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The SANC Cancelled Tenders

The following Tenders have been cancelled:

SCM 01/2024/SANCAppointment of the service provider for provision of hygiene and cleaning services for a period of five (5) years for the South African Nursing Council (SANC)Bidders failed to meet the mandatory and compliance requirements of the bid
SCM08/2023/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the once-off supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of one (1) remote metering franking machine with a three (3) year full maintenance service plan as well as consumables for a period of three (3) yearsNo bids were received
SCM08/01/2023/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the once-off supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of one (1) remote metering franking machine with a three (3) year full maintenance service plan as well as consumables for a period of three (3) yearsNo bids were received
SCM13/2022/SANCAppointment of a consultant to conduct the nursing practice/task analysis for the purpose of licensure examination on an eighteen (18) months periodBidders failed to meet the special requirements of the bid
SCM17/01/2023/SANCAppointment of a service provider for maintenance of the ventilation system and air conditioning units for a period of three (3) years at the South African Nursing Council (SANC)The published bid document had an error on the mandatory requirements
SCM18/2023/SANCAppointment of a panel of service providers to provide Laboratory services to nurse practitioners undergoing impairment at the South African Nursing Council (SANC) for a period of five (5) yearsThe responsive bidder withdrawn their bid
SCM10/2023/SANCAppointment a service provider to conduct counselling (debriefing) services to council committee members and support staff at SANC as and when required for a period of five (5) yearsNon-Compliance of internal processes
SCM 21/2022/SANCAppointment of health service providers who will be independent assessors to nurse practitioners undergoing impairment management at the South African Nursing Council (SANC) for a period of five (5) yearsThe bidders did not meet the minimum threshold of 70% during the Bid Evaluation Committee stage.
SCM 22/2022/SANCAppointment of a panel of three (3) plumbing contractors for the provision of plumbing maintenance services at the South African Nursing Council building for a period of three (3) yearsThe bidders did not meet the minimum threshold of 70% during the Bid Evaluation Committee stage.
SCM 24/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for short term insurance for a period of three years commencing on 1st November 2022The bidders did not meet mandatory requirements.
SCM 25/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of a welded mesh fence at the South African Nursing CouncilThe published bid document had an error.
SCM 26/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the design of an electronic fire detection system at the South African Nursing Council Building (SANC)The bidders did not meet mandatory requirements.
SCM 27/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to repair the automatic sprinkler system in the basement of the Cecilia Makiwane Building:The bidders did not meet mandatory requirements.
SCM 32/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the maintenance of Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance (CCTV) and Biometric Access Control equipment for a period of three years at the South African Nursing CouncilThe bidders did not meet mandatory requirements.
SCM 33/2022/SANCAppointment of service provider for the maintenance of elevators for a period of three years at the South African Nursing CouncilThe advertised pricing schedule was inaccurate.
SCM 11/2021/SANCAppointment of a panel of recruitment service providers to assist the South African Nursing Council with recruitment services for a period of five (5) yearsThe Terms of Reference did not include the Pricing schedule; therefore price evaluation and comparison was not possible.
SCM 05/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the provision Hewlett Packard server equipment with a five (05) year original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty, operating system software, database software inclusive of maintenance and support for a period of five (05) yearsBidders failed to meet the minimum mandatory requirements.
SCM 05/01/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the provision Hewlett Packard server equipment with a five (05) year original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty, operating system software, database software inclusive of maintenance and support for a period of five (05) yearsThe published closing date was not correct and not compliant to the SCM Policy.
SCM 07/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to supply and deliver examination answer books at South African Nursing Council on as an when required basis for a period of thirty-six (36) monthsThe published pricing schedule was not clear in terms of the required quantities.
SCM 12/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to provide laboratory services to nurse practitioners undergoing impairment programme at South African Nursing Council (SANC) for a period of five (5) years.The bidders failed to meet the minimum functionality threshold of 70% and were disqualified
SCM 13/2022/SANCAppointment of the service provider for the once-off supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of one (1) remote metering Franking Machine with a three (3) year full maintenance service plan as well as consumables for a period of three years.No bids were received.
SCM 13/01/2022/SANCAppointment of the service provider for the once-off supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of one (1) remote metering Franking Machine with a three (3) year full maintenance service plan as well as consumables for a period of three years.The bidders did not meet mandatory requirements
SCM 14/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for provisioning of job profiles, grading, remuneration benchmarking, PayScale design and review of related strategies, policies, and procedures at the South African Nursing Council (SANC) within a maximum period of six (6) monthsThe functionality weight (sub-weight) was 110 instead of 100.
SCM 15/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to assist the South African Nursing Council in the provision of qualifications verifications and other related checks of candidates recommended for employment following a recruitment and selection process for a period of five (5) yearsThe Bid Evaluation Committee could not proceed with the evaluation on the basis that the sub-weights did not tally with the total weights of 100.
SCM 17/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to assist the South African Nursing Council in the provision of qualifications verifications and other related checks of candidates recommended for employment following a recruitment and selection process for a period of five (5) yearsSub weights did not tally with the weights on the criteria.
SCM 18/2022/SANCAppointment of an accredited Sage 300 People (Payroll & HR) and Sage 300 (Accounting & ERP) service provider for the provisioning of the software licenses, design, build, configuration, testing, and deployment including a five -year maintenance and support agreement for the solution to be hosted at the SANC data centre environment.The bidders did not meet the minimum threshold of 70% during the Bid Evaluation Committee stage.
SCM 19/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to develop revenue models and best pricing strategy for revenue streams for the South African Nursing Council over a period of three (3) monthsThe bidders failed to meet the minimum threshold of 70% during the Bid Evaluation Committee stage.
SCM 21/2022/SANCAppointment of health service providers who will be independent assessors to nurse practitioners undergoing impairment management at the South African Nursing Council (SANC) for a period of five (5) yearsThe bidders failed to meet the minimum threshold of 70% during the Bid Evaluation Committee stage
SCM 22/2022/SANCAppointment of a panel of three (3) plumbing contractors for the provision of plumbing maintenance services at the South African Nursing Council building for a period of three (3) yearsThe bidders did not meet the minimum threshold of 70% during the Bid Evaluation Committee stage.
SCM 24/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for short term insurance for a period of three years commencing on 1st November 2022The bidders did not meet mandatory requirements
SCM 25/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of a welded mesh fence at the South African Nursing CouncilThe published Terms of references did not include some of the mandatory requirements of the bid.
SCM 26/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider for the design of an electronic fire detection system at the South African Nursing Council Building (SANC)The bidder did not meet mandatory requirements.
SCM 27/2022/SANCAppointment of a service provider to repair the automatic sprinkler system in the basement of the Cecilia Makiwane Building:The bidder did not meet mandatory requirements.
SCM 33/2022/SANCAppointment of service provider for the maintenance of elevators for a period of three years at the South African Nursing CouncilThe pricing schedule did not indicate the number of elevators required maintenance.
SCM 20/01/2022/SANCAppointment of a Service Provider to Supply Microsoft 365 E5 and Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Licenses Plan for a Period of One (01) YearValidity period expired