Circular 5/2001 Scope of practice of the Nurse and Midwife – overview of the process

Circular 5/2001 Scope of practice of the Nurse and Midwife

5 June 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Hospitals and Nursing Organisations


Revision of the Scope of Practice for Nurses – Request for Inputs


The need to review and broaden the scope of practice for nurses was endorsed by the nursing profession at a workshop held in Pretoria in February 2000.  Following the workshop a task team of Council developed the attached discussion document (First Draft).

Council approved this document for release as a discussion document on 23 May 2001.  The closing date for comments is 6 July 2001.


Comments should be forwarded to:

The South African Nursing Council
P O Box 1123

For Attention:

Dr G Ramadi
Fax No: (012) 343 5400
E-mail: [email protected]


Dr G Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

First Draft



The task team perused the current documentation of the South African Nursing Council, other nursing councils, and the outcomes of the Holiday Inn workshop. It was decided to take the following approach to new Scope of Practice Regulations:

  1. Define a nurse and a midwife to enable the Council to protect the title and the practice of these professions. The task team used a definition proposed by one of the groups at the workshop and amended it by referring to other documents.
  2. Write a preamble, which explains the current approach to Scope of Practice formulations, and leads into the Code of Practice.
  3. Developed a Code of Practice for Nurses and Midwives, which would be applicable to all categories.

This proposed regulation will replace the Scope of Practice Regulations (R2598), as well as the Acts and Omissions Regulations (R387), Improper and Disgraceful Conduct of Enrolled nurses (R1648).


A Scope of Practice refers to the knowledge, practices and attitudes required to fulfil a professional role. Scopes of Practice can be used as a reference when writing standards for educational programmes and to provide guidelines for workers. As such they can be used to decide what can be expected from a professional in a general way. It usually does not include a complete list of what a professional is allowed to do.

The Scope of Practice of Nurses and Midwives in South Africa should be read in the context of the following:

  • The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, especially the right of everyone to health care services and the right of the state to take reasonable legislative measures to achieve these rights and to regulate the practice of occupations or professions
  • The White Paper for the Transformation of the Health System in South Africa which sets out to reduce disparities and increase access based on primary health care principles
  •  The Charter of Patient Rights which translates these broad objectives into more specific rights
  •  The Human Resources for Health Task Team (2000) which made a range of recommendations to facilitate the implementation of primary health care within the financial and human resource limitations of the country

It is generally agreed that Scope of Practice should not be too restrictive, since that could artificially limit practitioners from assisting where they are able to do so. At the same time a Scope of Practice should not be so vague as to allow for numerous interpretations of what is meant. It is also preferable that a Scope of Practice be stated positively, in terms of what are the expectations of practice, instead of negatively, in terms of what should not be done. It is absolutely essential that a Scope of Practice be embedded in the reality of the country for which it is formulated.


1.1    The scope of practice of the nurse and midwife depend on the needs of the community for nursing, midwifery and health care. These national human needs are assessed by the Regulatory Body and the educational programmes prescribed for nurses and midwives are shaped to produce practitioners able to address the needs. The practice of the nurse and midwife is grounded on the ethical principles embodied in the Codes of Practice and is based on the nature and extent of their education, knowledge and experience.

1.2    The practice of a nurse or a midwife requires the application of knowledge and the simultaneous exercise of judgement and skill. Practice takes place in a variety of settings (primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care) and in a context of continuing change and development. Such change and development may result from advances in science and technology leading to improvement in treatment and care; from alterations to the provision of health services or health policies and as a result of new approaches to professional practice. Practice must therefore be dynamic and have the capacity to adjust where and when appropriate to changing circumstances.

1.3    The multidisciplinary team, the support network of clients and the available community and health resources vary according to circumstances and influence the nature of professional interaction and the decision-making and actions of the nurse or midwife. The eventual determinant for practice in each profession is the discretion, decision-making ability and professional integrity of the individual practitioner. As professional practitioners in their own right, it is the duty of each to determine the bounds of personal practice in a given situation and to accept responsibility for it.

1.4    It is recognized that there is a significant overlap between the roles of different health care professionals. The degree of merging of roles and the professions involved differs according to the setting and type of practice of the nurse. The team functioning in such situations should be guided by the needs of the clients, the expertise of the individuals concerned and the principles of mutual respect and cooperation.

1.5    Entry level education programmes prepare the nurse or midwife for generalist practice. Thereafter specialized educational programmes prepare the nurse or midwife for expanded or extended practice.


2.1    A Nurse

A nurse is a licensed person who is registered with the South African Nursing Council based on completion of a recognized education and training programme to nurture, assist and treat the client, who can be an individual, family or group, sick or well, in the performance of those activities that contribute to the attainment or maintenance of health, to optima recovery and rehabilitation or to a peaceful, dignified death. In working with the clients according to prescribed professional codes, they are acknowledged as equal partners by helping them gain independence as rapidly as possible.

