Press Release 1/2007 SANC issued a plea to nurses to return to work to protect the health of the country’s patients, and to the general public to protect the safety of the nurses

Press Release 1/2007 SANC issued a plea to nurses to return to work


12 June 2007



The Executive , Finance and Staff Committee of the South African Nursing Council met today,12 June 2007 and noted with great concern the current disruption and suffering of patients in the health services.

The Council believes that the majority of nurses in South Africa respect the vulnerability and the rights of patients to receive care, and would like to be free to attend to their patients.

The Exco makes the following plea: 

“To the nurses please return urgently to work to care for our community. To the general public, please protect the safety of nurses and allow them to return to work.” 

The Exco also expressed sincere condolences to patients and their families who have been compromised during this time. We also express grave concerns and condolences for nurses who have been severely injured and have died while trying to get to work.

While recognizing the need for improvements in salaries and conditions of service and due process on negotiation, we plead that both patient and nurse safety be given the highest priority at this time.


SANC Offices
602 Pretorius Street
012 420 1000


© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Press Release 1/2006 International Nurses Day – 12 May 2006

Press Release 1/2006 International Nurses Day – 12 May 2005


10 May 2005

To be released on 12 May 2005:


International Nurses Day – 12 May 2005


Today 12 May 2005 is a day set aside internationally to commemorate nurses. The members of the profession of nursing are committed to serve people whose health status is compromised and to maintain the health status of those that are healthy.

The profession of nursing began humbly with the commitment of Florence Nightingale who sought to tend to and restore the dignity of the sick and injured in the Crimean War. Today nursing has grown into a fully-fledged profession that plays a significant role in health care delivery.

For this day of commemoration the international community has identified the theme “Nurses for patient safety: Targeting Counterfeit and Substandard Medicines”.

Counterfeit and Substandard Medicine is not only costly to consumers, it is a particular serious area of crime because it puts the lives and well-being of patients at risk, leads to loss of confidence in the medical profession, and in the quality, safety and efficacy of the medicine they prescribe.

“Today on this 12th day of May 2005 on behalf of the South African Nursing Council, I pay tribute to the contribution the 177 000 nurses in South Africa make to our health care system”, said Hasina Subedar, the Registrar of the South African Nursing Council. 

We salute those nurses who:

Work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year to ensure that the health care needs of South Africans are met. 
Provide health care to all, rich and poor, young and old, sick and well, newborn infants and those that are dying. 
Are the backbone of the South African Health care system and carry the burden of providing health care in very adverse conditions. 
Work in rural and remote communities and who are often the only health care provider available to meet the health care needs of these communities.
Restore the dignity of the sick, the elderly, the young and the terminally ill.
Have remained in South Africa through their commitment to serve the people of our country.


Issued by the South African Nursing Council in Pretoria.


For further enquiries please contact the Communications Officer at 012 420 1000.


© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 2/2006: Registration requirements for private Nursing Education Providers of Further Education and Training qualifications

Circular 2/2006: Registration requirements for private Nursing Education Providers of Further Education and Training qualifications

 2 March 2006





In terms of the requirements of Section 25 of the Further Education and Training Act, 1998 (Act No. 98 of 1998), the Department of Education requires all private education institutions offering educational qualifications that fall within the Further Education and Training Band to register with the Department of Education by 30 May 2006.

Click here to see a copy of the Government Notice to this effect issued by the Minister of Education.


1.Implications for Private Nursing Education Providers currently approved by South African Nursing Council (SANC)

1.1 All private nursing education providers that are currently approved by SANC to provide educational qualifications that lead to enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary and/or Nurse are required to submit their applications for registration as a Further Education and Training Institution to the Department of Education on or before 30 May 2006.

1.2    Failure to comply with requirements for registration with the Department of Education will leave the SANC with no option but to terminate the provisioning of nursing training at the institution due to non-compliance with a statutory requirement.

1.3    These institutions must submit proof of registration as a Further Education and Training Institution to SANC by 30 June 2006.

Proof of registration required:

i)    Certified copy of registration certificate; or

ii)    Proof of application made to the Department of Education within the required deadline of 30 May 2006. In this case, you must submit:

a)    Certified copy of your application form with proof of acknowledgement of receipt from the Department of Education; and

b)    Certified copy of registration certificate within 12 weeks of application.

