Circular 12/2003 Retention of credits for papers/components passed in examinations conducted by SANC

Circular 12/2003 Retention of credits for papers/components passed in examinations conducted by SANC

28 October 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Nursing Stakeholders


Retention of Credits for Papers / Components Passed in Examinations Conducted by the South African Nursing Council


The Executive Committee of 25 & 26 September 2003 resolved to withdraw Circular 6/2002 and to implement the following resolutions:

  1. Examination results for the following programmes will, in future, indicate marks for each paper / component:

1.1    Diploma in Midwifery for Registration as a Midwife (GN No. R.254 of 14 February 1975 as amended)

1.2    Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing for Registration as a Psychiatric Nurse (GN No. R.880 of 2 May 1975 as amended)

1.3    Bridging Course for enrolled nurses leading to registration as a general nurse or a psychiatric nurse (GN No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 as amended) Final examination only.

  1. A candidate shall retain credits for each paper / portion passed and only rewrite the paper(s) / portion(s) failed or repeat the clinical practica, irrespective of the mark (percentage) obtained.
  2. A candidate who has failed the examination for the first time need not apply to rewrite. Entry into the next examination will be effected administratively provided the Application form for admission or re-admission to the examination and the prescribed fees reach the Council before the closing date for the particular examination.
  3. A candidate who fails at the second attempt shall be registered as a pupil / student to undergo academic support through an approved nursing education institution offering the particular program and thereafter rewrite the failed portion(s) / paper(s). The duration of the academic support will be determined by the learning needs of the candidate as identified by both the candidate and the nursing education institution.


Your co-operation in implementing this resolution and advising the candidates accordingly is highly appreciated.


Yours faithfully,


(Signed: G Ramadi)
Dr G Ramadi
for The Registrar

Circular 11/2003 Criteria for registration of constituent assessors by SANC

Circular 11/2003 Criteria for registration of constituent assessors by SANC

28 October 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Nursing Stakeholders


Criteria for Registration of Constituent Assessors by the South African Nursing Council


  1. Background

The South African Nursing Council established under the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978) as amended, is a statutory body that is charged with quality assuring of standards of nursing education and training.

In terms of Section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Act, the South African Nursing Council was accredited as an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body in November 2000. As an ETQA, it has to fulfill the following functions:

Accredit providers of nursing programmes;
Promote quality amongst constituent providers;
Monitor nursing programmes;
Evaluate assessment and facilitate moderation amongst constituent providers;
Register constituent assessors for unit standards and qualifications falling within its primary focus;
Certificate learners;
Co-operate with relevant moderating bodies;
Recommend new standards or qualifications to National Standards Bodies or modifications to existing standards and qualifications;
Maintain a database of learners, providers, etc; and
Submit reports to SAQA.

In respect of assessment, the SANC – ETQA has the following role:

Evaluate assessment and facilitate moderation among its constituent providers i.e. nursing education institutions;
Formulate criteria for registration of assessors;
Register constituent assessors for specific registered unit standards and / or qualifications.


  1. Purpose of registration of assessor

In accordance with the ETQA Regulations, providers of education and training are required to have assessment systems (policies, procedures, review mechanisms) in place. For this reason, people who assess or intend to assess candidates against unit standards and /or qualifications need to undergo training according to the Generic Assessment Unit Standards accredited by the Education Training and Development Practices Sector Education Training Authority (ETDP/SETA). This will ensure consistency of practice in assessment, and will ensure that principles of assessment (fairness, validity, authenticity and consistency) are maintained.

Although it is generally acknowledged that people who have been involved in assessment processes such as teachers, trainers, nurse educators (tutors), managers and workplace supervisors are recognized as assessors, however, certification for the Generic Assessment Unit Standards is a requirement that should be obtained by undergoing training.

Providers of education and training are therefore expected to enable facilitators of learning in their employ to train as assessors by accredited providers of assessor training.

An updated list of accredited providers of assessor training can be obtained from the Education Training and Development Practices (ETDP) SETA at the address or on the ETDP SETA website.

Education, Training and Development Practices SETA
Quality Assurance and Development Division
P O Box 5734

Phone : 011 – 8075621
Fax : 011 – 8-77490



  1. Requirements for registration

The South African Nursing Council will register persons (as assessors) who meet the following requirements inter alia:

3.1    Submission of a certificate of competence against the Generic Assessment Unit Standards.

3.2    Relevant teaching and/or clinical experience.

3.3    Proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council against a specific qualification.

3.4    Proof of registration of a specific unit standards and/or qualification/s that s/he intends assessing (this will only apply once the unit standard generation is completed by the nursing Standard Generating Body (SGB) and these are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)).