2.2    A Midwife

A midwife is a licensed person who is registered with the South African Nursing Council based on completion of a recognized education and training programme to nurture, assist and treat the client, who can be a woman, a neonate or a family, in the process of promoting a health pregnancy, labour and post partum period. In working with the clients according to prescribed professional codes, they acknowledge them as equal partners.


3.1    Act in such a manner as to protect the health status, interest and well-being of the client, especially clients vulnerable due to health status, age, disability or social position

3.2    Ensure the safety of the client by measures such as correct identification, safe application of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, appropriate monitoring of the client’s condition and accurate and complete recording of care and observations, timeous and appropriate referral of the clients, consultation and/or giving assistance in an emergency situation

3.3    Recognize and respect the uniqueness and dignity of each client irrespective of ethnic origin, religious beliefs, personal attributes, nature of the health problems or any other factor

3.4    Avoid any abuse of the privileged relationship with clients and of the privileged access allowed to their person, property, residence or workplace. Respect confidential information obtained in the course of professional practice and refrain from disclosing such information without the consent of the client or an authorized person

3.5    Deliver equitable care and use products according to the need of patients, not allowing the receipt of gifts, financial or otherwise, from clients or any other party to influence care decisions

3.6    Maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence expected within the professional practice and ensure that practice is based on current best practice guidelines

3.7    Ensure practice is within the legislative and health policy framework of the country

3.8    Work in an open, gender and culture sensitive manner with clients, foster their independence and recognize and respect their involvement in the planning and delivery of care

3.9    Work in a collaborative and cooperative manner with health care professionals and others involved in providing care and services and recognize and respect their particular contributions within the care team

3.10    If a nurse is asked to perform a function that is not usually seen as being part of the scope of practice, she/he does this only if properly trained, competent and authorized and if she/he takes responsibility for these actions

3.11    Acknowledge any limitations in own knowledge and competence and decline any duties or responsibilities unless able to perform them in a safe and skilled manner. This as to be read with clause 3.6

3.12    Report to an appropriate authority at the earliest possible time any conscientious objection which may influence practice

3.13    Report to the appropriate authority any circumstances in the environment of care that could jeopardise standards of care, safety of clients and colleagues and act as a client advocate when the need arises

3.14    Assist colleagues within own sphere of responsibility to develop their professional competence and to contribute safely according to their own roles

3.15    Manage the human and other resources within own sphere of responsibility in a manner that will ensure that safe and competent nursing and health care services can be delivered

3.16    Refrain from using registration status to promote commercial products or services

3.17    Take over a case from another nurse only when part of a team, or when asked by that nurse, or when asked by the client after notification by the client of the previous nurse



Circular 4/2001 Increased price on postage when ordering distinguishing devices

Circular 4/2001 Increased price on postage when ordering distinguishing devices

16 May 2001

To all Nursing Schools, Universities, Nursing Colleges and Non-training Institutions


Distinguishing Devices: Increased Postage and new Application Form


A copy of the application form for distinguishing devices with the increased price on postage with immediate effect may be downloaded from the Council website or printed copies may be obtained from the Council.


M M Mulder
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 3/2001 Contribution of questions to the Council’s Examination Bank

Circular 3/2001 Contribution of questions to the Council’s Examination Bank

12 February 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions accredited to offer the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse (Government Notice No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended))


Contribution of Questions to the Council’s Examination Bank


The Council requests that nursing education institutions accredited to offer the abovenamed programme, submit examination questions (of their choice) with accompanying marking guides to the office of the Council.

The examination bank required is for both first year and the final year examinations.  This information will be entered into a database for the Bridging Course (R.682).


Thanking you in anticipation for your co-operation.


G Ramadi (Dr)
Deputy Registrar

Circular 2/2001 Criteria for the approval of clinical / additional Clinical Facilities

Circular 2/2001 Criteria for the approval of clinical / additional clinical facilities

12 February 2001

To all Accredited Nursing Education Institutions and all Stakeholders


Criteria for the Approval of Clinical/Additional Clinical Facilities


Cognisance should be taken of the following criteria applied by the Council for the approval of a clinical/additional clinical facility:

  1. The application for approval should be submitted to the Council by the approved nursing education institution (NEI) prior to the placement of students/pupils in the proposed clinical/additional clinical facility.
  2. Retrospective approval of clinical facilities will not be granted.
  3. The period for which students have been placed at a clinical facility that has not received prior approval, will not be recognised by this Council.
  4. Approval of a clinical facility is granted for a specific nursing education and training programme for a particular NEI.
  5. Automatic blanket approval for any programme for a particular NEI is not accommodated.
  6. A situational analysis, based on set norms and standards, of the facility should be carried out by the NEI. Where inadequate/inappropriate learning opportunities exist arrangements should be made for practica to be completed at an alternative facility.
  7. In the event of the alternative facility not being an approved facility, the same procedure is followed in order to obtain approval.
  8. A copy of the situational analysis, indicating that the facility meets with the predetermined standard of the NEI, must be submitted together with the application to the Council.
  9. A copy of the formal agreement between the NEI and the facility to be used for the placement of students/pupils should accompany the application. The formal agreement should specify the role of the facility versus that of the NEI in fulfilling the objectives for the said placement.
  10. An indication must be given of the maximum number of students/pupils to be placed at the facility as well as the duration of such placement.
  11. The name(s) and professional qualifications of the person(s) responsible for the structured clinical guidance and the clinical accompaniment, as well as the number of students/pupils each preceptor is responsible for, should be submitted by the NEI to the Council annually, for as long as the clinical facility is to be used by the NEI.
  12. Documented evidence of clinical accompaniment must be kept for all basic, supplementary basic and post basic nursing education and training programmes.


