Media Release 3/2023 SANC appoints a new Registrar and CEO

Media Release 3/2023: SANC appoints a new Registrar and CEO

9 March 2023


SUBJECT                 :      SANC APPOINTS NEW REGISTRAR AND CEO                 


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof Ntombifikile Mtshali as the Registrar and CEO of the South African Nursing Council. The appointment is made by the Honourable Minister of Health Dr MJ Phaahla, in terms of Section 18(1) and (3) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) with effect from 01 March 2023.

Professor Mtshali is a recognised Nurse leader, academic and researcher who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge with her including a PhD from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and extensive leadership experience in higher education.

Prior to the current position, she served as the Head of the Nursing Department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) for Nursing and Midwifery at UKZN, Dean of Teaching and Learning in the College of Health at UKZN, Senior Manager Education and Training at the SANC as well as Lecturer and Associate Professor at UKZN. She served as the Manager of the International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) at Columbia University Nursing Education Partnership Initiative (NEPI) in South Africa. During this period, she was seconded to the office of the Chief Nursing Officer in the National Department of Health, to provide technical support to public Nursing colleges (PNC) that served as a pilot site for the integration of PNC to the higher education initiative. This initiative included developing and pilot-testing the country’s first National Policy on Nursing Education and Training.

In support of the WHO agenda Prof Mtshali provided technical support to Nursing Education Institutions in  Congo Brazzaville, DRC, Eritrea, Lesotho, Rwanda, Seychelles, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Rwanda and Tanzania in developing and implementing competency-based curricula, and in building the capacity of Nurses educators as a visiting Professor.

The South African Nursing Council welcomes Prof Mtshali and wishes her every success in her new tenure.



Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden

Senior Manager:  Communication and Marketing

South African Nursing Council



Tel:  012 426-9542



Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Prof. Ntombi Mtshali

Registrar and CEO:  SA Nursing Council



For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel. (012) 426-9542 or email:

Circular 1/2023 Appointment of SANC Registrar and CEO

Circular 1/2023: Appointment of SANC Registrar and CEO

13 January 2023

TO:     National Department of Health

Provincial Departments of Health

Nursing Education Institutions

All Stakeholders


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof Ntombifikile Mtshali as the Registrar and CEO of the South African Nursing Council, by the Honorable Minister of Health Dr MJ Phaahla, in terms of Section 18(1) and (3) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) with effect from 01 March 2023.

Professor Mtshali is a recognised Nurse leader, academic and researcher.  She holds a PhD from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and brings extensive leadership experience in higher education to the table.

Prior to the current position she served as the Head of the Nursing Department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) for Nursing and Midwifery at UKZN, Dean of Teaching and Learning in the College of Health at UKZN, Senior Manager Education and Training at the SANC, Lecturer and Associate Professor at UKZN. She served as the ICAP at Columbia University Nursing Education Partnership Initiative (NEPI) Manager in South Africa. During this period, she was seconded to the office of the Chief Nursing Officer in the National Department of Health, to provide technical support to public nursing colleges (PNC) that served as a pilot sites for the integration of PNC to higher education initiative. This initiative included developing and pilot-testing the country’s first National Policy on Nursing Education and Training.

In support of the WHO agenda Prof Mtshali provided technical support to Nursing Education Institutions in Congo Brazzaville, DRC, Eritrea, Lesotho, Rwanda, Seychelles, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Rwanda and Tanzania in developing and implementing competency-based curricula, and in building the capacity of Nurses educators as a visiting professor.

The South African Nursing Council welcomes Prof Mtshali and wishes her every success in her new tenure.





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Media Release 2/2023 Nurse partaking in industrial action

Media Release 2/2023: Nurse partaking in industrial action

10 March 2023




The South African Nursing Council’s mandate is to regulate Nursing and to protect the public on matters relating to health services generally, and Nursing in particular. The South African Nursing Council (SANC) has noted, with grave concern, the incidences where health care users of public health facilities have not been able to exercise their constitutional rights to access to health care due to the current industrial action.

There are dedicated Nurses who want to continue working and provide services essential to save lives and alleviate suffering especially amongst the vulnerable groups that include patients  who are in Critical/High Care units, people on chronic medication, children, pregnant women and people that are on life-saving therapies e.g. oncology treatment.  We appeal in particular, that these Nurses be assured of safety and of their lives while exercising their professional, ethical, and moral obligation to save lives and not be hindered in their duty to provide care to our patients.

The SANC wants to remind Nurses who are partaking in the industrial action about the Nurse’s Pledge that holds: “The total health of our patients will be our first consideration”.

We also would like to reiterate to the whole Nursing fraternity that their right to strike does not supersede their professional and moral responsibility to be of service to the consumers of health care.

The SANC shall further in terms of its mandate take action, in any matters of Unprofessional Conduct by a Nurse, that the SANC becomes aware of or which is reported to the SANC.

Says Prof Ntombi Mtshali, SANC Registrar and CEO: “The SANC commends measures that have been put in place, i.e. the court interdict, to deal with intimidation and look forward to interventions that would ensure that patients are not denied their right to health care services. We appeal to the Government as an employer and the unions to work together to speedily resolve this dispute that has and continues to threaten the lives of patients.”

Let us all remember that health is a human right.


Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden

Senior Manager:  Communication and Marketing

South African Nursing Council



Tel:  012 426-9542


Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Prof. Ntombifikile Mtshali

Registrar and CEO:  SA Nursing Council


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel. (012) 426-9542 or email:

Addendum to Circular 14/2022 Professional entrance examination

Addendum to Circular 14/2022: Professional entrance exam

6 February 2023

TO:     National Department of Health

Provincial Departments of Health

Nursing Education Institutions

All Stakeholders






To inform the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions, and relevant stakeholders about the Addendum on “Guidelines on Professional Entrance Examination for Professional Registration with the South African Nursing Council” to Circular 14/2022.




  • Circular 14/2022 on Professional Entrance Examination was published on the 8th  of November 2022 and it is also available on the SANC website, . The “Guidelines on Professional Entrance Examination for Professional Registration with the South African Nursing Council” were not published at the same time with Circular 14/2022. It was indicated in the circular that the guidelines will be published on the SANC website and are now available on


  • The attached Guidelines serve as an addendum to Circular 14/2022 and for ease of reference by all the stakeholders.



The Lecturers and student nurses should familiarise themselves with the content of these Guidelines on Professional Entrance Examination for Professional Registration with the South African Nursing Council in preparation of the said examination.


For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact Ms A Mnguni, Senior   Manager: Leaner Affairs at (012) 420 1065 or on e-mail at:


Yours Sincerely



Ms SJ Nxumalo
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Media Release 1/2023 SANC response to the training of Nurse and Midwife Specialists

Media Release 1/2023: SANC Response to the training of nurses in SA

3 February 2023


SUBJECT                   : TRAINING OF NURSES


The South African Nursing Council has noted the comments made in the media, e.g. by Medbrief Africa and Business Day, regarding training of Nurses in South Africa and specifically Nurse Specialists and Midwife Specialists. The SANC acknowledges the shortage of Nurse Specialists and Midwife Specialists as indicated in both MedBrief Africa and Business Day’s articles and believe it is important to again explain the process around NEI and programme accreditation and the training of Nurses in South Africa.

The SANC is a statutory body currently functioning in terms of the Nursing Act (Act No 33 of 2005). It is responsible for developing and maintaining Nursing education and practice standards in the Republic of South of Africa. The Council of the SANC may accredit Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and Nursing programmes, provided that the application(s) meets the SANC requirements, criteria and conditions as stipulated in the Regulations Relating to Institutions as Nursing Education Institutions (Government Gazette No. R173 of 8 March 2013).

