Circular 4/2003 Call for nomination of candidates for election as members of SANC for the period 30 May 2003 to 29 May 2008

Circular 4/2003 Call for nomination of candidates for election as members of the South African Nursing Council for the period 30 May 2003 to 29 May 2003

22 January 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-Training Institutions


Election of Members to Serve on the Council for the Period 30 May 2003 to 29 May 2008


The notice calling for nomination of candidates for election as members of the South African Nursing Council for the period 30 May 2003 until 29 May 2008, as published in Board Notice No. 3 of 2003, Government Gazette No. 23717 of 17 January 2003, can be downloaded from this web-site.

The following dates have been determined for the election process of members to serve on the Council for the period 30 May 2003 until 29 May 2008.

  1. The closing date for nominations – 28 February 2003 at 16:30
  2. Publishing of names of candidates in the Government Gazette – 14 March 2003
  3. Dispatch ballot papers to nurses – 30 March 2003
  4. Closing date for receipt of ballot papers – 16 May 2003
  5. Counting of votes – 17-21 May 2003
  6. Announcing results of elections – 21 May 2003
  7. Publication of names of council members – 30 May 2003

The dates are subject to change should the need arise.

Nomination forms may be obtained from the South African Nursing Council on request.


Please direct your enquiries to the Communications Officer at telephone (012) 420 1000 or fax (012) 343 5400, alternatively write to: 

The Returning Officer
P O Box 1123


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 3/2003 Moratorium on approval of new Nursing Education Institutions (NEI’s) for the period 1 January 2003 to 30 June 2003

Circular 3/2003 Moratorium on approval of new Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) for the period 1 January 2003 to 30 June 2003

22 January 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-Training Institutions


Moratorium on Approval of New Nursing Education Institutions (NEI’s) with effect from 1 January 2003


The South African Nursing Council has been accredited as an Education and Training Assurance Body (ETQA) by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).

The Executive and Finance Committee has therefore, on 09 December 2002, resolved that:

Approval of new nursing education institutions (NEI’s) be suspended for a period of six months (01 January 2003 – 30 June 2003) to enable the Council to:
  1. Review its Quality Management System (QMS) and align it to SAQA requirements
  2. Conduct a situational analysis of the distribution of available NEI’s

This moratorium will apply to all applications received by the Council after 20 December 2002.

We wish to apologise for any inconvenience this temporary moratorium might cause.

Your co-operation in this regard is appreciated.

Please contact Dr Grace Ramadi at telephone (012) 420 1060/59 for any enquiries.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 1/2003 Request for comments on draft Standards of Nursing Education – SGB

Circular 1/2003 Request for comments on draft Standards for Nursing Education – SGB

10 January 2003

To all:   Training Institutions
            Nursing Stakeholders


Comments on Draft Standards – SGB


The Nursing Standard Generating Body (SGB) has invited comments on draft standards which can be found on their website:  (N.B. : This link no longer works)


All training institutions and stakeholders wishing to access drafts standards for comments via the Internet may do so at the above web-site address.  Institutions that do not have access to the Internet can contact their regional Department of Health or nearest nursing training institution to access a hard copy of the draft standards.

Comments on the draft standards should reach the office of the SGB by not later than 11 February 2003.


Please note that all comments should be directed to the following address and not to the South African Nursing Council:

Attention: F H J Venter

The Chairperson – Nursing SGB
Technikon Witwatersrand
Department of Nursing Science
P O Box 17011


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 2/2003 Distinguishing devices: increase in price of badges, bars and brooches AND the new order form

Circular 2/2003 Distinguishing devices: increase in price of badges, bars and brooches AND the new order form

10 January 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions and Stakeholders


Distinguishing Devices: Increase in price of Badges, Bars and Brooches


A copy of the new application form for distinguishing devices, with the increased prices on badges, bars and brooches may be downloaded from the Council website.

The increased prices (and the new form) are effective from 1 January 2003.

Please bring this information to the attention of all those who may be affected by the increases.

Please destroy or dispose of all old forms in your possession.