  1. The process of registration will be as follows:
    • Submission of a letter of intent to register as an assessor
    • Completion and submission of an application form for registration as an assessor to the South African Nursing Council
    • Payment of the required application fee
    • Registration if the provided data and requirements comply with the set criteria
    • Issuing of a certificate valid for 4 years


  1. Application fee

An application fee of R114.00 (VAT inclusive) will be charged per application

The application fee will not be refunded irrespective of the outcome of the application

The application fee is subject to increase as determined by the Council


  1. Period of registration:

The period of registration as an assessor shall be 4 years.


  1. De-registration of assessors

Assessors in the nursing sector that are registered by the South African Nursing Council (SANC-ETQA), will be de-registered if they:

do not comply with the requirements as stipulated by the SANC
are found not to be competent
are removed from the register for any reason.


  1. Appeals Procedure

If an application as an assessor is rejected, the applicant has the right to appeal against such a decision. The following procedure will be followed:

The applicant will write to the Council, stating the nature of appeal
The matter shall be resolved between the applicant and the council
If the applicant is still not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, a letter of appeal may be sent to South African Qualifications Authority.


For more information please do not hesitate to contact the Deputy Registrar at telephone numbers (012) 420 1000 / 60.



(Signed: G Ramadi)
Dr. G Ramadi
for The Registrar


Download a copy of the application form for registration as assessor  (no longer available on this website)

Download Acrobat Reader to view our forms ™

Forms on this web-site are only available in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the forms. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free from Adobe.

The above trademarks™ are used by kind permission of the trademark owner – Adobe Systems Incorporated of 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704.

Circular 10/2003 Examination Schedule for 2004

Circular 10/2003 Examination Schedule for 2004


To all Training Institutions, Nursing Stakeholders and Invigilators


Examinations to be held during the year 2004


The proposed Schedule of examinations for the calendar year 2004 is published for your information.

Click here to view the schedule.


Please note that examinations will only be held when there are candidates registered for that particular examination.


Enquiries can be directed to Ms Marga Cronje at telephone (012) 420 1079.


(Signed: G Ramadi)
pp Registrar and CEO
S A Nursing Council

Circular 9/2003 Request for comments on draft regulations concerning dress code and DDs

Circular 9/2003 Request for comments on draft regulations concerning dress code and distinguishing devices

28 July 2003

TO ALL:    Nursing Education Institutions, Non-Training Institutions and Stakeholders


Draft Regulations Regarding Professional Identification Devices and Dress Code for Nurses and Midwives


The Draft Regulations regarding Professional Identification Devices and Dress Code for Nurses and Midwives was published for public comment in Government Notice No. R.997 on 11 July 2003.

These draft regulations are intended to replace all existing regulations pertaining to distinguishing devices.

The primary objective of these Regulations is to replace the existing distinguishing devices with identification devices that:

Improve the control of nursing practice by preventing unqualified persons from practising as nurses;
Assist employers to access the Council’s database to verify qualifications of nurses; and
Assist health care users to easily identify information regarding the category of nurse providing nursing care.

The draft regulations focus on 2 areas:

1.    Dress Code: the primary focus of the dress code is to:

Maintain the professional image of the nursing profession;
Ensure that the dress code is appropriate for the context within which nursing care is provided;
Ensure that both the health care user and the nurse are protected; and
Grant the employer the responsibility to maintain an appropriate dress code.

2.    Identification devices: 2 identification devices will be issued:

An identification card containing all the relevant details of the nurse (format similar to a driver’s licence). This device will be linked to a database that will provide details regarding the qualifications and registration status of a nurse thereby providing employers with easy access to information to verify the details of a nurse. It will also assist with preventing unlicensed persons from practising the profession of nursing.
The second device is an identification badge that a practitioner will wear at all times while practising as a nurse.

Both of these identification devices are intended to replace the existing distinguishing devices.


Comments or representations must be submitted to the Department of Health, Private Bag X828, Pretoria, 0001 by 10 September 2003.


A copy of the draft regulations can be found on this website. (English / Afrikaans) (This proposal has since been put in abeyance – to be looked at later)


For further information please contact:

South African Nursing Council

Corporate Communications
Telephone: (012) 420 1000/66/16


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Special News Item 2/2003 Members of the 13th Nursing Council

Special News Item 2/2008


Members of the 13th South African Nursing Council


The 13th South African Nursing Council was constituted in terms of the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978).  The office bearers and standing committees were elected by the members in terms of the Act and the Rules for the Conduct of Business.