This is to ensure that the Nurses who qualified and qualify are competent and safe practitioners. The SANC issued a media Statement on 5 August 2022, with a thorough explanation of the factors that are considered when a decision to accredit the NEIs, Nursing programmes and student numbers by Council is made. The factors includes, relevancy and adequacy of the resources e.g. (physical, human, infrastructure, and budget) and  consideration is given for students from other programmes or even from other NEIs,  utilizing the facility. Therefore, it is not a matter of an NEI applying for a specific number of students and the Council of SANC automatically accrediting such numbers, as it would be irresponsible to do that.

The comment made by Mediclinic`s Executive, Hendrica Ngoepe that “the situation was exacerbated by most professional Nurses not having a postgraduate qualification, meaning they could not meet the criteria for a post basic specialist course” would have to be clarified prior to response thereto.

The SANC would like to clarify several perceptions:

  • The Regulations relating to the approval, and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a student leading to registration as a Nurse Specialist or a Midwife Specialist (Government Notice No. 635 of 5 June of 2020), were broadly consulted when it was published for comments by the National Department of Health before promulgation by the Minister. The issues of admission criteria and of Midwifery as a requirement to access the postgraduate diplomas in Nursing, was discussed at length by the Council of SANC. There were contrasting views about Midwifery as a requirement, but eventually the Council of SANC decision was that irrespective of the nature of clinical speciality, Nurses will manage a pregnant woman, women who have recently given birth and women in child-bearing stage. This is to address the country health needs.


  • Ms Ngoepe is incorrect to indicate that Nurses have to work for at least a year in the specialised units before being able to register for postgraduate courses. In terms of the Education and Training guidelines for postgraduate diploma programmes, section, states that “Experience in the area of specialisation is regarded as an added advantage for the candidates because it would not be possible for all the students who aspire to pursue post graduate Diploma to have the opportunity to have that experience, however Nursing Education Institutions may decide to include additional requirements such as experience in the area of specialization”.


  • Ms Ngoepe further makes unfounded statements by indicating that “private Higher Education Institutions had yet to be accredited to offer bachelor programmes”. The SANC can only accredit Nursing programmes that have been submitted and meet all the SANC criteria, requirements and standards. So far it is only one private NEI that has submitted a Bachelor of Nursing Programme, which was evaluated and feedback provided to the NEI in 2021. Ms Ngoepe is aware of the shortcomings of that programme.


  • Ms Ngoepe regards the SANC as an obstacle for private Institutions to train more Nurses. This statement is unsubstantiated because the SANC uses the same criteria and standards for both public and private NEIs.


  • Ms Toy Vermaak, Netcare Education Manager’s comment indicating that the SANC has not provided rationale for restrictions on training of Nurse Specialists, is  deliberately untrue. She is aware of the shortcomings of the submitted programmes e.g. where there is no lecturer with the relevant specialisation available and the SANC is expected to accredit such programmes. It would be reckless for the SANC`s Council to do so.


  • The SANC has engaged with the Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA) members on several occasions and listened to their challenges and agreed on the way forward. Their challenge regarding the registration of Nurses from India refers. The SANC has never registered a Nurse directly from India who has an additional qualification in any of the clinical and non-clinical Postgraduate Diplomas in Nursing. All Indian Nurses registered with the SANC are registered as General Nurses and/or Midwives (where applicable). In South Africa there are Registered Nurses with experience in all specialisations, but they are not classified as Nurse Specialists or Midwife Specialists. Therefore, the SANC cannot have different standards for Indian Nurses only. The updated Critical Skills list of 2022 covered in the Immigration Act (Act No. 13 00f 2002) includes only specialised qualifications. The SANC is not responsible to grant permission to HASA to recruit Nurses. The SANC only processes the applications in line with the relevant legislation and policy documents. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was initially signed between the SANC and HASA has lapsed. One condition was that HASA members should train their own specialist Nurses.
  • In terms of the Regulations relating to examinations of the South African Nursing Council (Government Notice No. R.7 of 8 January 1993 as amended), the Council may determine where the examination may be written. It needs to be noted that the Council has no accredited NEI in India. HASA members are allowed to conduct examination in India as a special concession due to judicial processes.
  • The issue of articulation for Nurses who trained under legacy Nursing qualifications to Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework aligned Nursing qualifications is currently receiving attention from the SANC and CHE. The allegations that the SANC and CHE are not working together is maliciously misleading. Meetings are held regularly to discuss matters of mutual interest.


  • The issue of migration of Nurses to other countries is an individual choice which may not be attributed to the SANC as failures.


Says Ms Jeanneth Nxumalo, SANC Acting Registrar and CEO:  “The SANC remains committed to ensure that competent Nurses are produced who will render quality and safe Nursing care to the population of South Africa and thus protecting the public in matters relating to Nursing services.”




Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden

Senior Manager:  Communication and Marketing

South African Nursing Council



Tel:  012 426-9542


Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms. Jeanneth Nxumalo

Registrar and CEO:  SA Nursing Council


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel. (012) 426-9542 or email:

Media Release 2/2022 SANC Mourns the passing of nurses during the gas tanker explosion

Media Release 2/2022: SANC response to the training of Nurse and Midwife Specialists

28 December 2022


SUBJECT                   : SANC mourns the passing of nurses in the gas tanker explosion in Boksburg


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) mourns the tragic passing on, of Nurses from OR Tambo Memorial Hospital during the explosion of the gas tanker in Boksburg, East of Johannesburg. Their passing on, is a loss not only to their families, but also to the country and the Nursing fraternity as a whole.

These Nurse practitioners were contributing to the betterment of lives of the patients/ community by applying the competencies they have acquired through the years.

“To the families, friends and colleagues, as the SANC we firmly stand by them and convey our heartfelt condolences in this time of profound grief”, said Ms Jeanneth Nxumalo, SANC Acting Registrar & CEO.


Issued by:

Ms Party Day Moloi

Acting Senior Manager: Communication and Marketing

South African Nursing Council



Tel:  083 496 8366


Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms. Jeanneth Nxumalo

Acting Registrar and CEO:  SA Nursing Council


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Ms P Moloi on Tel. 083 496 8366 or email:

Circular 15/2022 Payments made by NEIs

Circular 15/2022: Payments made by NEIs

13 December 2022

TO:     National Department of Health

Provincial Departments of Health

Nursing Education Institutions

All Stakeholders




1.1 To share information with the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and other relevant stakeholders on the following:

1.1.1 The concerns that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) is currently experiencing regarding the payments that are made by the Nursing Education Institutions without including their SANC Nursing Education Institution (NEI) number together with the payment code as a beneficiary/recipient reference number for the service(s) they are paying for.

1.1.2. The correct process to be followed by the Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) when making payment(s) to the South African Nursing Council.


2.1 Regulation No. R.170 of 8 March 2013 outlines Fees and Fines payable to the South African Nursing Council. The SANC has experienced a lot of challenges about identification and allocation of Fees and Fines deposited by the NEIs.

2.2 When a payment is made by an NEI without using the correct beneficiary/recipient reference number, it results in the payment being either incorrectly allocated or not being allocated at all in situations where the payment reference number has not been included. This causes delays in processing the request that the NEI may need from the SANC. Unfortunately, once the payment has been allocated it cannot be reallocated.

2.3 The payment process outlined below must always be followed by the NEIs and Nurse Practitioners to ensure that service delivery is not negatively affected and the NEIs or Nurse Practitioners are able to run their businesses without any interruptions.


3.1 Methods of payment of Fees and Fines

      Fees and Fines may be paid to the Council using the following methods:

(a) Credit card or debit card in person at the offices of the Council;

(b) Cash deposited into the Council’s bank account;

(c) Internet transfer or other electronic banking means, provided that the payment is made into the Council’s bank account; or

(d) Any other method made available by the Council from time to time.

3.2 In respect of any payment mentioned in sub-regulation 1 of the Fees and Fines Regulations, the correct Council account number of the person for whom or organisation for which the payment is made, must be supplied together with the transaction type code for the required service(s).

3.3 The Council publishes a list of the valid transaction type codes mentioned in sub-regulation 2 of the Fees and Fines Regulations on its website, which may be revised from time to time according to the Council’s requirements.

3.4 In the case of a bank deposit, the account number and transaction type code mentioned in sub-regulation 2 of the Fees and Fines Regulations must be written in the place marked “Reference” on the deposit slip. In the case of Internet or other electronic payment systems, the reference number and transaction type code must be provided in the information which will appear on the Council’s bank statement.

3.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Fees and Fines Regulations, organisations wishing to make a single bulk payment must first contact the Council regarding the necessary arrangements to ensure that the payment is correctly allocated to the organisation.

3.6 Payments made in terms of paragraphs (b) and (c) of sub-regulation 1 of the Fees and Fines Regulations will be considered to have been paid on time only if the item appears on the Council’s bank statement with a transaction date before or on the due date for payment. No exceptions will be considered where transactions are dated after the due date. A person paying by Internet or other electronic banking must take into account the banking rules pertaining to the transaction date that will apply to such payment.


4.1 The SANC uses the Reference Deposit Account for payment of Fees and Fines payable by our stakeholders. The reference consists of two parts:

4.1.1 Your Nursing Education Institution number – which is used to identify who the payment is from.

4.1.2 A payment type code (7 CAPITAL LETTERS) written immediately after the NEI Number – which is used for identifying what the payment is for.

4.2 The following line is an example of what a correct beneficiary/recipient reference should look like when the NEI makes a payment for examination fees:



In the example above, ‘S000‘ is the NEI number and ‘EXAMFEE´ is the payment type code.

PLEASE NOTE that the above reference is only an example, and you should not use the above details for making any payment.  You must use your own NEI number and choose the appropriate payment type code.

4.3 The Head of the NEI must ensure that payment of fees by their Provincial Department of Health or Head Office is made separately for each NEI/Campus and for each specific service.

4.4 The NEIs are humbly requested to ensure that correct payment reference numbers are used with all the payments that are made to the Council in order to avoid service delivery delays.

4.5 Listed in the table below are all the payment type codes that are in use at the SANC:


Section of the Regulations

Payment Type Code

Payment purpose for which the code is used



Accreditation Fees – Nursing Education Institution


Accreditation Fees – Reaccreditation of a Nursing Education Institution



Accreditation Fees – Nursing Education Programme



Annual Fees on behalf of your employees



Annual Nursing Education Institution Fee



Application Fees



Audit Visit Fees



Examination Fees (candidates)



Focus Visit Fees (clinical facilities)



Focus Visit Fees (nursing education institution)



Late Entry Fees (exam candidates)



Registration Fees (additional qualifications)



Registration Fees (learners)



Registration Fees (practitioners)



Other fees or payments (not mentioned above)



5.1 Payments that cannot be correctly allocated because of failure to comply with sub-regulations 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the Fees and Fines Regulations will be regarded as not received in time if there is a deadline by which the payment is due.

5.2 Taking into consideration Section 5.1 above, any Nursing Education Institution which fails to use a correct payment reference number must make another payment with the correct payment reference number and request a refund for incorrectly referenced payment. This has a negative impact on service delivery, and it must be avoided at all costs.

For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact Mr B Manganyi, Acting Manager: Revenue Collections and Sales at or Tel: 012 420 1081.



Ms SJ Nxumalo
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Click the link below to download the Circular as a PDF

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Circular 14/2022 Professional entrance examination

Circular 14/2022: Professional entrance exam

8 November 2022

TO:     National Department of Health

Provincial Departments of Health

Nursing Education Institutions

All Stakeholders





 The purpose of this Circular is to share information with the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and all Stakeholders about the following matters pertaining to the Professional Entrance Examination conducted by the South African Nursing Council (SANC) for professional registration with the SANC:

  • Professional Entrance Examination Guidelines;
  • Examination to be written by International Nurses;
  • Examination Centres; and
  • Registration fee payable on completing the Professional Entrance Examination.


 The South African Nursing Council is a statutory body which functions in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005), and has a responsibility to liaise and communicate with stakeholders on matters pertaining to the Nursing profession. With the introduction of Professional Entrance Examination, there is vital information to be shared as outlined below.

2.1 Professional Entrance Examination Guidelines

2.1.1      The South African Nursing Council held a consultative workshop with the education and training stakeholders on 19 July 2022 to discuss pertinent issues, including the Professional Entrance Examination Guidelines. Input was provided, consolidated and the guidelines were approved by Council in its ordinary meeting held on 22-23 September 2022.

The guidelines will be published on the SANC website in due course.

2.1.2      Students who have completed the summative/final examinations conducted by the NEIs towards registration in the categories “Professional Nurse and Midwife or General Nurse” will write the Professional Entrance Examination conducted by the SANC as from May 2023. The Professional Entrance Examination had already commenced in 2021 for students who have completed the final examination conducted by the NEIs leading to registration in the category “Auxiliary Nurse”.

2.1.3      Community Service Practitioners who graduated from Bachelor of Nursing (new programme) leading to registration as a Nurse and Midwife have individual choices on the month in which to write the Professional Entrance Examination, either in May or November, as long as the examination is written before they complete Community Service.

2.1.4      Students undergoing postgraduate Diplomas in Nursing will not write the Professional Entrance Examination until further notice.

2.2 Examination to be written by International Nurses and Refugees

2.2.1      The Council, at its meeting held on 22-23 September 2022, approved that with effect from 2023, International Nurses will write the same Professional Entrance Examination that is written by Nurses who underwent the Nursing programmes aligned to the Higher Education Qualifications Sub- Framework (HEQSF) in South Africa.

NB. This essentially amends sections 5.1.2 (relating to examination for foreign Nurses) and 6.1.5 of Circular 14/2020 issued in December 2020.

2.2.2      Notwithstanding other requirements, Refugees will be expected to write and be successful in all the summative/final examinations conducted by the NEIs, depending on the qualifications they intend to register with the SANC. Refugees will thereafter write the Professional Entrance Examination before they can be registered by the SANC.

2.3 Examination Centres

2.3.1      The SANC further consulted with the stakeholders on the issue of the Examination Centres since the students would have written and passed the summative/final examination that is conducted by the NEIs. The SANC noted that some NEIs were not willing to be Examination Centres for the Professional Entrance Examination conducted by the SANC. However, after thorough discussion, the Council in its meeting held on 22-23 September 2022, resolved that accredited NEIs should serve as Examination Centres in all the provinces for the 2023 Examination Cycle whilst the process of sourcing neutral venues by the SANC is underway. This implies that the Professional Entrance Examination will be conducted at the NEI where the student was enrolled for the programme for the examination cycle of 2023.

2.3.2      NEIs which are not registered with the SANC as Examination Centres but have students who are due to write the Professional Entrance Examination in 2023 should thus apply to become Examination Centres for 2023 Examination Cycle.

2.3.3      Students have a choice to select the examination month that suit their needs i.e., May or   November.

2.3.4      NEIs should submit the examination applications on behalf of the students who intend to write the May 2023 examination as published in the examination schedule of 2023. The person in charge of the NEI shall certify on the application form for admission to an examination, that the candidate is eligible for admission to the Professional Entrance Examination.