1.4    The required proof of registration to be submitted to SANC via registered mail to the following address:

The Registrar
South African Nursing Council
P O Box 1123


2.Implications for prospective Private Nursing Education Providers awaiting SANC Accreditation/Approval

2.1 Prospective nursing education providers that are awaiting accreditation by SANC as providers of nursing education qualifications that lead to enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary and/or Nurse, will only be accredited and eligible to commence with providing nursing education and training once the provider is registered as a Further Education and Training Institution by the Department of Education.

2.2 Applications already processed will be held in abeyance until the applicant provides SANC with proof that the institution is registered as a Further Education and Training Institution i.e. a certified copy of the institution’s registration certificate.


3.Implications for prospective Private Nursing Education Providers intending to apply to SANC for Accreditation as a Nursing Education Provider

3.1 Prospective Nursing Education providers intending to apply for accreditation as providers of nursing education qualifications that lead to enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary and/or Nurse are required to submit a certified copy of the certificate of registration as a Private Further Education and Training Institution together with their application.

3.2 No applications will be considered unless a copy of the registration certificate is provided to SANC.


Hasina Subedar


NB:   For further details regarding registration, application forms and schedule of fees contact:

The Department of Education

Tel: (012) 312 5880 / 5881 / 5878


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The above trademarks™ are used by kind permission of the trademark owner – Adobe Systems Incorporated of 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704.

Circular 1/2006: Amendment of Guidelines for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse (R.683 of 14 April 1989)

Circular 1/2006: Amendment of Guidelines for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse (R693. of 14 April 1989)



                   NURSING STAKEHOLDERS 




The South African Nursing Council has, over a period of time, observed that there is an overlap of content of Papers I and II of the above-named programme. This leads to a number of queries around the examination time.

The Council has therefore reviewed these guidelines as follows in order to assist the schools:

First Year Examination
Integrated General Nursing Science I

Paper I

  1. Basic Medical and Surgical Nursing with regard to patients with illness of:
    a)    Cardiovascular system,
    b)    Respiratory system;
  2. Operating Theatre Technique and Anaesthetics;
  3. Ethos and Professional Practice; and
  4. Applied Social Science.

Paper II

  1. Basic Medical and Surgical Nursing with regard to patients with illness of the:
    a)     Digestive system,
    b)     Genito-urinary system,
    c)     Ear, nose and throat nursing,
    d)     Ophthalmological nursing;
  2. Ethos and Professional practice; and
  3. Applied Social Science.

The implementation/application of these guidelines will be effective from the July 2006 Council examination.


Hasina Subedar
S A Nursing Council

Circular 4/2005: SANC Year-end closure

Circular 4/2005: SANC Year-end closure


7 December 2005

                   NURSING STAKEHOLDERS 


South African Nursing Council


23 December 2005 – 02 January 2006

South African Nursing Council will close its offices for the Christmas holidays at 16:00 on 22 December 2005 and will re-open at 08:00 on 03 January 2006.

Please contact the Communications Officer at telephone (012) 420 1000 if there are any queries about this circular.


Hasina Subedar
S A Nursing Council

Circular 3/2005: SANC Examination Schedule for 2006

Circular 3/2005: SANC Examination Schedule for 2006


4 October 2005

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule – 2006


The Examination Schedule for 2006 can be accessed on this website.


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations.

  1. The closing date for examinations should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates.
  2. Only registered students/pupils will be eligible to enter for an examination, the head of the institution must ensure that all students/pupils are registered with the Council within the prescribed period (this does not apply to the Admission Examination for Enrolled Nursing or to the Admission Examination for Foreign Nurses).
  3. The Council will only process examination applications that meet the following requirements:
    1. submitted on the Council’s Application for Examination Form which is completed in full and signed by the relevant person;
    2. accompanied by the prescribed fee or proof of payment of the fee into the Council’s bank account; and
    3. includes all the required documentation.
  4. Only those students/pupils that have been issued an examination number will be eligible to write Council examinations.
  5. All practical Mark Sheets must be submitted to Council by the end of the month in which the examination is written. Examination results cannot be processed if practical mark sheets are not submitted on time.
  6. The Council reserves the right to cancel an examination reflected on the schedule if there are insufficient candidates for such an examinations.