Extra copies of the form are obtainable from the Council on request.  Please make telephonic arrangements beforehand if you require large quantities.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Special News Item 1/2003

Special News Item 3/2003 SANC elections

SANC Elections 2003


The term of office of the 12th Council has expired and the election of members for a new Council has now been finalized.  The list of appointed members will be published in the Government Gazette shortly.  The new Council will be constituted at its first meeting – scheduled to be held on 26 and 27 June 2003.

Please click on the links on this page to find out about how the elections went.



The results of the elections were published in Board Notice 46 of 2003 in Government Gazette No. 24899 of 23 May 2003.

The full results of the elections are also available on this website.

Timing is very important in the election process.  Click here to see the Election Schedule.  The progress so far is outlined below:

1.    Notice of election and calling for nominations – completed

notice calling for the nomination of candidates for election as members of the South African Nursing Council for the period 30 May 2003 to 29 May 2008 was published by the Returning Officer in the Government Gazette.

Circular 4/2003 was sent to all stakeholders to inform them of the call for nominations.  A copy of the board notice was attached to the circular.  The notice could also be downloaded and printed from this web-site.

2.    Submission of nominations closed 28 February – completed

The nominations were carefully checked to make sure that they complied with all the necessary requirements.

3.    Preparation of ballot papers – completed

The Returning Officer submitted the list of validly nominated candidates to the Government Printers.

The ballot papers and other documents and stationery to be used in the election process were printed.

4.    Publication of the names of candidates – completed

The names of all validly nominated candidates were published in the Government Gazette on Friday, 14 March 2003 in Board Notice 26 of 2003.  An amendment board notice was also published in the Government Gazette on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 in Board Notice 29 of 2003 to correct certain errors in the original board notice.

The (corrected) list of the names of candidates is available on this web-site.

5.    Dispatching of ballot papers by post – completed

The mailing house completed the dispatching of ballot papers by post to all eligible voters.

6.    Voting – completed

Voters have completed their voting documents and returned them by post or by hand to the Returning Officer.

As each vote was received, the information on the identification envelope was checked to make sure that it was in order.  The voters name was also checked against the applicable voter’s roll to make sure that the vote was valid and that the voter had not voted more than once.

7.    Closing of receipt of ballot papers – completed

Voting closed exactly at 12:00 (midday) on 16 May 2003.

All ballots that did not reach the Returning Officer before the closing date and time have not been included in the election process.

8.    Counting of Votes – completed

The counting of votes took place over the weekend of 17 – 18 May 2003.  The counting process ended at about 19:00 on Sunday evening.

The three separate categories in the election were counted separately and the results announced before the counting of votes for the following category commenced.

A number of candidates and candidate’s representatives attended the counting as observers.

The representatives of the Independent Electoral Commission who have been monitoring the election process were also present for the duration of the counting.

Click on this link to see photos of the counting process (these photos are no longer available on the website).

9.    Announcement of Results – completed

The announcement of the results by the Returning Officer was done at the counting, immediately after the results for each category have been finalized.

Click on the links below to see the results for the different categories:

Enrolled Nurses
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries
Registered Nurses/Midwives

10.  Publication of results – completed

The results of the elections have been published in Board Notice 46 of 2003 in Government Gazette No. 24899 of 23 May 2003.

The full results have also been published on this web site.

Special News Item 3/2003

Special News Item 3/2003


Nursing Council Member – Finalist for Marilyn Lahana Award


Mr Alec Nicholas Alexander, a member of the South African Nursing Council, was the provincial winner and Western Cape finalist for the prestigious Marilyn Lahana Trust Caring Award for 2003.  Mr Alexander is to be congratulated for the hard work and dedication that has led to this achievement.  Well done!


The Marilyn Lahana Trust Caring Award

The Marilyn Lahana Trust Caring Award has been made annually to recognise outstanding members of the nursing and midwifery professions who show a special quality of caring in relation to their patients and colleagues.

The award commemorates Marilyn Lahana, a Johannesburg nurse who died in 1996 after contracting the Ebola virus from a patient.  A number of people felt that Marilyn’s life and death were an example of the selfless spirit of nursing, a profession in which practitioners routinely put their patients’ interests before their own.

The Marilyn Lahana Trust was set up soon after Marilyn’s death and the award was instituted in 1998.  The Democratic Nursing Association of South Africa (DENOSA) administers the award process each year and Discovery Health has emerged as its major sponsor, while Medi-Clinic Hospitals continue to support the Trust.

The award spans both the public and private sectors and seeks to:

Profile quality nursing care by individual nurses.
Acknowledge excellent nursing practice.
Promote a culture of caring among nurses and midwives.
Promote community care and community participation in nursing.

Candidates for the award are nominated by their colleagues.  A finalist is selected for each province and a panel appointed by DENOSA selects the winning candidates from the provincial finalists.

Click here to see a full size picture (378512 bytes)  Click on the picture to enlarge. Click on your browser’s BACK button to return to this page.


Alec Nicholas Alexander

Western Cape Provincial Finalist

Alec Nicholas Alexander is an enrolled nurse and health educator.  He has developed high quality programmes in male reproductive health and health education at the family planning unit, Tygerberg Academic Hospital.  With nearly 20 years in this field, he has distinguished himself as counsellor, educator and manager and received several awards.  He has held top positions in nursing organisations and is an elected member on the Nursing Council.  In his community, his involvements include the Christian Alcohol Support Group, a shelter for the homeless in Paarl and a home for older people.


Information in this news item is an extract from The Awards for Excellence in Health Care 2003 commemorative programme.  We acknowledge DENOSA that kindly supplied a copy of the programme to Council.

Circular 11/2002 Year end closure of Council

Circular 11/2002 Year end closing of Council

13 November 2002

To all Nursing Education Institutions and Stakeholders


NOTICE: Year End Closure of Council


Notice is hereby given that the South African Nursing Council offices will be closing during the following period:

Closing:    20 December 2002 at 15:00

Opening:    2 January     2003 at 08:00


Ms H Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 10/2002 Revised fees for verifications, transcripts and confirmation letters

Circular 10/2002 Revised fees for verifications, transcripts and confirmation letters

19 August 2002


To all Training Institutions, Nursing Colleges, Technikons, Universities, Hospitals and Labour Organizations


Revision of fees for verifications, transcripts and confirmation letters


Council has approved at its meeting of 13 and 14 August 2002 to revise the following fees as stated below.  The revised fees are in accordance with the cost of processing these applications.

Verification fees will increase from R114,00 to R500,00.
Transcript fees will increase from R 100,00 to R500,00.
Confirmation letters will be charged for at a fee of R50,00 per letter.

(The above fees include VAT at 14%)


The implementation of this circular is with effect from 27 September 2002.


Kind regards


Ms H Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer


Circular 8/2002 Instructions regarding registration of students/pupils for all examinations conducted by SANC

Circular 8/2002 Instructions regarding registration of students/pupils for all examinations conducted by SANC

19 August 2002


To All Nursing Schools


Registration of Students / Pupils for all Examinations Conducted by South African Nursing Council


All Nursing Education Institutions are hereby reminded to adhere to the following provisions for the writing of examinations as stipulated in Government Notice No. R.7 of 8 January 1993 as amended.



1.1    The submission of the original examination application form must be accompanied by a covering letter.  (Faxed applications will not be accepted.)

1.2    The application forms and fees must be submitted by the head of the Nursing Education Institution and not by the individual students (except for direct entries).

1.3    Payment must be made by cheque or postal order.  You are kindly requested not to use the South African Nursing Council’s bank account for examination fees.



You are expected to:

2.1    Adhere to the closing date for the submission of examination entry forms;

2.2    Remember that no submissions beyond the late entry closing date will be accepted; and

2.3    Submit the oral / practical sheet on or before the last day of the month in which the written examination takes place.


It has been noted that some nursing education institutions do not comply with the abovementioned requirements.


Your co-operation will be appreciated.


Yours faithfully

Ms H Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer