Circular 6/2009 Year end closure of SANC offices

Circular 6/2009 Year end closure of SANC offices


11 December 2009

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

South African Nursing Council – Year End Closure

24 December 2009 – 4 January 2010


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) offices will be closed at the year end on 24 December 2009 at 12:00 and re-opens at 08:00 on 4 January 2010.

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.

Inquiries regarding this circular may be directed to Ms Party-Day Moloi on 012 426 9542.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Acting Registrar and CEO
S A Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 5/2009 SANC Examination Schedule 2010

Circular 5/2009 SANC Examination Schedule


1 December 2009

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

South African Nursing Council
Examination Schedule – 2010


Click here to see the Examination Schedule for 2010.


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations: 

  1. The closing date for examination should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates. 

  2. Only registered students/pupils will be eligible to enter for an examination:  The Head of the nursing education institution must ensure that all students/pupils are registered with the Council within the prescribed period (this does not apply to candidates writing the Admission Examination for Enrolled Nursing or the Admission Examination for Foreign Nurses, or to Refugee Nurses writing any Council examination).

  3. The Council will only process examination applications for entry into the Council examinations that meet the following requirements:

a)    Submitted on the Council’s Application for Examination Form which is completed in full and signed by the relevant person/s.  (The name/s and surname as appearing in the identity document.)

b)    Accompanied by the prescribed fee or proof of payment of the fee into the Council’s bank account, such payment should be done by the Nursing Education Institution (NEI) (group payment) and not by individual students/pupils.  The latter delays processing of applications as some payments are outstanding at the time of processing:  Banking details are as follows: 

Name of bank:First National Bank
Account number:51425166282 (Current Account)
Branch:Pretoria Branch Corporate Core Services
Branch code:251445 253145
Reference:NEI Reference number MUST APPEAR ON ALL DEPOSITS!

 c)    All the required documentation to be included.

  1. Only those students/pupils that have been issued an examination timetable number will be eligible to write Council examinations.

  2. All practical MARK SHEETS must be submitted to Council by Registered Mail by the end of the month in which the examination is written. Examination results will be published without the practical marks if the PRACTICAL MARK SHEETS as per SANC format are not submitted on time, the results will be incomplete as such disadvantages the candidate.

  3. The SANC requests the NEIs not to coerce the invigilator/s to enclose the practical mark sheet or any other document with the Examination package.

  4. The Council reserves the right to cancel an examination reflected on the schedule if there are insufficient candidates for such an examination.

  5. The SANC requests the NEIs to inform all their learners of the outcome of the examination results once published.  Learners to refrain from contacting the Council to enquire about examination results.  No examination results will be given to NEIs electronically.

  6. In respect of the Admission Examination for the Course Leading to Enrolment as Nurse, the NEI has a responsibility to identify a learner/s who cannot be admitted into the second year of the Course Leading to Enrolment as Nurse (R.2175) before the learner has written and successfully passed the admission examination for the R.2175 course.  No learner/s shall be allowed to write the Final year examination of the R.2175 course before they have passed either the First Year examination R.2175, the Auxiliary examination R.2176, or the Admission examination for R.2175.



© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 4/2009 Disruption of SANC services due to on-going industrial action ((Oct 2009)

Circular 4/2009 Disruption of SANC services due to ongoing industrial action (Oct 2009)


30 October 2009

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Provincial Departments of Health



Please be advised that services at the office of South African Nursing Council are being severely hampered by the current strike/lock out over salary negotiations. This has particularly affected clients arriving at the Nursing Council building who have been prevented from entering the building by striking workers and/or who have been unable to receive attention because of the absence of staff to assist them.

Both parties are committed to resolving the dispute as soon as possible in order that services can be resumed and to this end, on-going negotiations are proceeding. You will be notified once the industrial action ends and full services resume.