The term of office of the 13th Council was 26 June 2003 to 25 June 2008.  The Council held its first meeting on 27 June 2003.  At that meeting, office bearers and certain standing committees were elected.

The 13th Council concluded its business on 25 June 2008.


Click on one of the links below to go to the details of the office bearers, council members or committee members.

Office Bearers
Council Members
Committee Members
Executive, Finance and Staff Committee
Professional Conduct Committee
Committee of Preliminary Investigation
Laws and Practise Standards Committee
Education Committee
Accreditation Committee
Transformation and Communication Committee
Bargaining Forum
Constitution of Council
Elected registered nurses or midwives
Elected enrolled nurses
Elected nursing auxiliaries
Members appointed by the Minister of Health
Provincial representatives
Members appointed by other bodies

Office Bearers

President:                      Nonhlanhla Makhanya

Vice-president:              Lungiswa Maqaqa

Deputy vice-president:  Marlene Viljoen

Treasurer:                    Thabo Joshua Nosi

[Back to Top]

Council Members

Alexander, Mr. A N

Bali, Mr. L

Beja, Dr S (26 June 2003 to 30 June 2004) (Dr S Beja was replaced by Prof N Padayachee as representative appointed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa on 1 July 2004)

Bhengu, Ms N E

Brannigan, Ms E J

Deyi, Ms C N

Dhlomo, Dr S M (Dr S M Dhlomo replaced Prof N Padayachee as representative appointed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa on 26 July 2005)

Dlamini, Dr N L

Erasmus, Ms C M

Finkelstein, Dr N (26 June 2003 to 11 February 2004) (Dr N Finkelstein was replaced by Ms V Thompson as  representative appointed by the South African Pharmacy Council on 12 February 2004)

France, Ms K R J

Geyer, Ms N

Greeff, Prof M

Gumede, Mr VXM (1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006) (Student  representatives are appointed for a 12 month term of office.  Mr V X M Gumede’s membership will therefore end on 30 June 2006)

Hadi, Ms W V

Jooste, Prof K

Khosa, Ms T E (1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006) (Student representatives are appointed for a 12 month term of office.  Ms T E Khosa’s membership will therefore end on 30 June 2006)

Mafereka, Mr. J M

Majwede, Ms J A (1 June 2004 to 31 May 2005) (Student representatives are appointed for a 12 month term of office.  Ms J A Majwede’s membership therefore ended on 31 May 2005)

Makgetla, Ms O M

Makhanya, Ms N J (president)

Malebo, Mr. B T

Manganye, Ms T S

Mangena, Ms A

Maqaqa, Ms L J (vice-president)

Maumela, Mr. T A

Mazaleni, Ms N (26 June 2003 to 14January 2005) (Prof S M Mogotlane replaced Ms N Mazaleni as a registered nurse not in the employment of the Department of Health appointed by the Minister of Health on 15 January 2005)

Mhlongo, Ms D Q

Mofomme, Mr. M

Mogotlane, Prof S M (15January 2005 onwards) (Ms N Mazaleni was replaced by Prof S M Mogotlane as a registered nurse not in the employment of the Department of Health appointed by the Minister of Health on 15 January 2005)

Monyamane, Ms R

Mququ, Mr. J (1 June 2003 to 31 May 2004) (Student representatives are appointed for a 12 month term of office.  Mr. J Mququ’s membership therefore ended on 31 May 2004)

Msomi, Ms S R (1 June 2004 to 31 May 2005) (Student representatives are appointed for a 12 month term of office. Ms S R Msomi’s membership therefore ended on 31 May 2005)

Nieuwoudt, Ms W J

Nosi, Mr. T J (treasurer)

Padayachee, Prof N (1 July 2004 to 25 July 2005) (Prof N Padayachee replaced Dr S Beja as representative appointed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa on 1 July 2004)
(Dr S M Dhlomo replaced Prof N Padayachee as representative appointed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa on 26 July 2005)

Peterson, Ms M M

Pretorius, Ms L J

Rwexu, Ms T Y

Sikhipha, Mr. N D (1 June 2003 to 31 May 2004) (Student representatives are appointed for a 12 month term of office.  Mr. N D Sikhipha’s membership therefore ended on 31 May 2004)

Swart, Ms A M G

Thompson, Ms V (12 February 2004 onwards) (Ms V Thompson replaced Dr N Finkelstein as representative appointed by the South African Pharmacy Council on 12 February 2004)

Tshayinca, Ms N J

Van Niekerk, Dr E C

Viljoen, Prof M J (deputy vice-president)

Welmann, Prof E B

Zulu, Mr. M I

[Back to Top]

Committee Members

The membership of the various committees of the Council was as follows.