The Council has the mandate to inspect all facilities where students/pupils are placed for clinical practica at any time. The Council may also interview students and personnel during such an accreditation visit.


G Ramadi (Dr)
Deputy Registrar
S A Nursing Council

Circular 1/2001 Spelling mistake on cover of Afrikaans version of the Nomination Form

Circular 1/2001 Spelling mistake on cover of the Afrikaans version of the Nomination Form



To all Stakeholders, Nursing Education Institutions and Non-training Institutions

Correction Notice

Correction of a spelling mistake on the cover of the Afrikaans version of the nomination form published under Government Notice number 95 of 17 November 2000 for a by-election to replace a resigned registered member of the Council.


On the cover of the Nomination Form of the Afrikaans version, the word “Berpleging” is to be replaces by “Verpleging”.  You are kindly requested to bring this to the attention of your staff and colleagues.

This correction is done in good faith and without prejudice.  We regret the inconvenience that this might have caused.


Hasina Subedar (Ms)
Returning Officer


Press Release 1/2001 Council expresses its deep concern about the alleged assult of a patient by nurses

Press Release 1/2001 Council expresses its deep concern about the alleged assault of a patient by nurses


31 January 2001


Alleged Assault of Patient by Nurses


The South African Nursing Council is deeply concerned about the alleged assault of Mrs Dlamini by two nurses at the Tambo Memorial Hospital (The Sowetan: 31 January 2001). The SANC finds such behavior unacceptable and the alleged action brings the nursing profession into disrepute. In accordance with the Nursing Act No 50 of 1978 (as amended), assault of a patient is considered to be professional misconduct. The South African Nursing Council will conduct an urgent investigation and disciplinary action will be instituted against the individual nurses found to have committed the offences reported.  

The Council would also like to assure the public that it would not tolerate any acts that violate the rights of patients. All complaints of misconduct will be investigated and any act of misconduct and/or disgraceful conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the Nursing Act.


© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 16/2000 Increases in DDs prices wef 1 Jan 2001

Circular 16/2000 Increases on DDs wef 1 Jan 2001

7 December 2000

To all Nursing Schools, Universities, Nursing Colleges and Non-training Institutions


Distinguishing Devices: Increased Fees and new Application Form


A copy of the application form for distinguishing devices with the increased prices which will be effective from 1 January 2001 may be downloaded from the Council website or printed copies may be obtained from the Council.


M M Mulder
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 15/2000 Repeal of regulations regarding fees to be paid to SANC

Circular 15/2000 Repeal of regulations re fees to be paid to SANC

11 October 2000

To all Stakeholders, Nursing Education Institutions and Non-training Institutions


Repeal of regulations regarding fees to be paid to the South African Nursing Council and the amendment of inspection fees


The new regulations published under Government Notice No. R.921 of 15 September 2000 are available on this Web Site.


Please note that the regulations mentioned above have been repealed on 8 March 2013 and are replaced by new regulations published by Government Notice number R.170 of 8 March 2013 – which are also available under the Regulations page of this website.


Please note that the new fees reflected in the regulations do not include VAT and this will be charged accordingly.


Yours faithfully

Hasina Subedar (Ms)
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 14/2000 Closing of SANC offices over the Christmas period

Circular 14/2000 Closing of SANC offices for Christmas period

22 September 2000

To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities and Stakeholders


Closing of the Offices of the South African Nursing Council over the Christmas Period


The Office of the Council will close at 13:00 on 22 December 2000 and re-open at 08:00 on 2 January 2001.


Yours faithfully


H Subedar (Ms)
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 13/2000 Payment of Annual Fees: persons registered/enrolled who are currently on training programmes must maintain their registration/enrolment with SANC

Circular 13/2000 Payment of 2021 Annual Fees

11 September 2000

To all Nursing Institutions


Payment of Annual Fees 2001


You are reminded that there are persons who are registered/enrolled as nurses with the South African Nursing Council that have obtained admission to a further course of study on the strength of such registration/enrolment.

As it is a prescribed requirement that such persons maintain their registration/enrolment it would be appreciated if you could draw their attention to this fact.

Kindly remind them that they should remit their fees for 2001 (R114,00 if registered/R96,00 if enrolled) to reach the Council before 31 January 2001.


Yours faithfully

E E Bielfeld
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer