     Annual Fees for 2015
3.     Restoration Fees for 2015



The purpose of this circular is to:

Inform nurses of the closing date for the payments of annual fees for the calendar year 2015
Inform nurses of the increased Annual Fees due for the calendar year 2015
Inform nurses of the increased Restoration Fees applicable from 1 January 2015.



Please note that the closing date for the payment of Annual Fees is 31 December annually, however for calendar year 2015 ONLY, the closing date has changed to 31 January 2015. You are therefore urged to pay as soon as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush. The annual fees for calendar year 2015 have been increased based on the Consumer Price Index of 5.8 %.


2.     ANNUAL FEES FOR 2015

2.1   Normal Annual Fees

The Annual Fees for the calendar year 2015 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table:

Category Annual Fee for 2015 
Registered Nurses and Midwives R550.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R340.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R230.00

2.2   Reductions in Annual Fees for Age 60 and Over

The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the tables below:

2.2.1   60 to 64 Years of Age on 1 January 2015 (25% reduction)

Category Annual Fee for 2015 
Registered Nurses and Midwives R410.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R250.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R170.00

2.2.2   Over 64 years of Age on 1 January 2015 (50% reduction)

Category Annual Fee for 2015 
Registered Nurses and Midwives R270.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R170.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R110.00

NB:  To qualify for the discount amounts, a practitioner may be required to submit a certified copy of his/her identity document in order to confirm his/her age.


The Annual Fees for 2015 must be paid by 31 January 2015
Please pay as soon as possible to avoid the last minute rush
The amounts in the tables above all include 14% VAT.



The Restoration Fees for the different categories applicable from 1 February 2015 are shown in the following table:

Category Normal
Restoration Fee 
Restoration Fee 
Registered Nurses and Midwives R1650,00R110,00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R1020,00R110,00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R690,00R110,00


The increased fees apply to restorations that are EFFECTIVE from a date after 31 January 2015 – no matter when the fee is paid.  In other words, if you meet all the requirements for restoration after 31 January 2015 OR if you request restoration with effect from a date after 31 January 2015.
The reduced Restoration Fee will only apply if your name was removed from the Register at your own request – this must be confirmed with the Council before paying the reduced amount.


Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


  1. A copy of Board Notice 86 of 2014 was attached to the circular
  2. You will also qualify for the reduced restoration fee if you are 60 years of age or older on 1 January 2015.

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 8/2014 Accreditation of Nursing Education programmes and NEIs by SANC

Circular 8/2014 Accreditation of Nursing Education programmes and NEIs by SANC


28 July 2014

To:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial Departments of Health
 National Department of Health
 All Stakeholders

Accreditation of Nursing Education Programmes and Nursing Education Institutions by the South African Nursing Council


It has come to the attention of the South African Nursing Council (SANC) that there are certain associations/organizations that are informing the Nursing Education Institutions that any institution can offer Nursing Education Programs without being accredited by SANC.


Kindly take note that this is misleading and the information provided by such associations/ organizations either through letters or on their websites is incorrect.  We kindly refer you to the provisions of the National Health Act No. 61 of 2003 and Nursing Act No. 33 of 2005 in this regard.  The South African Nursing Council is the statutory body established by the Nursing Act to regulate all matters regarding Nursing Education and Training as well as practice.


Your attention is specifically drawn to Section 32 of the Nursing Act (Registration of learners), Section 38 (Qualifications prescribed for registration) as well as Section 42 (Education and training) where it is clear that no person can enroll to study towards becoming a nurse practitioner and no institution may provide any such education and training without being accredited by the South African Nursing Council.  Contravention of these sections constitutes criminal offences for which a fine or imprisonment for a period of up to two years or both such fine and such imprisonment may be ordered by the court of law.


Your attention is further drawn to Section 31 of the Nursing Act (Registration as prerequisite to practice) where it is clear that no person may practise nursing in South Africa if not registered with the South African Nursing Council.  Contravention of this section is a criminal offence for which a fine or imprisonment for a twelve month period or both such fine and such imprisonment can be ordered by the court of law.  We urge you to take the matters addressed above seriously and be advised that SANC in its quest to protect the Public will not hesitate to act against any contravention of the Nursing Act.


Furthermore, persons who study at institutions not accredited and registered with the South African Nursing Council will not be able to register with the South African Nursing Council to enable them to practise nursing.  They will also not be eligible to practise nursing outside the boarders of South Africa as the Nursing Councils of other countries first obtain proof of registration from the South African Nursing Council before they allow any practitioner to practise nursing in their country.


We trust that you find this in order.



Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 7/2014 Change of date for practitioners to start paying for 2015 APCs

Circular 7/2014 Change of date for practitioners to start paying for APCs for 2015


25 June 2014

To:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial and National Departments of Health
 Nursing Stakeholders

Change of the Date for Practitioners to Start Paying for the Annual Practising Certificates for the Year 2015 from the 1st of July to the 1st of August 2014


The South African Nursing Council would like to inform all practitioners and employers that the date for practitioners to start paying for the Annual Practising Certificate for the calendar year 2015 has changed from the 1st of July 2014 to the 1st of August 2014.  Also note that the final date in which practitioners will be able to pay for their Annual Practising Certificate for 2015 without attracting a penalty has also changed to the 31st of January 2015.


As a result, the Annual Practising Certificates shall only be available from the 1st of August 2014 and not from the 1st of July 2014.  Nurse practitioners who wish to pay their 2015 Annual Fees and to collect their Annual Practising Certificates in person at SANC Offices are advised to plan to do so from the 1st of August 2014 and not before that date.


However, payments into SANC bank account and electronic payments can be done as soon as the fees are published in the Government Gazette (these will be published simultaneously on SANC website and Facebook Page) and the Annual Practising Certificates will be printed and posted immediately after the 1st of August 2014.


Please assist the Council by informing your employees and colleagues of these changes.


You are welcome to contact SANC call centre on 012 420 1000 for further enquiries on this matter.



Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 6/2014 Payment of SANC prescribed fees at FNB ATM

Circular 6/2014 Payment of SANC prescribed fees at the FNB ATM


24 June 2014

To:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial and National Departments of Health
 Nursing Stakeholders

Payment of South African Nursing Council Prescribed Fees at the First National Bank Automated Teller Machine (ATM)


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) would like to encourage nurse practitioners to make use of the ATM ADVANCE machines at First National Bank branches, to deposit cash for the payment of any fees prescribed by the South African Nursing Council.


The benefits accruing from this method of payment are as follows:

No more standing in branch teller queues
Deposits can be made after business hours
Reference numbers can be inserted when making deposits
This method of payment can be used even if you are not a First National Bank (FNB) client
It is quick, easy and secured


To make this process beneficial to everyone, SANC will also ensure that any prescribed fees are rounded off to eliminate any inconvenience.

First National Bank (FNB) has implemented new requirements when making payments into the South African Nursing Council’s reference deposit account.  Nurse practitioners must provide a 15 character payment reference consisting of their 8 digit SANC REFERENCE NUMBER followed by a 7 CAPITAL LETTER payment type code




A list of payment codes provided below will assist SANC in detecting payments easily from our account so that deposits can be speedily processed.


Admission of guilt finesADGUILT
Annual feesANLFEES
Application fees (foreign applications)APPFEES
Certification of status feeCETSFEE
Duplicate certificate feeDUPCFEE
Examination fees (foreign application exams)EXAMFEE
Extract fees (extract from the Register)EXTRFEE
Late entry fees (foreign exam applicants)LATEFEE
Registration fees (additional qualifications)ADDQUAL
Registration fees (assessors, moderators, verifiers)ASSESSR
Registration fees (practitioners)REGFPRA
Remarking fees (exams)REMAFEE
Restoration feesRESTFEE
Transcript of training feesTRANFEE
Verification feesVERIFEE
Purchasing of distinguishing devicesSALEDDS
Purchasing of printed matter (Nursing Act, Regulations, etc.)PRINMAT
Other fees or payments (not mentioned above)OTHRFEE



Accreditation fees – Nursing Education InstitutionACFLEEN
Accreditation fees – Reaccreditation of a Nursing Education InstitutionACFRENE
Accreditation fees – Nursing Education ProgrammeACFNEPR
Annual Nursing Education Institution feeANNFNEI
Application feesAPFAPCE
Audit visit feesAUDVFEE
Examination fees (candidates)EXAMFEE
Focus visit fees (Clinical Facilities)FVFCLNC
Focus visit fees (Nursing Education Institution)FVFENEI
Late entry fees (exam candidates)LATEFEE
Registration fees (additional qualifications)ADDQUAL
Registration fees (learners)REGFLEN
Registration fees (practitioners)REGFPRA
Purchasing of printed matter (Nursing Act, Regulations, etc.)PRINMAT
Other fees or payments (not mentioned above)OTHRFEE


Please Note:  To expedite the processing of transactions for payments made by direct deposits, nurse practitioners are requested to fax or email the proof of payment and the prescribed SANC forms such as restoration forms, distinguishing devices forms, registration forms etc. to the contact details as provided on the forms.


Thank you for your co-operation.


Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 5/2014 Requirements regarding deferments of candidates to write SANC scheduled examinations

Circular 5/2014 Requirements regarding deferments of candidates to write South African scheduled examinations


5 June 2014

To:Principals of Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

Requirements regarding deferments of candidates to write South African Nursing Council scheduled examinations


The Examinations Section is inundated with late applications to defer candidates from one scheduled examination to the following examination – where candidates do not meet the requirements for either theory or clinical assessments.  Such late applications for deferment have huge financial and logistical implications, as capturing of data is closed by then and the materials for the examinations have already been printed and packaged.  This results in SANC incurring a fruitless and wasteful expenditure.

It is also evident (from the number of such candidates who present themselves at the examination centre) that deferred candidates are not informed in advance about the decision to defer their entry into the examination.

Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) are reminded of the following provisions in Examination Regulations published by Government Notice No. R.7 of 8 January 1983 (as amended):

5.(2)  The person in charge of a nursing school shall notify the Council immediately, giving reasons, if a candidate becomes ineligible for admission to an examination subsequent to the submitting of an application for an admission to an examination.”

7.(1)  A candidate who is absent from an examination on the actual day or days of the examination for a reason acceptable to the Council may apply for admission to the next examination without the payment of the examination fee prescribed by regulation 16(a) or (b).

(2)  In the case of an absence referred to in subregulation (1) proof acceptable to the Council of the reason for the absence shall be submitted to the Council within 21 days of the date of the examination from which the candidate was absent.”

16.  Subject to the provisions of –

(a)  regulation 7, an examination fee per paper for basic courses shall be payable to the Council on application for admission to the examination;

(b)  regulation 7, an examination fee per paper for post-basic courses shall be payable to the Council on application for admission to the examination; 

(c)  regulation 4(2), an application submitted later than the date referred to in regulation 4(1), shall be accepted only on payment of a late entry fee, which shall be payable in addition to the fees prescribed by paragraph (a) or (b);

(d)  regulation 7, a candidate shall forfeit examination fees to the Council if any application is cancelled or if a candidate is absent from an examination or a portion of an examination;”


In order to prevent future problems associated with late deferments, the Council will adhere strictly to the measures described below.

  1. Notices of deferment (in terms of 5.(2) of the Examination Regulations) will only be accepted by the Council if received before the date on which preparations for the dispatching of exam materials commences – that is 35 days prior to the date of the first (or only) examination to be written in a particular week
  2. Any notice for deferment received after the date mentioned in 1. (above) will be treated as a case of cancellation and the candidate shall forfeit the examination fees in terms of 16.(d) of the Examination Regulations
  3. Entry into Council Examinations shall not be used by NEIs as a measure to address the NEIs’ own administrative issues with a candidate (such as non-payment of tuition fees). Any such administrative issues shall be dealt with in terms of the NEIs policies for addressing such issues.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr. Tendani. Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 4/2014 Cancellation of SANC examination papers

Circular 4/2014 Cancellation of SANC examination question papers


5 May 2014


To all: Principals of Nursing Education Institutions
  Main Invigilators

Cancellation of the South African Nursing Council (SANC) Examination Question Papers for Final Enrolment as a Nurse (R.2175) for the following electives: General, Community, Psychiatric and Nursing Care of the Aged to be written on 12 May 2014

It has come to our attention that the courier vehicle which was transporting SANC examination papers for the Final Enrolment as a Nurse (R.2175) for the following electives: General, Community, Psychiatric and the Nursing Care of the Aged to some Nursing Education Institutions (NEI’s) was hijacked.  These examinations were scheduled to be written on 12 May 2014. You are therefore informed that all the original examination papers referred to above are nullified and must not be distributed to candidates on 12 May 2014.  (These papers are printed on WHITE paper.)

NB:  For those NEI’s that have received their examination boxes earlier from the courier, the Main Invigilators should take out from the previously sent examination boxes only the following examination materials: answer books, attendance lists, claim forms and Courier waybills for sending back the examination material to SANC.  The new boxes with different examination papers are being couriered to your NEIs.  White cable ties have been used on these boxes, to distinguish them from the ones previously dispatched to your NEI’s dated 12 May 2014.  The replacement papers are printed on peach coloured paper.

Main Invigilators will receive two (2) security codes via SMS on 12 May 2014 to open the examination boxes in order to retrieve the contents.

Kindly communicate with the following personnel in Assessments Section in case of problems encountered on the day (12 May 2014) of the examination:

Mrs. M.N. Dolo Manager: Assessments e-mail
telephone: 012 426 9596
Mrs. R.M.J. Machailo Professional Advisor e-mail
telephone: 012 426 9534
Mrs. M. Cronje Administrative Officer e-mail
telephone: 012 420 1044
Ms. M.M. Kgatle Administrative Officer e-mail
telephone: 012 420 1079

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr. T. Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 3/2014 Closing of SANC offices for the Easter holidays

Circular 3/2014 Closing of SANC offices for the Easter holidays


11 April 2014

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders
 Departments of Health

South African Nursing Council – Easter Holidays Closure : 17 – 22 April 2014


Please be informed that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) offices will be closing at 13:00 on 17 April 2014 in preparation for Easter holidays and re – opening on 22 April 2014 at 08:00.


Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.


We wish you safe Easter holidays.




Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 2/2014 Non payment of Annual Fees by certain practitioners

Circular 2/2014 Non payment of Annual Fees by certain practitioners

04 April 2014

TO:National Department of Health
 Provincial Departments of Health
 Private Hospital groups / clinics
 Nursing Stakeholders



We refer to the above.

It has come to the attention of the South African Nursing Council that there are nursing practitioners who are employed and do not pay their annual renewal fees in terms of the Nursing Act 33 of 2005 in order to be able to practice.

This letter serves as a formal notice to draw the attention of all employers of nursing practitioners to the relevant provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005 Section 31 (Registration as prerequisite to practise) which reads as follows:

“31. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 37, no person may practise as a practitioner unless he or she is registered to practise in at least one of the following categories:

(a) Professional nurse;
(b) midwife;
(c) staff nurse;
(d) auxiliary nurse; or
(e) auxiliary midwife.

(2) The Minister, after consultation with the Council, may by notice in the Gazette create such other categories of persons to be registered to practise nursing as he or she considers necessary in the public interest.

(3) An employer must not employ or retain in employment a person to perform the functions pertaining to the profession of nursing, other than a person who holds the necessary qualification and who is registered under subsection (1) or (2).

(4) No person may use as a title any of the categories contemplated in subsection (1) or (2) unless he or she is registered as such in terms of this section.


Kindly take note of the provisions in Section 31(11) of the Nursing Act that reads as follows:

“A person who contravenes subsection (1), (3) or (4) [as emphasized above] is guilty of an offence and on conviction liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months or to both a fine and such imprisonment.”


In light of the above we urge all employers to ensure that their nursing practitioners provide them with their Annual Practising Certificates as proof of registration. Should any person be discovered by the South African Nursing Council to be employed without registration, the necessary criminal procedure steps will follow against both such practitioner and his/her employer.


We trust that you find this in order.


Kind regards,



© 2004 – 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)



Circular 1/2014 Addendum to Circular 11/2013 Exam schedule for 2014

Circular 1/2014 Addendum to SANC Circular 11/2013 – Examination Schedule for 2014


10 February 2014

TO: Heads of Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders



This serves to inform you that an announcement was made by the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Jacob Gedley’hlekisa Zuma, on Friday, 7 February 2014 that 7 May 2014 is an election day and new dates have been scheduled to replace those previously communicated through Circular 11/2013.

The postponed examinations that were supposed to be written on 5, 7 and 9 May 2014, have been moved respectively, to the following week on 12, 14 and 16 May 2014.

All previous dates of the other examinations remain unchanged.

You are kindly requested to communicate this information to all learners.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this circular if you have learners who will be writing the above stated examinations.  All enquiries and acknowledgements should be directed to the Manager: Assessments.

Attention :    Mrs M.N. Dolo
Tel :    012 426 9596
E-mail :
Fax to e-mail :    086 566 3766

Your assistance and cooperation is much appreciated.

Yours faithfully


Mr. Tendani Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 15/2013 Requirement for conversion of paper-based programmes to electronic format for archiving

Circular 15/2013 Requirement for conversion of paper-based programmes to electronic format for archiving


22 November 2013

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial Department of Health
 National Department of Health
 All Stakeholders

Conversion of Already Approved Paper-Based Programmes/Curricula, Applications for Clinical Facilities and Relocation to new premises for Electronic Versions for Archiving



To request Nursing Education Institutions to submit converted paper-based legacy programmes/curricula, applications for clinical facilities and relocation to new premises in order to be uploaded on the electronic database system. 



The SANC is improving its operations by uploading its data on the electronic/digital document management system.  This system is efficient and time saving when searching for documents for reference and implementation of the Council’s activities.



Nursing Education Institutions are requested to convert their already approved paper based programmes/curricula into electronic version.

All approved clinical facilities applications must also be converted from paper based into electronic version.

Letters of approval for existing programmes must be scanned and used as annexures to such documents.

A PDF format must be used in order to ensure that conversion cannot be done by unauthorised person/s.

Template for already approved clinical facilities is herewith illustrated for submission.



This information must be sent electronically to:

The Senior Manager: Education and Training
Dr. S. Mkhize

Documents must reach SANC on or before the 15 March 2014.


All queries must be directed to:

The Senior Manager: Education and Training
Dr. S. Mkhize
Telephone:  012 420-1022


Yours Sincerely



Mr T. Mabuda 
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)
