Circular 5/2020: Impact of Coronavirus outbreak on Nursing Education and Training

Circular 5/2020: Impact of Coronavirus outbreak on Nursing Education and Training

25 March 2020

TO:National Department of Health
 Provincial Departments of Health
 Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs)
 All Stakeholders

Impact of Coronavirus outbreak on Nursing Education and Training


The purpose of this circular is to provide:

1.1 supportive guidance /reminder to Nursing Education Institutions on managing interrupted teaching and learning activities, in respect of students nurses and midwives.
1.2 information to the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, and relevant stakeholders in respect of point 1.1 above. 


2.1 The Declaration of “a national state of disaster” by the State President on 15 March 2020, followed by pronouncement by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, on 17 March 2020, on measures to deal with COVID-19 threat in the post-school Education and Training Sector, refers. The South African Nursing Council supports, unequivocally, the measures and initiatives put in place by the South African Government in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
2.2 The following, regarding academic breaks and academic interruptions for Student Nurses and Student Midwives in Nursing, need to be noted:
o Students in the Post-School Education and Training Sector, specifically Universities, ordinarily have recesses in line with university calendars.
o Student Nurses and Student Midwives in the rest of Nursing Education Institutions do not have recesses but normally take an annual leave which is scheduled by the respective Nursing Education Institutions, in collaboration with health establishments where they are placed for clinical teaching and learning.
2.3 Despite these different arrangements, Student Nurses and Student Midwives are expected to meet the same specified theoretical and clinical/practical requirements in line with the requirements of the relevant nursing programme.
2.4 The pronouncement by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, that all Post-School Institutions must close on 18 March 2020 is inclusive of “the CET Colleges, private higher education institutions and colleges, as well as all training colleges which are managed by other ministries, such as Nursing, Agricultural and other Colleges”.


While theoretical provisioning may continue through various distance learning modalities, Student Nurses and Midwives may not be able to meet the clinical/practical requirements of the their respective programmes, depending on the duration of the academic interruption. 


The Heads of Nursing Education Institutions are advised to:

4.1 Comply with the pronouncement by both the President of the country and the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation;
4.2 Explore, while contact teaching is hampered, various alternative methods to enhance theoretical provisioning; and
4.3 Work on tentative recovery plans for implementation once the academic activities resume, that will ensure that more attention is given to clinical/ practical teaching and learning. The recovery plans should be kept as reference records for possible future discussions with the South African Nursing Council, where necessary.


The examination conducted by SANC will go ahead as planned unless circumstances regarding the outbreak warrant that the SANC reschedules and in that event, the SANC will inform the candidates and the relevant stakeholders in due course. 


This Circular becomes implementable and valid on the date of issue.

For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact Ms SJ Nxumalo, SANC Senior Manager: Education &Training at (012) 420 1022 or on e-mail at: [email protected] 

Yours sincerely,


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Circular 4/2020: SANC office shutdown as per Presidential pronouncement

Circular 4/2020: SANC office shutdown as per Presidential pronouncement

25 March 2020


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Private Health Care Providers
  All Stakeholders

SANC office shutdown as per Presidential pronouncement for control of Coronavirus outbreak spread

1. Following the President’s pronouncement of a nation-wide lockdown, on 23 March 2020, in order to curb the transmission of the Covid-19 virus, the South African Nursing Council will be shutting down operations at the SANC building as of midnight of 26 March 2020.

During this crucial period, the SANC services will not come to a standstill. Several measures have been put in place to ensure business continuation with key staff members working from home. 

You are also reminded that you can use the tools already made available by the SANC for service delivery e.g. the eRegister to verify registration, the service emails as posted on the SANC website and social media pages, faxes, etc. 


2. In addition, payments can still be made via electronic banking. A reminder about the relevant codes and banking details to be used when you do make a payment is attached to this communication for your convenience.

As distinguishing devices need to be posted or collected physically, we regret that this service will not be available during the shutdown period. All orders received will be processed as soon as the building has opened for operations again.



Description Code
Admission of guilt fines ADGUILT
Annual Fees ANLFEES
Application Fees (foreign applications) APPFEES
Certificate of Status Fee CETSFEE
Replacement Certificate Fee DUPCFEE
Examination Fees (foreign application exams) EXAMFEE
Extract Fees (extract from the register) EXTRFEE
Late Entry Fees (foreign exam applicants) LATEFEE
Registration Fees (additional qualifications) ADDQUAL
Registration Fees (assessors, moderators, verifiers) ASSESSR
Registration Fees (practitioners) REGFPRA
Remarking Fees (exams) REMAFEE
Restoration Fees RESTFEE
Transcript of Training Fees TRANFEE
Verification Fees VERIFEE
Purchasing of Distinguishing Devices SALEDDS
Purchasing of Printed Matter (Nursing Act, regulations, etc.) PRINMAT
Other fees or payments (not mentioned above) OTHRFEE


SANC Banking details for INDIVIDUAL payments:

Bank Name: First National Bank
Business Trading Name: S A Nursing Council
Account Number: 514 211 86 193
Branch Code: 253145
Reference: SANC reference number followed by the relevant code



Description Code
Accreditation Fees – Nursing Education Institution ACFLEEN
Accreditation Fees – Reaccreditation of a Nursing Education Institution ACFRENE
Accreditation Fees – Nursing Education Programme ACFNEPR
Annual Nursing Education Institution Fee ANNFNEI
Application Fees APFAPCE
Audit Visit Fees AUDVFEE
Examination Fees (candidates) EXAMFEE
Focus Visit Fees (clinical facilities) FVFCLNC
Focus Visit Fees (nursing education institution) FVFENEI
Late Entry Fees (exam candidates) LATEFEE
Registration Fees (additional qualifications) ADDQUAL
Registration Fees (learners) REGFLEN
Registration Fees (practitioners) REGFPRA
Purchasing of Printed Matter (Nursing Act, regulations, etc.) PRINMAT
Other fees or payments (not mentioned above) OTHRFEE


SANC Banking details for BULK payments:

Bank Name: First National Bank
Branch Name: Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria
Branch Code: 253145
Account Name: S A Nursing Council
Account Number: 514 251 66 282
Reference: Company Name or School S-number


Please Note: To expedite the processing of transactions for payments made by direct deposits, nurse practitioners are requested to fax or email the proof of payment and prescribed SANC forms such as restoration forms, distinguishing devices form, registration form etc. to the contact details as provided on the form


Your co-operation is appreciated. We pray for your well-being during these trying times.



Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Press Release 1/2020 Nurses are at the forefront of the Coronavirus

Press Release 1/2020:  Nurses are at the forefront of the Coronavirus

19 March 2020

TO:News Editor
FROM:Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO


SANC: Nurses are at the forefront of the Coronavirus

The coronavirus outbreak is escalating and the burden on the healthcare system is increasing daily. Nurses are at the forefront of the healthcare system and therefore also of this outbreak, and crucial in combating this virus. The South African Nursing Council (SANC) would like to commend all nurses responsible for caring for those infected and dealing with long queues to assist patients.


Generally, Nurses are educated and trained in principles, guidelines and protocols regarding infection prevention and control and these continue to apply, regardless of the type of infection. However, employers remain responsible for, and are urged, to keep supporting nurses and providing additional supplies for infection control.


The SANC also implores employers to ensure that nurses have personal protective equipment (PPE) and access to running water to assist them to safely execute their duties. As the backbone of healthcare it is imperative that we protect the nursing staff as this will assist in curbing the spread of the virus and sustaining a healthy workforce.


The SANC calls on the public to keep nurses in mind and in their prayers – they are at risk and exposed, work long hours, deal with long queues and work under difficult circumstances while their own families are at home coping with the outbreak by themselves.


The public is reminded to always adhere to the following outbreak prevention guidelines: Maintain your distance from other people, wash your hands as per the approved protocol, sanitize your hands, do not cough or sneeze into your hands and do not touch your face. If you do suspect that you are infected please remember to dial the hotline numbers first, as going to a hospital or clinic directly means you are placing others at risk of infection. These hotline numbers are operational 24-hours a day: 0800 029 999 and 0800 111 132.


We call for calm. If we all work together and follow the guidelines, we will assist in curbing the spread.

Circular 3/2020: Examinations conducted by SANC

Circular 3/2020: Examinations conducted by SANC

28 January 2020


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs)
  All Stakeholders

Examinations conducted by the South African Nursing Council


The purpose of this Circular is to inform/update the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions and relevant stakeholders about the following:

Current and future examination practices of the South African Nursing Council (SANC);
Language to be utilized for all South African Nursing Council examinations.