2.3.5      Students will be responsible to download the examination application form on the SANC website at in case they choose to write the examination other than in May 2023. The form, together with proof of payment of the applicable examination fees, should be emailed to Part of the application form must be completed and signed by the Principal of the NEI of the applicable examination venue.

2.3.6      The students will be required to hand over the examination question paper after writing.

2.4 Registration fee payable on completion of the Professional Entrance Examination

2.4.1      In terms of Sub-regulation 2(1)(v) of the Regulations regarding Fees and Fines payable to the South African Nursing Council (Government Notice No.R.170 of 8 March 2013), “a registration fee (practitioner), is payable per category on application for registration as a practitioner”.

2.4.2      On successful completion of the Professional Entrance Examination, each student must pay the due registration fee in line with the Board Notice which is published a year in advance for all fees payable to the SANC. Registration fees for the year 2022 is R437-00 per category and for 2023, R790-00 per category. Only a student Nurse who is eligible to register as a Professional Nurse and Midwife pay registration fees for two categories. Proof of payment of registration fees must be accompanied by the fully completed registration application form, available on



NEIs should bring the contents of this circular to the attention of academic staff, students and Invigilators.


This circular becomes implemented and valid on the date of issue. For any clarity seeking questions in respect of this circular, you are advised to contact Ms A. Mnguni, Senior Manager: Learner affairs at (012) 420 1065, email address



Ms SJ Nxumalo
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Click the link below to download the Circular as a PDF

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Circular 13/2022 SANC year end closure

Circular 13/2022: SANC year end closure

1 November 2022

TO:     National Department of Health

Provincial Departments of Health

Nursing Education Institutions

All Stakeholders


The office of the South African Nursing Council will be closed for the year-end from Friday, 23 December 2022 at 12:00 midday, and re-open on Tuesday, 03 January 2023 at 08:00. Kindly note that on 23 December 2022, for operational reasons the gates will be closed at 11: 00 already.


Annual fees must be paid into the Council’s bank account on or before 31 December 2022 to avoid restoration fees – note that banks take up to three (3) days to clear payments and thus all bank electronic transfers need to be made by 23 December 2022 to ensure it reaches the SANC by 31 December 2022.


The SANC banking details are:

Name of bank:              First National Bank

Account number:        514 211 86 193

Branch code:                253145

Reference:         Person’s own SANC Reference Number followed by ANLFEES


Whilst waiting for the Annual Practising Certificate to be distributed by the SANC, the employer can verify the registration status of the practitioner through the SANC website by logging into the SANC eRegister at To do this, they will require the practitioner’s SANC reference number or Identity Number (ID No).


We wish you all the best over the holiday season, please stay safe and we look forward to working with you in 2023.


Kind regards




Ms SJ Nxumalo
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Click the link below to download the Circular as a PDF

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Circular 12/2022 Position of SANC on articulation

Circular 12/2022: Position of SANC on articulation

27 October 2022








1.1     To share information with the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and other relevant stakeholders on the following:

1.1.1   Process followed by the South African Nursing Council (SANC) in determining the recommendations submitted to the Council on Higher Education (CHE) about articulation pathways for Nurses who trained under legacy qualifications;

1.1.2   Position of the SANC on Communiqué 1 of 2022 issued by the CHE; and

1.1.3   Position of the SANC on Communiqué 10 of 2022 issued by the CHE.




2.1    Process followed by the South African Nursing Council (SANC) in determining the recommendations submitted to the Council on Higher Education (CHE) on articulation pathways for Nurses who trained under legacy qualifications.

2.1.1    The legacy qualifications offered by the public and private Nursing colleges/schools were arbitrarily assigned on the NQF, based on the institutional type. When the new NQF Act No. 67 of 2008 was implemented, there was a need for alignment of higher educational qualifications nationally which happened between 2011 and 2015.  This includes Nursing qualifications acquired through universities. However, the public and private Nursing colleges/schools were left out of this process because they were not part of Higher Education at that time. This created a challenge for the Nurses who trained under legacy qualifications in terms of articulation to the new HEQSF-aligned Nursing qualifications. The SANC expressed concern about this omission through engagement with the CHE.

