Circular 13/2001 SANC accreditation as an ETQA body

Circular 13/2001 SANC accreditation as an ETQA body


12 October 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Non-Training Institutions and Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Accreditation as an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body


The South African Nursing Council a statutory body constituted in accordance with and governed by the Nursing Act No. 50 of 1978 (as amended) is charged with the responsibility for the regulating of nursing education, training and practice.

The South African Nursing Council has since 20 November 2000 been accredited as an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA) in terms of 5(1)(a)(ii) of the South African Qualifications Authority Act No. 58 of 1995.  As an ETQA the South African Nursing Council is responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of the national standards or qualifications in nursing.

The accreditation of the South African Nursing Council as an ETQA compliments the Councils existing statutory obligation and does not replace its existing role and function.

The reason the South African Nursing Council has applied for accreditation, as an ETQA, is to bring nursing education in line with the National Qualifications Framework.  The functions of an ETQA are functions that the South African Nursing Council has always been responsible for.  The functions highlighted in bold/blue are additional functions that the South African Nursing Council will execute as an ETQA:

Accredit providers of nursing programmes;
Promote quality amongst constituent providers;
Monitoring of nursing programmes;
Evaluating assessment and facilitating moderation amongst constituent providers;
Registering assessors;
The certification of learners;
Co-operating with relevant moderating bodies;
Recommending new standards or qualifications to National Standards Bodies or modifications to existing standards and qualifications;
Maintaining a database;
Submitting reports to SAQA


The South African Nursing Council will keep you informed of any new procedures or requirements that will be put in place to meet the above obligation.


Your co-operation and assistance in this regard will be appreciated.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 12/2001 Amendment to Circular 18/99 dated 13 Dec 1999

Circular 12/2001 Amendment to Circular 18/99 dated 13 Dec 1999

12 October 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Non Training Institutions and Stakeholders


Amendment to Circular 18/99 dated 13 December 1999
Transformation of Nursing Education and Training in South Africa


Section 1 of the above circular is hereby replaced by the following paragraphs:


The education and training of the enrolled nurses and enrolled auxiliary nurses categories should continue in order to meet the health needs of the population of South Africa.



Requirements for entry into nursing programmes

The present enrolled nurses and enrolled nursing auxiliaries should have access into the 4 year comprehensive diploma/degree programme and any other programme leading to registration as a nurse by applying the principles of recognition of prior learning (RPL).
The Standard 10 certificate or its equivalent should not be the only requirement for entering into the basic nursing education training programmes.  Recognition of Prior Learning should be implemented to access candidates to education and training.


Yours sincerely


Dr G Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 15/2001 New format of SANC examination papers

Circular 15/2001 New format of SANC examination papers

11 October 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions


New Format of South African Nursing Council Examination Papers


The Council has decided to use a new A4 format for its examination question papers.  An example can be downloaded for your information.


G Ramadi (Dr)
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


To view the example exam paper (in PDF format), click on the link below:

 ™    Download a copy of the example examination paper  

Download Acrobat Reader to view our forms ™

The above trademarks™ are used by kind permission of the trademark owner – Adobe Systems Incorporated of 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704.

Circular 14/2001 Errors in the submission of Notification of Termination of Course and the Notification of Completion of Training

Circular 14/2001 Errors in the submission of the Notification of Termination of Course and the Notification of Completion of Training


11 October 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Non Training Institutions and Stakeholders


Errors in the Submission of Notification of Termination of Course and Notification of Completion of Training


During the past 3 years it has been observed that approximately 5% of documents submitted to Council for either Termination of course or Completion of Training have errors and inaccurate entries.

Termination of Training is sometimes used interchangeably with Completion of Training.  This has serious consequences for the student as well as the registering body.  These errors also lead to delays in registering/enrolling successful candidates thus resulting in frustration and inconvenience to persons applying for employment.


refers to discontinuation of training before the requirements for the course have been met.


occurs when all the requirements for the course have been met.




Your co-operation in this regard will be highly appreciated.


Yours sincerely

Dr G Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

To view the correct forms (in PDF format), click one of the links below:

 ™    Download a copy of the termination of training form  

 ™    Download a copy of the completion of training form  

Download Acrobat Reader to view our forms 

The above trademarks™ are used by kind permission of the trademark owner – Adobe Systems Incorporated of 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 11/2001 Notice of closure of SANC offices – 21 Dec to 2 Jan

Circular 11/2001 Notice of closure of SANC offices 21 Dec to 2 Jan

8 October 2001

To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities and Stakeholders


Notice: Closure of South African Nursing Council Offices 21 December 2001 to 2 January 2002


Notice is hereby given that South African Nursing Council offices will be closed for the following period:

Close:              21 December 2001 at 13:00

Re-open:          2 January 2002 at 08:00


H Subedar (Ms)
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 10/2001 Revision of the Scope of Practice for Nurses

Circular 10/2001 Revision of the Scope of Practice for Nurses

15 August 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Hospitals and Nursing Organizations


Revision of the Scope of Practice for Nurses – Extension of the closing date to 30 September 2001


Council has been inundated with requests from the nursing profession and other relevant stakeholders to extend the closing date in order to give them more time to deliberate on the Scope of Practice for Nurses.