 The South Africa Nursing Council has been conducting examinations and appointing examiners and moderators in accordance with section 4 (1) (c) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005).

These examinations have been conducted for the following ‘legacy’ nursing programmes:

First year examination for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General or Psychiatric Nurse, in line with Government Notice No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended);
Final examination for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General or Psychiatric Nurse, in line with Government Notice No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended);
Examination for the course leading to registration as a Midwife, in line with Government Notice No. R.254 of 14 February 1975 (as amended);
Final examination for the course leading to registration as a Psychiatric Nurse, in line with Government Notice No. R.880 of 02 May 1975 (as amended); and
Examination for the Diploma Course in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care, in line with Government Notice No. R.48 of 22 January 1982 (as amended).
Admission examination for foreign applicants for the following:

o Enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary;
o Enrolment as a Nurse; and
o Registration as a Nurse.

2.2 From 2024 onwards the SANC will no longer be conducting summative examinations for the above nursing programmes.

2.3 The last date for each examination listed above will be communicated by the end of March 2020.



The Minister of Higher Education and Training has, in line with the provisions of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) declared that the last date for first time entering learners enrolling in academic programmes that are not aligned to the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework (HEQSF) is 31 December 2019. 
Subsequent to this date, NEIs that are offering nursing programmes towards the HEQSF-aligned nursing qualifications are either registered as higher education institutions (HEIs) if private; or if public, either declared as HEIs or designated to offer Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Nursing, which are accredited and registered on the HEQSF.
The implication of this transition calls for a review of the SANC’s role in assessment. In light thereof, the Council resolved at its meeting held on 26-27 March 2014 that policy guidelines as well as an implementation plan would be developed to embark on a new way of assessment as a pre-requisite for professional registration.
The SANC is in the process of introducing Licensure examination, which will be a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses. Licensure examination would also serve as a prerequisite for professional registration with the SANC.
The examination will be undertaken by students who have successfully completed education and training for the prescribed nursing programme(s) and have been awarded the relevant qualification(s). 
Benchmarking on the Licensure examination was conducted with other regulatory bodies for nurses. The SANC is currently in the process of arranging a workshop on practice analysis in order to link the licensure examination to practice, the findings of which would contribute towards finalizing the framework, which will be workshopped with all stakeholders for their input prior to final approval.



The NEIs, in particular public nursing colleges and private nursing schools, are aware that the summative examination conducted by the SANC was conducted in both English and Afrikaans, with the exception of the Admission examination for foreign applicants, which was conducted in English only.
Subsequent to the introduction of a new democratic dispensation in South Africa, eleven (11) languages were granted official status, as per section 6 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No.108 of 1996).
After due consideration of the impracticalities of the status quo, the Council has resolved at its special meeting of 05 November 2019 that the summative examinations would henceforth be conducted in English only, with effect from the May 2020 examinations.

4.1 Implications:

4.1.1 The question papers are going to be in the English language only;
4.1.2 Candidates would be expected to use English when writing the examinations;
4.1.3 Should any other language besides English be used when writing an examination, such scripts will not be marked; and 
4.1.4 It is the responsibility of the NEIs to draw the attention of learners to the content of this Circular.



This Circular becomes implementable and valid on the date of issue.


For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact Ms SJ Nxumalo, SANC Senior Manager: Education &Training at (012) 420 1022 or on e-mail at: [email protected] 


Kind regards


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Circular 2/2020: Rescindment of Circular 3/2013

Circular 2/2020: Rescindment of Circular 3/2013

17 January 2020


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Stakeholders


Rescindment of Circular 3 of 2013: Database for post-basic programmes proposal for new fields of specialization in nursing

17 January 2020

By resolution of Council taken at its meeting held on 27-28 November 2019, the South African Nursing Council (SANC) hereby rescinds circular 3 of 2013 in its entirety. As a statutory body established to set and maintain standards of Nursing Education, Training and Practice in South Africa, the SANC supports the need to provide continuing education and training to registered nurses on a variety of clinical specializations in an effort to adequately respond to population health needs. It also recognizes the role played by Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and other interest groups in identifying and proposing new fields of specializations in nursing. However, the SANC believes that the determination of a need for clinical specializations resides with and should be done based on the support of the National Department of Health as informed by service needs survey.