2.1.2   It is on the basis that the SANC initiated a gap analysis process to identify the similarities and differences between the legacy and HEQSF-aligned Nursing qualifications. The purpose of the exercise was to determine if there were gaps in learning content and programme outcomes of these Nursing qualifications, and if there were, how the gap would be bridged. The SANC conducted a three-day workshop from 3-5 March 2020. Nursing Education and Training stakeholders were represented at the workshop, namely, Forum of University Nursing Deans of South Africa (FUNDISA); the College Principals and Academic Staff of South Africa (CPASSA) and Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA). The findings of the workshop were to assist the SANC in mapping out articulation pathways for the Nurses who underwent the legacy qualifications.

2.1.3   The proposed recommendations emanating from the workshop on articulation pathways for the Nurses who trained under the legacy qualifications were approved by the Council of the SANC and submitted to the CHE for further consideration. The copy of the recommendations is available on request from the SANC.

2.1.4   A CHE Advisory Task Team was formed to deal with the SANC recommendations about articulation pathways for the Nurses who underwent the legacy qualifications. The SANC was represented at the CHE Advisory Task Team. The task team met several times and finally the CHE Advisory Task Team recommendations were presented to the Higher Education Quality Committee. After approval, the CHE issued Communiqué 1 of 2022.  


NB.     It must be emphasized that Communiqué 1 of 2022 didn’t include articulation pathways for Nurses who underwent the four-year comprehensive Diploma in line with Regulations Relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education Training of a Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife leading to Registration (Government Notice Regulation No.425 of February 1985 as amended).


For Nurses with a Diploma in Nursing with a one-year Midwifery qualification in line with Regulations for the course for the Diploma in Midwifery for registration as a Midwife (Government Notice Regulation No.22 of February 1975 as amended).

This was because the matter was still under discussion.



3.1       Much as the CHE has replaced Communiqué 1 of 2022 with Communiqué 10 of 2022, for the purpose of this circular, the position of the SANC will be articulated separately for Communiqué 1 and Communiqué 10.

3.2       The SANC is agreeable with the content of Communiqué 1 of 2022 because the SANC participated in the Advisory Task Team and the content of the Communiqué was in line with the SANC recommendations.


4.1       The SANC is agreeable with the decisions 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Communiqué 10 of 2022 because it is based on the content of Communiqué 1 of 2022.

4.2   The South African Nursing Council distances itself from the CHE Communiqué 10 of 2022 on articulation pathways (i.e. decisions 5, 6 and 7) as presented for Nurses who have graduated from the four-year comprehensive Diploma course and the General Nurses with one-year Midwifery qualification.

4.3       The SANC was not part of the discussions leading to decision 5, 6 and 7 of Communiqué 10 of 2022 after noticing that the discussions were derailed from the SANC recommendations and were not in the best interest of the Nursing profession.



5.1       The larger pool of Registered Nurses who are eligible to access the postgraduate Diploma programmes are those that are affected by decisions 5, 6 and 7 of the CHE Communiqué 10 of 2022.

5.2       There will be a narrow pool of Nurses who are eligible to access postgraduate Diploma programmes directly.

5.3       There is currently an outcry on the shortage of Nurse Specialists and Midwife Specialists in South Africa. Should the Nursing Education Institutions not be able to train adequate Nurse Specialists and Midwife Specialists, it will exacerbate the shortage of this category.


6.1     The Council of SANC ordinary meeting held on 22-23 September 2022 resolved that the matter should be escalated to the Executive Authority responsible for Health in South Africa for intervention. Feedback will be provided subsequently.

For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact Ms M Mzolo, Acting Senior Manager: Provider Affairs at (012) 420 1047 or on e-mail at:

Yours Sincerely


MS SJ NXUMALO                                                                                                             




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