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 2/2005: Increases in Council fees

Circular 2/2005: Increases in Council fees


4 August 2005

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Non-training Institutions


Increases in Nursing Council Fees

You are hereby notified that increases in South African Nursing Council fees have been published in the Government Gazette.


Fees that will increase on 15 August 2005

The following fees will increase as indicated on 15 August 2005.  This means that the increased fee will be payable for all amounts received on or after Monday 15 August 2005

Annual Fees

Registered Nurses



Enrolled Nurses



Nursing Auxiliaries


Restoration Fees

Registered Nurses



Enrolled Nurses



Nursing Auxiliaries


Restoration Fees

Registered Nurses


(after voluntary removal)

Enrolled Nurses



Nursing Auxiliaries


Student Fees

Registration (basic qualifications)



Restoration (basic qualifications)



Registration (additional qualifications)



Restoration (additional qualifications)


Pupil Fees

Enrolment as Pupil Nurse



Restoration as Pupil Nurse



Enrolment as Pupil Nursing Auxiliary



Restoration as Pupil Nursing Auxiliary



In respect to payments made prior to 15 August 2005 :

  1. A person who has paid the fees (in full) prior to the above date will not have to pay the difference between the old and the new fees.
  2. If fees have been paid via postal services and the posting date on the article is before 15 August 2005, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.
  3. If fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 15 August 2005, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.  In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically.  Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution.


Fees that will increase on 23 October 2005

The examination fees will increase as indicated on 23 October 2005.

Examination Fees

Exam paper (basic)



Exam paper (post-basic)



Late entry fee



Remark script



The increases for examination fees will be implemented as follows:

  1. .The increased fees for exam papers and late entries will be payable with respect to all examinations to be conducted in 2006 or later.  The closing dates for applications for examinations to be conducted in 2005 all fall before 23 October 2005.  To avoid ambiguity, the old fees will also apply to any late entries for 2005 examinations that are accepted after that date.
  2. The fees to be charged for remarks will depend on the date on which the full payment for the remark is received.  Where payment is received after 22 October 2005, the remark fees will be charged at the increased rate.
  3. If remark fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 23 October 2005, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.  In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically.  Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution. 



Please note that the above fees all include VAT at the current rate of 14%.



These amendments to the regulations also fix outdated references to “nursing assistants” (which should be “nursing auxiliaries”) wherever these occur in the regulations.

The regulations on the Council website have been updated with these amendments.  To access the updated regulations, click on the links below.


Regulations for Registered Nurses  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Enrolled Nurses  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Nursing Auxiliaries  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Student Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Pupil Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Examinations (English / Afrikaans)

Copies of the amendment regulations published in Government Gazette No. 27788 of 22 July 2005 are available on the Council website for your information.  Copies of the Government Gazette can also be purchased from the Government Printers.  To access the copies on the Nursing Council website, type the following address into your browser:

You can also click one of the following links to select specific amendment regulations.


Amendments for Registered Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Enrolled Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Nursing Auxiliaries  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Student Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Pupil Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Examinations (English / Afrikaans)

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Press Release 3/2005 International Nurses Day – 12 May 2005

Press Release 3/2005 Information about International Nurses Day – 12 May 2005



10 May 2005

To be released on 12 May 2005:


International Nurses Day – 12 May 2005


Today 12 May 2005 is a day set aside internationally to commemorate nurses. The members of the profession of nursing are committed to serve people whose health status is compromised and to maintain the health status of those that are healthy.

The profession of nursing began humbly with the commitment of Florence Nightingale who sought to tend to and restore the dignity of the sick and injured in the Crimean War. Today nursing has grown into a fully-fledged profession that plays a significant role in health care delivery.

For this day of commemoration the international community has identified the theme “Nurses for patient safety: Targeting Counterfeit and Substandard Medicines”.

Counterfeit and Substandard Medicine is not only costly to consumers, it is a particular serious area of crime because it puts the lives and well-being of patients at risk, leads to loss of confidence in the medical profession, and in the quality, safety and efficacy of the medicine they prescribe.

“Today on this 12th day of May 2005 on behalf of the South African Nursing Council, I pay tribute to the contribution the 177 000 nurses in South Africa make to our health care system”, said Hasina Subedar, the Registrar of the South African Nursing Council. 