Executive, Finance and Staff Committee

Alexander, Mr. A N

Bhengu, Ms N E

Geyer, Ms N

Makhanya, Ms N J (president)

Manganye, Ms T S

Mangena, Ms A

Maqaqa, Ms L J (vice-president)

Maumela, Mr. T A

Mhlongo, Ms D Q

Nosi, Mr. T J (treasurer)

Van Niekerk, Dr E C

Viljoen, Prof M J (deputy vice-president)

[Back to Top]

Professional Conduct Committee

Bali, Mr. L

Bhengu, Ms N E

Erasmus, Ms C M

Jooste, Prof K

Makgetla, Ms O M

Malebo, Mr. B T

Mangena, Ms A

Nosi, Mr. T J

Peterson, Ms M M

Rwexu, Ms T Y

Swart, Ms A M G

Tshayinca, Ms N J

Van Niekerk, Dr E C

Welmann, Prof E B (chairperson)

Zulu, Mr. M I (deputy chairperson)

[Back to Top]

Committee of Preliminary Investigation


Brannigan, Ms E J

Hadi, Ms W V

Maumela, Mr. T A

Mhlongo, Ms D Q (chairperson)

Nieuwoudt, Ms W J (deputy chairperson)

Pretorius, Ms L J

[Back to Top]

Laws and Practise Standards Committee

 Bali, Mr. L

Bhengu, Ms N E (deputy chairperson)

Brannigan, Ms E J (chairperson)

Erasmus, Ms C M

Geyer, Ms N

Jooste, Prof K

Maumela, Mr. T A

Zulu, Mr. M I

[Back to Top]

Education Committee

Dlamini, Dr N L

Erasmus, Ms C M

Greeff, Prof M

Mafereka, Mr. J M (deputy chairperson)

Makhanya, Ms N J (chairperson)

Manganye, Ms T S

Mangena, Ms A

Maqaqa, Ms L J

Mhlongo, Ms D Q

Mogotlane, Prof S M

Pretorius, Ms L J

Tshayinca, Ms N J

Viljoen, Prof M J 

[Back to Top]

Accreditation Committee

Dlamini, Dr N L

Erasmus, Ms C M

Geyer, Ms N

Mafereka, Mr. J M (deputy chairperson)

Makhanya, Ms N J (chairperson)

Manganye, Ms T S

Viljoen, Prof M J 

[Back to Top]

Transformation and Communication Committee

Bali, Mr. L

Mafereka, Mr. J M

Makgetla, Ms O M

Mangena, Ms A

Maqaqa, Ms L J (chairperson)

Monyamane, Ms R (deputy chairperson)

Peterson, Ms M M

Rwexu, Ms T Y

Thompson, Ms V

[Back to Top]

Bargaining Forum

Bhengu, Ms N E (deputy chairperson)

Hadi, Ms W V

Makgetla, Ms O M

Peterson, Ms M M (chairperson)

[Back to Top]


Constitution of Council

The Council consisted of persons elected or appointed in terms of the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978) as amended by among others, the Nursing Amendment Act, 1997 (Act No. 19 of 1997) as follows.

Section 5 (1) (a)

Twelve persons who shall be registered nurses or midwives and who shall be elected by registered nurses and midwives

Brannigan, Ms E J

Erasmus, Ms C M

Geyer, Ms N

Greeff, Prof M

Jooste, Prof K

Mangena, Ms A

Nieuwoudt, Ms W J

Pretorius, Ms L J

Swart, Ms A M G

Van Niekerk, Dr E C

Viljoen, Prof M J (deputy vice-president)

Welmann, Prof E B


[Back to Top]

Section 5 (1) (b)

Three persons who shall be enrolled nurses and who shall be elected by enrolled nurses

Alexander, Mr. A N

Malebo, Mr. B T

Mhlongo, Ms D Q


[Back to Top]

Section 5 (1) (c)

Three persons who shall be nursing auxiliaries and who shall be elected by nursing auxiliaries

Deyi, Ms C N

Hadi, Ms W V

Tshayinca, Ms N J


[Back to Top]

Section 5 (1) (d)

Eighteen persons who shall be appointed by the Minister (of Health), of whom-

(i)    one shall be a registered nurse who is in the employment of the Department of Health

Manganye, Ms T S


(ii)    six shall be registered nurses, enrolled nurses or nursing auxiliaries who are not in the employment of the Department of Health

Bhengu, Ms N E

France, Ms K R J

Makhanya, Ms N J (president)

Maqaqa, Ms L J (vice-president)

Mazaleni, Ms N (26 June 2003 to 14January 2005)

Mogotlane, Prof S M (15January 2005 onwards)

Zulu, Mr. M I


(iii)    two shall be nursing students at nursing colleges or universities who are at least in their third academic year of study

Mququ, Mr. J (1 June 2003 to 31 May 2004)

Sikhipha, Mr. N D (1 June 2003 to 31 May 2004)

Majwede, Ms J A (1 June 2004 to 31 May 2005)

Msomi, Ms S R (1 June 2004 to 31 May 2005)

Gumede, Mr VXM (1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006)

Khosa, Ms TE (1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006)

(Students were appointed for a 12 month term of office and are appointed from the different provinces on a rotational basis.)


(iv)    nine shall be persons who are not nurses, each representing a province, and who shall be appointed from persons whose names are submitted by those members of the Executive Council of the various provinces who are responsible for health, after nominations have been submitted by members of the public in the various provinces

Eastern Cape
Rwexu, Ms T Y
Free State
Mafereka, Mr. J M
Peterson, Ms M M
KwaZulu Natal
Dlamini, Dr N L
Maumela, Mr. T A
Monyamane, Ms R
Northern Cape
Nosi, Mr. T J (treasurer)
North West
Makgetla, Ms O M
Western Cape
Bali, Mr. L

[Back to Top]

Section 5 (1) (e)

Three persons appointed by the following bodies:

(i)    one attorney, by the Association of Law Societies

Mofomme, Mr. M

(ii)    one pharmacist, by the Pharmacy Council of South Africa

Finkelstein, Dr N (26 June 2003 to 11 February 2004)

Thompson, Ms V (12 February 2004 onwards)

(iii)    one medical practitioner, by the Health Professions Council of South Africa

Bhengu, Ms N E (deputy chairperson)

Hadi, Ms W V

Makgetla, Ms O M

Peterson, Ms M M (chairperson)

[Back to Top]

Circular 8/2003 Increase in annual fees – effective 26 June 2003

Circular 8/2003 Increase in annual fees – effective 26 June 2003

14 May 2003

TO ALL:    Nursing Education Institutions, Non-Training Institutions and Stakeholders


Annual Licensing Fee Increase


You are hereby notified that the annual licensing fee is increased with effect from 26 June 2003 as follows:

Registered Nurses R176 R154,39 + VAT
Enrolled Nurses R132 R115,79 + VAT
Nursing Auxiliaries R116 R101,75 + VAT

In respect to payments made prior to 26 June 2003:

  1. A person who has paid the annual fee prior to the above date will not have to pay the difference between the old and the new fee.
  2. If a fee has been paid via postal services, such person will not be expected to pay the difference if the posting date on the article is before 26 June 2003.
  3. Payments through the bank: Persons making payments via the bank from 26 June 2003 will be liable to pay the difference before an annual receipt is issued.

Copies of the regulation amendments published in Government Gazette No. 25077 of 13 June 2003 are available on this web site for your information – click on the links below.

Regulation amendment for Registered Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)
Regulation amendment for Enrolled Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)
Regulation amendment for Nursing Auxiliaries  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 7/2003 Distinguishing devices: increase in price of epaulettes and postage wef 1 June 2003

Circular 7/2003 Distinguishing devices: increase in price of epaulettes and postage with effect from 1 June 2003 AND the new order form

14 May 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-Training Institutions


Distinguishing Devices:  Increase in Price of Epaulettes and Postage


A copy of the new application form for distinguishing devices, with increased prices on epaulettes and postage, is attached.

The increased prices (and the new form) are effective from 01 June 2003.

Please bring this information to the attention of all those who may be affected by the increases.

Please destroy or dispose off all old forms in your possession.

Extra copies of the form are obtainable from the Council on request. Please make telephonic arrangements beforehand if you require large quantities.


Please contact Mrs M. Mulder at telephone (012) 420 1080 for any enquiries.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 6/2003 Names of candidates for election of members to SANC

Circular 6/2003 Names of candidates for election of members to the South African Nursing Council

07 April 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-Training Institutions


Names of Candidates for Election of Members to the South African Nursing Council


list of candidates nominated for the above election as published in Board Notice No. 26 of Government Gazette No. 25012 of 14 March 2003 and the amendment to it, Board Notice No. 29 of Government Gazette No. 24590 of 25 March 2003 (both of which are no longer on this website).

The nominated persons will be elected by nurses registered/enrolled with the Council to serve as members of the South African Nursing Council for the period 30 May 2003 until 29 May 2008.

The ballot papers have already been dispatched to the address of each nurse currently on the register/roll.  A nurse may only vote for members that are in the same category i.e. a registered nurse may only vote for 12 registered nurses, an enrolled nurse may only vote for 3 enrolled nurses, and an enrolled nursing auxiliary may only vote for 3 enrolled nursing auxiliaries.

The closing date for the submission of ballot papers is 16 May 2003.  If a nurse has not received a ballot paper or has spoilt the ballot paper, he/she may request a ballot paper by contacting the Returning Officer at the Council.  Such a request must be in writing stating the reasons why a ballot paper is requested.


For enquiries regarding the election and election process contact the Communications Section at the following telephone numbers:

The Communications Officer (012) 420 1000
Facsimile (012) 343 5400


Hasina Subedar
Returning Officer

Circular 6/2003 List of Election Candidates

Circular 6/2003 List of election candidates


7 April 2003


Election Candidates

Candidates are nominated in terms of the Regulations Relating to the Election of Members of the Council, published under government notice No. R.1318 of 10 October 2003.  (These regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Enrolled Nurses

The following candidates have been nominated:

Alexander, Alec Nicholas
Malebo, Tieho Ben
Mhlongo, Duduzile Queen
Mogorosi, Noko Moses


Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries

The following candidates have been nominated:

Deyi, Caroline Nondumiso
Hadi, Winrose Vuyiswa
Jiba, Florence Nobelungu
Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane


Registered Nurses/Midwives/Accoucheurs

The following candidates have been nominated:

Bhengu, Nonhlanhla Ethel
Bobelo, Nozuko Caroline
Brannigan, Eileen Joan
Bruiners, Selvador (Aubrey)
Cwaile, Mmoloki Saviour
Elloker, Soraya
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena
Fisher, Reneè Ann
France, Keodumetse Ruth Joyce
Geyer, Nelouise-Marie
Greathead, Erica Elizabeth
Greeff, Minrie
Greeff, Patricia Effraine
Hlati, Koliswa Agnes
Jiyane, Sikhumbuzo
Jooste, Karien
Kgang, Martha Kgomotso
Khanyile, Thembisile Dorothy
Magcai, Thokozile Gloria
Makanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla Joyce
Mangena, Agnes
Maqaqa, Lungiswa Jessie
Mbambo, Nonhle Rose-Mary
Mkhize, Sipho Wellington
Mkhwanazi, Iris Lamlile
Mokoka, Kgaogelo Elizabeth
Netshandama, Vhonani Olive
Nieuwoudt, Willemina Jacoba
Paverd, Norma Valerie 
Pieterse, Helene
Pretorius, Louwna Joubert
Radebe, Ntokazi Anna
Sepeng, Sefepi Constance
Shezi, Brian Mzwakhe
Swart, Anna Margaretha Gertruida
Van der Merwe, Juan Veraine
Van Niekerk, Elizabeth Catharina
Van Niekerk, Isabel
Vasuthevan, Sharon
Viljoen, Marlene Jacoba
Wannenburg, Iona
Welmann, Elizabeth Barendina
Zulu, Majoro Isaac
Zuma, Sibusiso Memory

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 5/2003 Extension of due date to pay the annual licensing fee to 31 March 2003

Circular 5/2003 Extension of due date to pay the annual licensing fee to 31 March 2003

03 February 2003

To all:    Nursing Education Institutions
             Non-Training Institutions


Due Date for Annual Licensing Fees Extended


South African Nursing Council has, after recommendation to the Minister of Health as scheduled in Government Gazette Nos.24308, 24309 and 24310 of 24 January 2003, extended the due date for payment of annual licensing fees.

The due date has now been extended to 31 March 2003..

Nurses who have already paid the restoration fee for 2003 will have the amount automatically credited towards the 2004 annual fee.

Kindly communicate the above resolution to the affected members of your organisation.

For further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact the Communication Section at the telephone 
number (012) 420-1000.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer