Circular 5/2015

Circular 5/2015

7 December 2015

To: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Year-end closure


The South African Nursing Council Offices will be closed for the year-end from Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 12:00 midday, however for operational reasons, the gates will be closed at 11:00 and will re-open on Monday, 4 January 2015 at 08:00.


Payments for Annual Fees can be made into the Council’s bank account.  Payments will be recorded effective from the date the payment is made into the bank account or, in the case of internet or other electronic banking payments, on the date that the transactions will be effected as per agreement with the client’s own bank.

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.

Alternatively, payments for Annual Fees can be made into the Council’s bank account. Payments will be recorded effective from the date the payment is made into the bank account, or in the case of internet of other electronic banking payments, on the date that the transactions will be effected as per agreement with the client’s own bank.

SANC banking details are:

Name of bank :  First National Bank
Account number :  514 211 86 193
Branch code :  253145
Reference :  Persons own SANC Reference Number followed by ANLFEES

Nurse practitioners are further encouraged to make use of the ATM advance machines at First National Bank branches, to deposit cash for the payment of any fees prescribed by the South African Nursing Council.

A 15 character payment reference consisting of nurse practitioners’ 8 digit SANC REFERENCE NUMBER followed by a 7 CAPITAL LETTER payment type code must be provided when making a deposit.  For example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A N L F E E S


Please use the correct payment codes provided by SANC to assist in detecting payments easily from our account so that deposits can be speedily processed.  Whilst waiting for the Annual Practising Certificate to be posted by SANC, the employer can verify the registration status of the practitioner through the SANC website by logging into the SANC eRegister.  To do this, you will require the practitioner’s SANC reference number or their Identity Number (ID Number).


 SANC banking details for payment of Annual Fees are: 

Name of Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 514 211 86 193
Branch Code: 25 31 45
Reference: Person’s own SANC reference number followed by ANLFEES (eg. 12345678ANLFEES)


Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.


Yours sincerely


T Manganye (Mrs)

Acting Registrar and CEO

South African Nursing Council


Circular 4/2015

Circular 4/2015

7 December 2015

To: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


Annual Fees for 2016


Normal Annual Fees

The annual fees for the calendar year 2016 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.  


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives  R550.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives  R340.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries  R230.00


Reductions in Annual Fees for Age 60 and Over

The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the tables below: 

Age 60 to 64 Years on 1 January 2016 (25% reduction)


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R410.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R250.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries .R170.00


Over 64 Years of Age on 1 January 2016 (50% reduction)


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R270.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R170.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R110.00


NB: To qualify for the discount amounts, a practitioner may be required to submit a certified copy of his/her Identity Document in order to confirm his/her age.


The annual fees for 2016 must be paid by 29 February 2016
The amounts in the tables above all include 14% VAT.


Restoration Fees for 2016

The annual fees for the calendar year 2016 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.  



Restoration Fee


Restoration Fee

Registered Nurses and Midwives R1 650.00 R110.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R1 020.00 R110.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R  690.00 R110.00


Closing date for payment of 2016 Annual Fees

Please note that for the calendar year 2016 only, the closing date for the payment of Annual Fees has changed to 29 February 2016.  You are therefore urged to pay as soon as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush.


Yours sincerely


T Manganye (Mrs)

Acting Registrar and CEO

South African Nursing Council


Circular 3/2015

Circular 3/2015

12 October 2015

To: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Local Government
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


2016 Payment for Annual Practicing Certificates


The South African Nursing Council is implementing a new information technology system to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its service delivery.  As a result, SANC resolved to use this new system to issue the 2016 Annual Practicing Certificates.  The launch of the new system will be on 1 December 2015 and will therefore influence the payment period for the 2016 Annual Fees.  SANC kindly requests practitioners to pay fees for the Annual Practicing Certificates between the period 1 December 2015 and 29 February 2016.

SANC apologises for the delayed communication in this regard and the inconvenience caused however, with the new system being introduced, stakeholders will experience the major benefits at many levels of service delivery which will be embedded in this new system.

SANC requests all employers to honour this extension period of renewing Annual Practicing Certificates and not to penalise practitioners before 29 February 2916.  Practioners are advised that the 2016 Fees and Fines payable for the year 2016 will be published in the Government Gazette as well as on the South African Nursing Council website ( in due course.  However, practitioners should note that the 2016 Annual Fees would remain the same as for the year 2015.


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives  R550.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives  R340.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries  R230.00


Updating of Member Register

In preparation for the implementation of the new information technology system, the South African Nursing Council is also updating its members register.  To assist in this, all practitioners are requested to kindly submit their information as soon as possible using one of the following means of communication (refer to attached form):

facsimile 086 231 9094
email [email protected]


Other SANC services

The new information technology system will, in due course, cover other SANC services such as completions of training, registrations, publication of examination results, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) management, management of enquiries, provision of updated information and finance systems.  The first service however, will be the payment of the Annual Practising Certificates.  Please note that until further notice, all payments and other services by SANC will continue in the current manner.  Please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification and information.

The South African Nursing Council would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delays as indicated above and will continue to engage with all relevant stakeholders.  SANC hereby wishes to ensure all stakeholders of a serious commitment to deliver effective and efficient services.



T Manganye (Mrs)

Acting Registrar and CEO

South African Nursing Council

Press Release 2/2015

Press Release 2/2015


TO: All Media
SUBJECT: International Nurses’ Day
DATE: 12 May 2015





The 12th of May is a day when nurses globally reflect on and celebrate the meaning and value of their contribution in the health care delivery. The theme for the 2015 International Nurses day is:

Nurses: A Force for Change, care effective, cost effective.

The function of the nursing profession is predominantly caring rather than cure. This function includes prevention of disease and promotion of health, care of the sick including rehabilitation to ensure quality of life to those who are affected already. This function can contribute enormously to cost containment as the old saying that “prevention is better than cure” thereby reducing the burden of disease that is haunting our health care system. The recent budget speech by the Honourable Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has emphasized prevention of diseases and promotion of health as central to the 2015/16 budget to strengthen our health care system. It stands to reason therefore that nurses have to lead the health care delivery this year through efficient service delivery, effective management, effective health workforce and the value of nursing. The foundation has been laid through the primary health care approach adopted by the country and recently the primary health care re-engineering with nurses forming the predominant workforce. Let us, therefore as nurses, claim our caring and cost effective position while carrying the burden of our health care system through task shifting. All these are actually articulated in the Strategic Plan for Nurse Education, Training and Practice which was launched in 2013 conceived from the nursing summit which was attended overwhelmingly by nurses.

The South African Nursing Council pay tribute to Nurses and Midwives at all health care settings who are providing the much needed quality care to the health care users, sometimes under very difficult circumstances. It is unfortunate however, that the good is often masked by the bad. Therefore let us reflect on the quality of nursing. We are attacked from all angles about the quality of nursing provided in recent times. Are we still proud of our profession? Do we still make time to reflect on the values guiding the nursing profession in education and practice? Are we cognizant of the immense responsibility of people’s lives that nurses bear? Please consult the Code of Ethics for Nursing in South Africa on our website




Issued by:

Prof BR Bhengu
South African Nursing Council 
Cecelia Makiwane Building 
PO Box 1123 

For more information, contact Mr. Sihle Mafambane (Communications Officer) on: 
012 4269542

Press Release 1/2015

Press Release 1/2015

TO: All Media
SUBJECT: South African Nursing Council says No to Xenophobia
DATE: 24 April 2015




The South African Nursing Council (SANC) condemns the attack on foreign nationals. South Africans need to be reminded that South Africa belongs to everyone who lives in it irrespective of the country of birth and also that we form part of the global community.

There are foreign nationals who are registered as nurses with the South African Nursing Council and together with the South African nurses are providing the much needed nursing care in our health establishments.

SANC would like to encourage all nurses in their different work environments to treat their colleagues and health care users who are foreign nationals with dignity.

SANC would also like to refer the nurses to the Code of Ethics for nurses in South Africa on our website.




Issued by:

The Acting Registrar & CEO
South African Nursing Council 
Cecelia Makiwane Building 
PO Box 1123 

For more information contact:
Communications office on 012 426 9542

Circular 2/2015

Circular 2/2015

24 March 2015

To: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council – Easter Holidays Closure: 2-7 April 2015


Please be informed that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) Offices will be closed from Thursday, 2 April 2015 at 12h00 and re-open on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 at 08h00.

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.

We wish you a safe Easter Holidays


Yours sincerely



T Manganye (Mrs)

Acting Registrar and CEO

South African Nursing Council


Circular 1/2015

Circular 1/2015

19 February 2015

To: Department of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


Appointment as Acting Registrar and CEO of South African Nursing Council


This circular serves to inform all Stakeholders that Mrs Thandi Manganye has been appointed as the Acting Registrar of the South African Nursing Council by the Honourable Minister of Health in terms of Section 19(1) and (3) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) with effect from the 17th of February 2015. 

This was due to the resignation of Mr Tendani Mabuda as Registrar and CEO of the South African Nursing Council. 



Dr S Vasuthevan
Vice-Chairperson: S A Nursing Council