We salute those nurses who:

Work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year to ensure that the health care needs of South Africans are met. 
Provide health care to all, rich and poor, young and old, sick and well, newborn infants and those that are dying. 
Are the backbone of the South African Health care system and carry the burden of providing health care in very adverse conditions. 
Work in rural and remote communities and who are often the only health care provider available to meet the health care needs of these communities.
Restore the dignity of the sick, the elderly, the young and the terminally ill.
Have remained in South Africa through their commitment to serve the people of our country.

Issued by the South African Nursing Council in Pretoria.

For further enquiries please contact the Communications Officer at 012 420 1000.


© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 1/2005: Notice of the Council’s position regarding nurses non-compliance with prescribed dress code

Circular 1/2005: Notice of the Council’s position regarding nurses non-compliance with prescribed dress code


4 May 2005

    Health Facility Managers
    Nursing Service Managers


Non-compliance of Nurses with the Prescribed Requirements for Uniforms and Distinguishing Devices

South African Nursing Council is aware of the protest action embarked on by some nurses against the uniform allowances by reporting for work in inappropriate attire, in the Gauteng and North West Provinces. 

The Council in response to this protest action provides the following guidance to employers:

  1. Employers must ensure that nurses who do not wear the accepted uniform and distinguishing devices do not place patients in their health facilities at risk.
  2. The Regulations of the South African Nursing Council require nurses to wear distinguishing devices with suitable attire that befits the image of the profession of nursing. Nurses that are inappropriately attired taint the image of both the nursing profession and the health care system.
  3. Nurses who violate the South African Nursing Council Regulations pertaining to the distinguishing devices and uniforms for nurses, are liable to be charged with unprofessional conduct and should be reported to the South African Nursing Council.

You are also advised to contact the Council if you require any further assistance or guidance in this matter.

Hasina Subedar

Press Release 2/2005 Caution issued to all prospective nursing students to beware of training which is NOT APPROVED by the South African Nursing Council

Press Release 2/2005  Caution issued to all prospective nursing students to beware of training which is NOT APPROVED by the South African Nursing Council

24 February 2005

For immediate release:


Caution against “nursing” training not recognized by the South African Nursing Council 


It has come to the attention of the South African Nursing Council that there are numerous schools that are offering 3-6 months courses known as “home based care”, “health care worker” or “pre-nursing” courses. The impression created to the public is that on completion of such a course, the person will be entitled to practice as a nurse or these courses are entry requirements for a course in nursing. These courses are not nursing courses and the SANC does not recognize such training for a person to practice as a nurse.

The entry requirement for a course for enrolled nurses and nursing auxiliaries is prescribed in Regulations of the SANC as being an academic standard 8 (grade 10) or an equivalent educational qualification. Many learners are made to believe that to enter nursing, they must complete a so-called “pre nursing” course. This is not a requirement of the South African Nursing Council. Some of the private nursing schools either own or have direct links with the schools providing these unapproved courses and use these schools to channel learners into the approved nursing schools. The SANC does not condone this practice and considers this practice to be unlawful.

Any education institution that provides nursing education and training without the approval of the SANC is operating illegally in terms of the Nursing Act No. 50 of 1978. “Illegal nursing education institutions are spreading at an alarming rate. The SANC will not recognise qualifications or certificates of students who were trained at these illegal institutions. We also appeal to the community to notify the council of any school offering nursing training illegally”. said Ms. Hasina Subedar, Registrar and CEO of the SANC.

Students who consider training as nurses should first verify with the council the status of the nursing education institution in which they wish to enroll before paying tuition fees. A person is only permitted to practice as a nurse if he/she is registered or enrolled as a nurse with the SANC. The SANC only recognizes training provided by nursing education institution that are approved by council. 

The SANC commits itself in ensuring that the standards of nursing education and the practice of nurses and midwives is such that the public receives knowledgeable, competent, safe and ethical nursing care.

To check the status of a nursing education institution, please call 012 420 1000 and to report illegal nursing institutions call 012 420 1074 or 012 420 1075.


Any enquiries should be directed to the Communications Officer, tel. no: 012 420 1000


Issued by the South African Nursing Council in Pretoria.


© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)