This is based on the premise that the National Department of Health is the custodian of the human resources for health planning and provision, and as such, determines health priorities in order to ensure that the care provided responds to the quadruple burden of diseases and the constantly changing health needs.
This is also to ensure efficient use of resources, avoid duplication of specializations whose elements are already covered within the existing overall framework and it will also minimise risks of creating specializations whose employment potential is not guaranteed. 

Rescindment of Circular 3 of 2013 provides the SANC with an opportunity to review this matter and together with the National Department of Health, establish a seamless process that will clearly outline the procedure to be followed in the submission of proposals for new fields of specialisations in nursing. 

Kind regards


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Circular 1/2020: State of readiness

Circular 1/2020: State of readiness for the offering of nursing education programmes towards HEQSF-aligned nursing qualifications

17 January 2020


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Stakeholders

State of readiness for the offering of nursing education programmes towards Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF)-aligned nursing qualifications

The purpose of this Circular is to provide an update to the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and other relevant stakeholders about the state of readiness of public and private nursing education institutions to offer nursing programmes leading to Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF)-aligned nursing qualifications. 

The long-awaited implementation of the nursing education programmes towards the HEQSF-aligned nursing qualifications has now materialized. This follows lengthy and drawn-out processes over a period of several years, as well as the South African Nursing Council’s fruitful collaboration with critical partners to ensure that this was achieved. The SANC can now confirm that several educational institutions, both public and private, which have complied with accreditation requirements and criteria are already accredited and their names have been published on the SANC website. 

A series of processes and events took place, which culminated in the transition from the process of the phasing out of legacy qualifications and the phasing in of HEQSF-aligned nursing qualifications. Several ‘enablers’, both legislative and otherwise, facilitated the transition. This includes the following:

3.1 Promulgation of and proclamation of the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act no. 33 of 2005), which inter alia provide for the following: 

3.1.1 Categories of practitioners, in terms of section 31(1)
The categories have been proclaimed as follows:
Professional Nurse: four-year full-time programme (Bachelor of Nursing);
Midwife: one-year full-time programme (Advanced Diploma in Midwifery);
Staff Nurse (now General Nurse): three-year full-time programme (Diploma in Nursing);
Auxiliary Nurse: one-year full-time programme (Higher Certificate in Nursing); and
Auxiliary Midwife: Not implemented.

3.2 Development of competencies and regulations

3.2.1 Competencies and regulations for undergraduate programmes
• Competencies for undergraduate programmes were developed through an extensive consultative process with the nursing profession, which informed the development of the scopes of practice for the categories mentioned under section 3.1.1 (above) of this Circular.
• The following regulations were developed by Council, published for public comment and promulgated by the Minister of Health in March 2013: 
Regulations relating to the approval of and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner leading to registration in the category of Auxiliary Nurse (Government Notice No. R. 169 of 08 March 2013);
Regulations relating to the approval of and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner leading to registration in the category of Staff Nurse (Government Notice No. R. 171 of 08 March 2013);
Regulations relating to the approval of and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner leading to registration in the categories of Professional Nurse and Midwife (Government Notice No. R. 174 of 08 March 2013);
Regulations relating to the accreditation of institutions as Nursing Education Institutions (Government Notice No. R. 173 of 08 March 2013);
Regulations relating to the approval of and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner leading to registration in the category Midwife (Government Notice No. R. 1497 of 22 November 2019).

• The following regulations were also developed by the Council, published for public comment and are yet to be promulgated by the Minister of Health:

Regulations regarding the register for learner/student nurses and learner/student midwives; 
Regulations regarding the scopes of practice for nurses and midwives.


3.2.2 Competencies and regulations for postgraduate programmes
• The following competencies for postgraduate programmes were developed through an extensive consultative process with the nursing profession, which informed the development of the exit level outcomes:
Critical care (Adult)
Critical care (Child)
Ophthalmic nursing
Orthopaedic nursing
Child nursing
Perioperative nursing
Emergency nursing
Forensic nursing
Oncology and palliative nursing
Infection prevention and control nursing
Primary care nursing
Occupational Health nursing
Nursing education
Health services management
Mental Health nursing
Community Health nursing

• Regulations relating to the approval of and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner leading to registration as a nurse specialist or midwife specialist were developed by Council, published for public comment and are yet to be promulgated by the Minister of Health.


3.3 National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act, 2008 and its amendments
This framework required standardization of qualifications across all fields of learning and the ‘pegging’ of such qualifications on the NQF according to complexity, irrespective of the field of study. It further required standardization in terms of qualification titles and the minimum credit values of qualifications. 


3.4 Higher Education Act, 1997 and its subsequent amendments 
This Act provides for accreditation of programmes in higher education, as well as quality assurance by the Council on Higher Education. 


3.5 Notices in the Government Gazette 
3.5.1 The last date for first-time entering students
The Minister of Higher Education and Training has, in line with the provisions of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) declared that the last date for first-time entering students enrolling in academic programmes that are not aligned to the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework (HEQSF) was 31 December 2019. 
The implication of this declaration for nursing is that new intakes of students as of January 2020 should be for the new nursing qualifications only.
3.5.2 Designation to offer HEQSF qualifications by public nursing colleges 
The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology issued Notice No. 42774 of 16 October 2019 in the Government Gazette, on transitional arrangements regarding the offering of accredited nursing qualifications registered on the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework of the National Qualifications Framework by public nursing education institutions (commonly known as ‘Nursing Colleges’). 
Ten (10) recognized public nursing colleges were designated to offer Certificates, Diplomas and Bachelor Degrees in Nursing, which are accredited and registered on the HEQSF from 2020 until such time as they are declared as one of the institutional types contemplated in the Higher Education Act, 1997. 
Subsequent to such publication some of the public nursing colleges that were compliant with the accreditation requirements and criteria of the SANC have been accredited. 


4.1 Accreditation function
This function involves accreditation of Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) i.e. universities and universities of technology, public nursing colleges and private nursing education institutions as well as nursing education programmes; the monitoring of all assessments by education and training providers; and the conducting of inspections and investigations of NEIs, nursing programmes and health establishments to ensure compliance with the standards as determined by the Council. The accreditation function is supported by various regulations and policy guidelines. 
Some universities, universities of technology, public nursing colleges and private nursing education institutions submitted applications for accreditation of undergraduate nursing programmes

4.2. Accredited institutions

The institutions listed in the tables below complied with accreditation requirements and criteria and were granted accreditation by the Council. These requirements include but are not limited to: 

Accreditation by the Council on Higher Education;
Registration with the Department of Higher Education and Training (now the Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology) if private;
Declaration as a Higher Education Institution by the Department of Higher Education (now the Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology) if public [the Minister of Higher Education, Science and technology has determined to effect designation for public nursing colleges]; and 
Formal agreements with relevant authorities responsible for health establishments, to address the clinical teaching and learning requirements of students.

At the time of publishing this Circular the following NEIs were accredited by both the SANC and the Council on Higher Education (CHE) to offer the HEQSF-aligned nursing qualifications, upon compliance with requirements:

Table 1: Universities and Universities of Technology

Name Qualification type
1. University of Stellenbosch Bachelor of Nursing
2. Cape Peninsula University of Technology  Bachelor of Nursing
3. University of the Western Cape Bachelor of Nursing
4. Nelson Mandela University Bachelor of Nursing
5. University of the Free State  Bachelor of Nursing
6. Tshwane University of Technology Bachelor of Nursing
7. University of Pretoria Bachelor of Nursing
8. University of Johannesburg  Bachelor of Nursing
9. University of KwaZulu-Natal Bachelor of Nursing
10. North West University: Potchefstroom Campus Bachelor of Nursing
11. North West University: Mafikeng Campus Bachelor of Nursing
12. University of Limpopo: Turfloop Campus Bachelor of Nursing


Table 2: Public Colleges

Name Qualification type
1. Free State School of Nursing
o Northern Campus
o Eastern Campus
o Southern Campus
Diploma in Nursing
2. Gauteng College of Nursing
o Ann Latsky Campus
o Bona Lesedi Campus
o Chris Hani Baragwanath Campus
o SG Lourens Campus
Diploma in Nursing
3. KwaZulu-Natal College of Nursing
o Addington Campus
o Benedictine Campus
o Charles Johnson Memorial Campus
o Edendale Campus
o Grey’s Campus
o Madadeni Campus
o Ngwelezane Campus
o Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Campus
o Port Shepstone Campus
o R.K. Khan Campus
Diploma in Nursing
4. Limpopo College of Nursing 
o Giyani Campus
o Sekhukhune Campus
o Thohoyandou Campus
o Sovenga Campus
o Waterberg Campus
Diploma in Nursing
5. Mpumalanga College of Nursing
o Rob Ferreira Nursing Campus 
Diploma in Nursing
6. North West College of Nursing
o Mafikeng Campus
o Klerksdorp Campus Diploma in Nursing
Diploma in Nursing
7. South African Military Health Service Nursing College Diploma in Nursing
8. Western Cape College of Nursing
o Boland Overberg Campus
o Metro West Campus
o Southern Cape Karoo Campus 
Diploma in Nursing


Table 3: Private Nursing Schools


Qualification type

  Higher Certificate 

in Nursing


 in Nursing

1. Arwyp Training Institute   
2. Emmanuel Verpleegskool Oudtshoorn (Pty) Ltd   
3. Life College of Nursing: East London Learning Centre 
4. Life College of Nursing: Port Elizabeth Learning Centre 
5. Life College of Nursing: East Rand Learning Centre   
6. Mediclinic Pty (Ltd): Tshwane Region Learning Centre
7. Mediclinic Pty (Ltd): Northern Region 
8. Netcare Education Pty (Ltd): Gauteng North East Campus  
9. Netcare Education Pty (Ltd): Gauteng South West Campus
10. Netcare Education Pty (Ltd): Western Cape Campus
11. Ukwazi School of Nursing: Roodepoort Campus
12. Ukwazi School of Nursing: Potchefstroom Campus

4.3 Implications for accredited Nursing Education Institutions

The accredited NEIs as indicated in the tables above can have intakes in the current year if the accredited qualification(s) has/have been registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) upon recommendation by the Council on Higher Education (CHE). SAQA assigns a SAQA ID number for the registered qualification(s).
The intake of learners by the NEI must be in line with the numbers of learners approved by Council. It is important to note that no learner/s or student/s in excess of the approved numbers per programme per NEI shall be registered with the SANC. Education and training undergone during the period when persons were not registered as learners/students shall not under any circumstances be recognised by the SANC. 
Once learners/students are registered with the SANC, certificate(s) will be issued to the relevant NEI. It is the responsibility of the Person in Charge of the NEI to hand over the certificate to each learner/student as proof of registration with the SANC.
All the undergraduate programmes are offered on a full-time study basis only.



Accreditation of programmes is an ongoing process and the list of accredited NEIs will be updated and published on the SANC website ( as and when accreditation is granted by Council, subsequent to their compliance with requirements.
Prospective learners are therefore urged to first check with the SANC whether an institution is accredited by the SANC as an NEI and to offer the new nursing programme(s), before applying for enrolment at such NEI. 
The published list of accredited NEIs on the SANC website denotes that those NEIs are accredited by both the SANC and CHE.


For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact the Senior Manager: Education &Training, Ms J Nxumalo at (012) 420 1022 or on e-mail at: [email protected].


Yours sincerely


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Circular 9/2019

SANC Circular 9/2019

11 December 2019


TO: Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule – 2020


Attached is the Examination Schedule for 2020


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations:

1. The closing date for the examinations should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates.

2. Only registered learners will be eligible for an examination: The Head of the Nursing Education Institution (NEI) must ensure that all learners are registered with the Council within the prescribed period. Foreign applicants apply as individuals though will have to adhere to the prescribed period.

3. Candidates will not be registered for an examination with only an identity number. Council reference numbers are needed in all cases. Please follow up with the Council Registration department first, if learners are not registered for the course before registering candidates for an examination.

4. The Council will only process applications for entry into a Council examination that meet the following requirements:

a) The Examination Application Form is completed in full, accurately and signed by the relevant person/s. The surname and given names must be those appearing in the identity document.

b) All the required documentation to be included.

c) There is proof of payment of prescribed examination fee into the Council’s bank account; such payment must be done by the Nursing Education Institution (NEI) (group payment) and not by learners, except for foreign candidates.


Banking details are as follows:

Name of Bank:     First National Bank
Account number: 51425166282 (Current Account)
Branch:                 Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria
Branch code:        253 – 145
Reference:            NEI S-number followed by the type of fee code ‘EXAMFEE’

The correct reference must appear on all deposits to expedite the processing of your payment. The code ‘EXAMFEE’ must only be used for payment in respect of examination fee. This code must not be used for any other types of payment. Here is an example of what a correct reference will look like for an NEI with S-number S12345:



NB: The Head of the NEI must ensure that payment of fees by their Provincial Department or Head Office is made separately for each NEI and for each specific examination.

Provincial bulk payments without specifications create administrative challenges and cause a delay in processing of the applications.

5. Only those candidates that have been issued an examination timetable/number will be eligible to write a Council examination.

6. All practical MARK SHEETS must be submitted to the Council by Registered mail/courier by the end of the month in which the examination is written. If the PRACTICAL MARK SHEETS in SANC format are not submitted on time, the examination results will be published without the practical marks, hence qualification certificate will not be issued to the affected candidates.

7. The Council requests Invigilators not to enclose the practical mark sheet or any other documents with the Examination package.

8. The Council reserves the right to cancel an examination reflected on the schedule if there are insufficient candidates for such an examination.

9. The Council request the NEI’s to inform all their candidates of the outcome of the examination results once published. No examination results will be given out telephonically by the Council. However, candidates will receive results via text messages (SMS).


NB: Examination fees are non-refundable according to Regulation regarding fees and fines payable to the South African Nursing Council (Regulation No.170 of 8 March 2013)

News 3/2019

News 3/2019

2 December 2019

TO: SANC staff and clients
FROM: Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO


SANC opens at 9:30 on Monday, 15 April 2019


The SANC offices will be closed for operational reasons at 11:30 am on Friday, 06 December 2019 and reopen on Monday, 09 December 2019 at 08:00 am. 


Your co-operation in this regard is highly appreciated.


Yours sincerely

Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Circular 8/2019

SANC Circular 8/2019

26 November 2019

TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Private Health Care Providers
  All Stakeholders


Training of Registered Nurses and Midwives to perform paracervical lock as an aspect of pain management during termination of pregnancy (TOP)


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) is cognizant of a number of initiatives by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) aimed at improving the health outcomes in an effort to improve the health and wellbeing of South Africans, which is highly commendable. However, it has come to the attention of Council that some of the training provided to nurse practitioners requires them to function beyond their Scope of Practice, as outlined in the Regulations Relating to the Scope of Practice of Persons Who are Registered or Enrolled under the Nursing Act, 1984. (GG No. R2598 of 30 November 1984).


This matter was discussed by the Council at its meeting held in September 2019. The Council expressed concern in particular with the training of Registered Nurses and Midwives to perform Paracervical block (PCB) to clients undergoing Manual Vacuum Extraction during Termination of Pregnancy (TOP). The SANC maintains that Paracervical block is an invasive procedure which is outside the current Scope of Practice of Registered Nurses and Midwives. For this reason, training of nurses to perform such a procedure is not supported by SANC. While the SANC supports professional development, it urges and encourages employers to ensure that in-service trainings/capacity building/skills development initiatives provided to nurse practitioners complies with the regulatory prescripts of the nursing profession and does not unduly expose nurses and midwives to potential unprofessional conduct.


Nurse practitioners are also reminded that they are independent practitioners who are personally accountable for their decisions and actions while carrying out their responsibilities in the profession and are urged to practice their profession within the ambit of legislation.


Kind Regards


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Circular 7/2019

SANC Circular 7/2019

22 November 2019

TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council – Year-end Closure


The South African Nursing Council offices will be closed for the year-end from Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at 12:00 midday, and re-open on Monday, 6 January 2020 at 08:00 am. Kindly note that on 24 December, for operational reasons the gates will be closed at 11: 00 am already.


Annual fees must be paid into the Council’s bank account on or before 31 December 2019 to avoid restoration fees – note that banks take up to three (3) days to clear payments and thus all bank electronic transfers need to be made by 24 December to ensure it reaches the SANC by 31 December 2019. 


The SANC banking details are: 

Name of bank: First National Bank
Account number : 514 211 86 193
Branch code : 253145
Reference : Person’s own SANC Reference Number followed by ANLFEES


Whilst waiting for the Annual Practising Certificate to be posted by the SANC, the employer can verify the registration status of the practitioner through the SANC website by logging into the SANC eRegister at To do this, they will require the practitioner’s SANC reference number or Identity Number (ID No).


We wish you all the best over the festive season and look forward to working with you in 2020.


Kind regards


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council