In the interim you are encouraged to make use of the following services that will still be available:

The Council email ([email protected]) and general fax (012 343-5400) systems will continue to receive messages and application forms, etc.
Council call centre (012 420-1000) will be taking a limited number of calls – but please make use of fax of email if possible so that the call centre is not overloaded.
Payments can be made into the Council bank account – particularly those that must be paid by a specified due date. Always remember to quote your Council number as the payment reference.
The eRegister system ( ) will continue to operate and will be updated on Tuesday evenings – however with limited changes and new registrations being processed, this may not help new applicants.


South African Nursing Council appreciates the patience and cooperation demonstrated by its many clients who have been affected by the industrial action and apologizes for the inconvenience that you may have experienced.


MS S A Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO


 All queries in respect of this circular may be referred to:
 Ms G Khanyile: Manager: Client Services
Fax :
e-mail :
012 420-1000
012 343-5400 
[email protected]



  1. The industrial action at Nursing Council offices ended on 2 November 2009.
  2. Due to the urgency of this matter and the shortage of staff, this circular was not posted to Stakeholders as is usually the case.  It was emailed/faxed to as many stakeholders as was possible and whose email addresses/fax numbers Council could trace.

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Press Release 1/2009 News of a meeting regarding developments in the nursing profession

Press Release 1/2009 News of a meeting regarding developments in the nursing profession



28 August 2009

South African Nursing Council


The South African Nursing Council, Democratic Nursing Organization of S A, the National Department of Health and the Council for Higher Education met today as critical strategic partners to lay the ground for engaging on matters relating to the developments in the nursing profession

From this meeting, it became clear that there is a need for continuous engagement between these partners on matters including education and practice.

The various interest groups in the nursing sector will be kept informed through a series of meetings and communiqués.




© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 3/2009 Implementation of the new nursing qualifications registered on the NQF

Circular 3/2009 Implementation of the new nursing qualifications registered on the NQF

26 March 2009
TO ALL: Nursing Education Institutions
Provincial Departments of Health


PURPOSE OF CIRCULAR The purpose of this circular is to inform providers of nursing education and training and stakeholders about the implementation of the new nursing qualifications registered on the NQF and the phasing out of the legacy qualifications as per the decision taken by the South African Nursing Council (SANC). 1.    LEGISLATION AND POLICY REQUIREMENTS Section 31(1) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005), provides for the following categories of nurses who may practise as practitioners if registered by the Council upon fulfilment of the prescribed education and training requirements:

(a)    Professional nurse

(b)    Midwife (c)    Staff nurse (d)    Auxiliary nurse (e)    Auxiliary midwife

To give effect to these provisions, the Council developed a new scope of practice for each category except the auxiliary midwife and a competency framework for each category. In line with the new scopes of practice, the following new nursing qualifications were developed and are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF):
  1. National Certificate: Auxiliary Nursing. This qualification leads to registration as an auxiliary nurse. This qualification is recorded as level 3 of the NQF and will therefore be offered by accredited Further Education & Training Institutions (FETIs).
  2. National Diploma: Nursing. This qualification leads to registration as a staff nurse
  3. Bachelor of Nursing. This qualification leads to registration as a professional nurse
  4. Masters Certificate: Nursing (16 electives)
  5. Masters of Nursing (degree) (17 electives) The seventeenth elective in this qualification is research, an essential for a masters degree qualification.
The other sixteen electives in the Masters Certificate: Nursing and Masters of Nursing (degree) will lead to registration in the following specified areas of practice:

5.1    Elective 1: Orthopaedic Nursing 5.2    Elective 2: Operating Theatre Nursing 5.3    Elective 3: Palliative and Oncology Nursing 5.4    Elective 4: Ophthalmic Nursing 5.5    Elective 5: Emergency Nursing 5.6    Elective 6: Occupational Health Nursing 5.7    Elective 7: Nephrology Nursing 5.8    Elective 8: Paediatric Nursing 5.9    Elective 9: Critical Care Nursing (adult) 5.10  Elective 10: Critical Care Nursing 5.11  Elective 11: Psychiatric Nursing 5.12  Elective 12: Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing 5.13  Elective 13: Community Health Nursing 5.14  Elective 14: Nursing and Health Services Management 5.15  Elective 15: Nursing Education 5.16  Elective 16: Family Practice

The qualifications listed in numbers 2 to 5 above will be offered by accredited Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) 2.    IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW NQF-REGISTERED NURSING QUALIFICATIONS


The following qualifications that existed prior to the creation of the NQF are recorded as legacy qualifications on the NQF:

2.1.1.    Course leading to Enrolment as Nursing Auxiliary. This qualification is replaced by the National Certificate: Auxiliary Nursing.

2.1.2.    Course leading to Enrolment as a Nurse. This qualification has no equivalent replacement.

2.1.3.    Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a Nurse. This qualification has no replacement.

2.1.4.    Course for the Diploma in Midwifery for registration as a Midwife. This qualification has no replacement.

2.1.5.    Course for the Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing for registration as a Psychiatric Nurse. This qualification has no replacement.

2.1.6.    Comprehensive Nursing leading to registration as a Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife. This qualification is replaced by the Bachelor of Nursing

2.1.7.    Course for the Diploma in Nursing Administration.

2.1.8.    Course for the Diploma in Unit Management for Registered Nurses.

2.1.9.    Course for registration of an additional qualification in Nursing Education.

2.1.10.    Course for the Diploma in Community Health Nursing.

2.1.11.    Course leading to registration as a Nurse(General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife.

2.1.12.    Course for the Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care.

2.1.13.    Post-basic qualifications. These are replaced by the sixteen electives in the Masters Certificate: Nursing and Masters of Nursing that will yield a professional registration in a specialized area of practice.

The expiry date of registration of the above-mentioned legacy qualifications on the NQF is 30 June 2010.


The final intake date for the legacy qualifications by the approved providers of nursing education and training is 30 June 2010. Providers will not admit any learner for a legacy qualification after this final intake date.

Further, the Council will not register or enroll any person for a legacy qualification, who commences education and training after 30 June 2010. 

The teach-out period (end achievement date) for all legacy qualifications will be the prescribed duration of the course of study, with an allowance of an additional period not exceeding two years for learners who were registered or enrolled by 30 June 2010.



Providers wishing to offer a learning programme for any of the new qualifications registered on the NQF that lead to registration of a person in a category stipulated in section 31 of the Nursing Act, 2005, must apply for accreditation to the South African Nursing Council. Although providers may commence with the development of their curricula based on the qualifications requirements, the SANC can only assess and evaluate the curricula for the new qualifications once the regulatory prescripts for registration of a person in terms of section 31 of the Nursing Act, 2005, are in place.

SANC will therefore not accept any applications for accreditation from providers prior to the finalization of these regulatory prescripts.

SANC is currently finalizing the regulations that prescribe the minimum requirements for each of the categories of nurse provided for in section 31 of the Nursing Act, 2005 as well as the regulations that prescribe the accreditation standards, criteria and requirements that providers must comply with.

Without these regulations, SANC is unable to accredit any provider to offer any new qualification registered on the NQF as these regulations are aligned to the new categories of nurse and the new scopes of practice which require the minimum requirements to be prescribed in regulations. SANC anticipates that the new regulations will be in place by the third quarter of 2009.

The implementation date for the new qualifications registered on the NQF will be in and around 2011 and as this date is dependent on the availability of the regulations mentioned earlier, the actual date in 2011 will be published in a notice in the Government Gazette.


Providers that intend to offer any of the above-mentioned qualifications may commence with curriculum development using the content of the qualification, with the understanding that regulations will provide new prescripts for education and training requirements of each of the affected training programmes.

Regulations for basic qualifications are currently in progress but not yet promulgated.

The curriculum for each new qualification will have to be in line with the above-mentioned regulations that relate to minimum requirements for education and training for each category of nurse provided for in section 31 of the Nursing Act, 2005 and regulations relating to accreditation of institutions as nursing institutions, once these are promulgated.

NB:    During the interim period Council will not accept or review any curricula until the regulations are finalized.

4.    POST-BASIC QUALIFICATIONS  The Council is yet to finalize the implementation of the post-basic qualifications. Information in this regard will be made available to providers in due course. 5.    STATUS OF EXISTING NURSING EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Providers of nursing education and training that were approved in terms of the Nursing Act, 1978, will be granted provisional accreditation until 30 June 2010. 6.    APPLICATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF LEGACY QUALIFICATIONS With effect from the date of this circular, the Nursing Council will not accept any new applications for approval/accreditation of legacy qualifications. Applications that are with the Council already will be dealt with between the Council and the individual applicants concerned. Signed HASINA SUBEDAR Registrar and CEO 
  All queries in respect of this circular may be referred to:
  Ms DJ Sibiya: Manager of Accreditation
  Telephone: Fax : e-mail : 012-4201035 012-3435400 [email protected]

Circular 1/2009 Update on Community Service

Circular 1/2009 Update on Community Service


15 January 2009

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Non-Training Institutions

Update on Community Service


A number of issues have arisen as a result of nurses who are completing Community Service. South African Nursing Council urges you to take note of the matters clarified below as this will reduce the confusion and resulting delays.


What happens on completion of Community Service

Once a nurse has completed the 12 month period of Community Service, he/she may be registered as Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife. In order for these registrations to be effected, the correct procedure must be followed.

  1. The head of the public health establishment must submit a completion report with a declaration signed by both the head of the establishment and Provincial Coordinator for Community Service to the Nursing Council.
  2. The completion report referred to in 1 (above) must be submitted on the form obtainable from the Nursing Council for that purpose. Forms can also be downloaded and printed from the Nursing Council website (
  3. The completion report must be submitted to the Nursing Council within 30 days of completion of community service.
  4. Registration fees of R300-00 must be paid to the Council (R150-00 for registration in the category Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and R150-00 for registration in the category Midwife).

Please note that some nurses paid additional registration fees to cover these amounts at the time when they were registered in the category Community Service. Others may have paid part of the additional registration fees at that time. PLEASE CHECK BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT!

If all of the community service requirements mentioned above are in order, the Nursing Council will delete the registration in the category Community Service from its register and will register the practitioner as Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife with effect from the end of the month in which Community Service was completed.


Annual Practising Certificates – Query regarding the expiry date shown in respect of registration in the category Community Service

There have been a number of queries about the expiry date of the Community Service registration as shown on the Annual Practising Certificate for 2009. These nurses commenced Community Service on 1 January 2008 and if everything has gone well will have completed Community Service on 31 December 2008. Given this situation, the query is then raised as to why the Annual Practising Certificate shows the expiry date of the Community Service registration as 31 December 2009?

In fact, 31 December 2009 is quite correct. The reason is simply that a nurse is given TWO years in which to complete the period of community service – and is registered in that capacity for the full two year period (i.e. in this case from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2009).

SANC will continue to show the end of the TWO year period as the expiry date of the Community Service registration until such time as the completion of Community Service record is received by the Council.


Annual Practising Certificates – “Updating” is not generally a necessity under the Nursing Act, 2005

Nurses doing Community Service who have already paid the Annual Fee for 2009 will have been issued an Annual Practising Certificate that shows that they are registered in the category Community Service. When these nurses complete their Community Service and are registered as Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife, they may feel that it is necessary to update their Annual Practising Certificate to reflect these new categories. In fact, some employers may insist on this “updating”.

This is generally unnecessary. The Nursing Act, 2005 makes it quite clear that a registration certificate is proof of registration for a period of 12 months from the date of registration shown on the certificate. For nurses who are completing Community Service at the end of December, 2008, the certificates of registration in the categories Nurse and Midwife will be dated 31 December 2008 and will be proof of registration in these categories up to 31 December 2009.

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer 

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)