Council on 24 July 2001, resolved to extend the closing date to 30 September 2001.


Your co-operation and commitment to improving service delivery is highly appreciated.


Comments should be forwarded to:

The South African Nursing Council
P O Box 1123

For attention:    Dr Grace Ramadi
Fax number:     (012) 343-5400
E-mail:             [email protected]



Grace Ramadi
Deputy Registrar

Circular 9/2001 Amendment of regulations relating to examinations of SANC

Circular 9/2001 Amendment of regulations relating to examinations of SANC

2 August 2001

To all Stakeholders, Nursing Education Institutions and Non-training Institutions


Amendment of Regulations Relating to Examinations of the South African Nursing Council


The above regulations published under Government Notice No. R.7 of 8 January 1993, as amended, have been amended by Government Notice No. R.612 of 6 July 2001, a copy of which is available on this web site (English) (Afrikaans).

The amended regulations are also available (English) (Afrikaans).


Please note that the new fees reflected in the regulations do not include VAT and this will be charged accordingly ie. examination fees for:

basic courses R60-00 (R68-40 including VAT) per paper
post-basic courses R70-00 (R79-80 including VAT) per paper.


Since entries for the October examination have already been finalized, the new fees will be implemented with effect from November 2001 examinations.


Yours faithfully

Grace Ramadi
Deputy Registrar

Circular 8/2001 Examination dates for 2002

Circular 8/2001 Examination dates for 2002

23 July 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions approved by the South African Nursing Council


Examinations to be held during the year 2002


The proposed Schedule of examinations for the calendar year 2002 is published for your information.

Click here to view the schedule.

Circular 7/2001 Review of distinguishing devices and uniforms

Circular 7/2001 Review of distinguishing devices and uniforms for the nursing profession

6 June 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Universities, Technikons, Nursing Colleges and Nursing Schools


Review of Distinguishing Devices and Uniforms for the Nursing Profession


South African Nursing Council , after consultation with Stakeholders, is presently reviewing the following Regulations that pertain to Distinguishing Devices and uniforms for nurses:

Regulations regarding the distinguishing devices and uniforms for Registered Nurses and Midwives and Registered Student Nurses and Midwives
(R.1201 of 31 July 1970)
Regulations regarding the distinguishing devices and uniforms for Enrolled Nurses and Midwives and Enrolled Pupil Nurses
(R.1740 of 29 September 1972)
Regulations regarding the distinguishing devices and uniforms for Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries and Enrolled Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries
(R.1747 of 29 September 1972)

The guiding principles that inform the amendment of the above regulations are:

  1. Distinguishing Devices for nurses are to be in keeping with technological advances.
  2. Distinguishing Devices will be the primary focus of the new regulations.
  3. Dress code rather than uniforms will be prescribed.
  4. The Distinguishing Devices should assist the public to identify a nurse.
  5. South African Nursing Council will be the sole authority responsible for the distribution of all Distinguishing Devices pertaining to nursing.


The process and the estimated time schedule for each process will be as follows:


Amendment to regulations and recommendations made to the Minister of Health for promulgation.


Development of administrative structures and procedures necessary for the implementation of the new Distinguishing Devices.


Introduction of new Distinguishing Devices and phasing out of old Distinguishing Devices.


The Council at this stage, cannot provide you with further details about the nature of the amendments to the regulations or the form in which the new Distinguishing Devices will take.  We are presently investigating various options and the profession will be kept duly informed about developments.


Dr G Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
South African Nursing Council

Circular 6/2001 Integrated management of childhood illnesses

Circular 6/2001 Integrated management of childhood illnesses

16 May 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Universities, Technikons, Nursing Colleges and Nursing Schools


Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI): The problem of implementing conventional examinations for student assessment


The World Health Organisation (WHO) Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) strategy is currently being implemented by virtue of MINMEC (meeting of the Minister of Health and the Provincial MECs for Health) and PHRC (Provincial Health Restructuring Committee) resolution of July 1999 at primary level. According to the Department of Health IMCI Case Management is being introduced into the Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care course in several institutions.  This is over and above the approximately 1 500 nurses who have obtained in-service training.

IMCI Case Management is based on classification – rather than diagnosis – as well as an excellent triage system.  The latter in turn is based on a few validated symptoms and signs, which have been demonstrated to be more reliable than the conventional clinical approach.

Apparently examiners are unfamiliar with the strategy and tutors thus feel obliged to encourage the conventional approach for purposes of the examination.  Apart from causing confusion in the mind of the student this tends to undermine the value of the strategy.

Council on 23 May 2001 resolved that all nurse educators offering the programme as well as examiners must have undergone training in IMCI so that it is understood why the appropriate evaluation method is to be implemented.


Your co-operation in overcoming this problem will be highly appreciated.


Dr G Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
South African Nursing Council15