Circular 4/2007 Issuing of student cards to all learners who registered/enrolled with SANC

Circular 4/2007 Issuing of student cards to all learners who registered/enrolled with SANC


30 March 2007

To All:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Labour Organisations


Issuing of Student Cards to all Learners who are Registered/Enrolled with the South African Nursing Council


The Council will shortly be sending out Student Cards for all learners who are registered or enrolled with the Nursing Council to follow a programme at an approved Nursing Education Institution. In future, these cards will be sent out on registration or enrolment of new learners.

Nursing Education Institutions are required to distribute the cards to the learners as soon as they are received and to ensure that the learners immediately sign their cards in the space provided. Institutions should encourage learners to carry the card with them at all times, but particularly when in a clinical situation.

The purpose of the Student Card is to generate awareness about the importance of quality assurance in nursing education and training among learners. As the ETQA (Education and Training Quality Assurance body) for all nursing education programmes, the Nursing Council is responsible to ensure that learners receive nursing education that meets the required standards – in terms of both the Nursing Act and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Act. The Nursing Council does this by accrediting both the nursing programmes and the institutions that provide the programmes. In the future, the Nursing Council will also be conducting auditing of the Nursing Education Institutions to make sure (among other things) that the necessary quality control systems are in place.

The Student Card will serve as proof that the learner is registered/enrolled with the Nursing Council and that he/she is following an accredited course at an accredited nursing education institution. This will give the learner confidence that, on successful completion of the course, his/her training will be recognised by the Nursing Council. The cards may also serve to alert a learner who does not receive a card that he/she may be training at an institution that is not accredited by the Nursing Council.


Sizeni Mchunu
For Registrar and Chief Executive Officer 

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 3/2007 Proclamation of commencement of sections of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)

Circular 3/2007 Proclamation of commencement of sections of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)


23 March 2007



Proclamation of Commencement of Sections of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)


The State President has proclaimed some sections of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) with effect from 15 December 2006.

Attached, please find a copy of the proclamation notice.

The sections of the Act that are proclaimed by this notice and are now in effect are:

    Sections 1 to 4; 8; 11; 13; 17 to 29; 30; 31; 37; 40; 58; 59; 61 and 62.


How does this Proclamation affect the profession?

The implementation of Sections 1 to 4; 8; 11; 13; 17 to 29; 58; 59; and 62 do not have a direct bearing on individual nurses. These sections pertain to the functioning of South African Nursing Council and makes provision for the Minister to make new Regulations and for the Council to make new Rules.

The proclamation of Sections 30, 31, 37, 40 and 61 does affect individual nurses and the implementation of each of these sections is explained further. 

1. Implementation of Sections 30 and 31

The implementation of Section 30 pertaining to the Scope of profession and practice of nursing and Section 31 pertaining to Registration as prerequisite to practise is dependant on the publications of new regulations.  It is important to note that until new Regulations are passed to replace the existing Regulations, the scope of practice, categories and titles of nurses, and the registration of nurses will continue to be regulated by existing Regulations. This effectively implies that until new Regulations are passed:

nurses registered or enrolled prior to the proclamation of the Act will continue to function in the categories in which they are registered or enrolled to practise,

nurses will continue to use their existing titles; 

the scope of practice for all existing categories of nurses will remain unchanged; and

new registrations or enrolments will be in accordance with the requirements of existing regulations.

2. Implementation of Section 37: Receipt as Proof

This section does not require new Regulations and is immediately applicable. The section makes provision for the recognition of the “Annual Receipt and Licence to Practice” issued by the Council as proof of your registration or enrolment with the Council or if such receipt is lost a confirmation letter signed by the registrar. Please note that only a receipt that states “Annual Receipt and Licence to Practice” is valid for practice.

 NB: An ordinary receipt issued by the Council for receipt of money is not a valid “Annual Receipt and Licence to Practice” and does not entitle a person to practice. Such a receipt only acknowledges a payment made.

3. Implementation of Section 40: Community Service

Section 40 of the Act pertaining to Community Service will be fully implemented when Regulations are passed to give effect to this section. Draft Regulations were already published for public comment in October 2006 and the Regulations will be published in their final form shortly. The Department of Health and the SANC will jointly communicate the details regarding the implementation of community service.

4. Implementation of Section 61: Transitional Provisions

61 (1) Any proclamation, notice, regulation, authorisation or order issued, made or granted, any registration or enrolment, any removal from a register or roll or any appointment or any other thing done in terms of a provision of any law repealed by section 60(1) is, unless inconsistent with any provision of this Act, deemed to have been issued, made, granted or done under the corresponding provision of this Act.”


The effect of this section is that all existing regulations, registrations, enrolments, removals or any order made in terms of the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978) as amended are still applicable until such time that they are repealed.

You will be kept informed of all further developments regarding the implementation of the Nursing Act through regular communication.

Printed copies of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) can be purchased from the Council or from the Government Printers. An electronic (PDF) version can also be found on the Council website at the following location: 



© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 2/2007 Discontinuation of listing of short courses by SANC

Circular 2/2007 Discontinuation of listing of short courses by SANC


6 March 2007



Discontinuation of Listing of Short Courses by the South African Nursing Council


  1. The South African Nursing Council (SANC) had previously approved short courses for registered nurses which were governed by the following regulations:

GG Notice R238 of 13 February 1981

GG Notice R237 of 13 February 1981

GG Notice R670 of 31March 1983


These provided for offering of

Renal Nursing and Stoma Care Nursing
Occupational Health Nursing and
Spinal Injury Nursing Science


  1. In August 1984 the above regulations were repealed as the Council took a resolution that it would no longer regulate short courses that were less than one academic year.

Recognizing the need for short courses, the Council further resolved that short courses could still be offered under certain circumstances. These included the following, inter alia:

a need identified by the National and / or Regional level departments health
examinations will be conducted by the educational institution
the qualification would be listed by the Council only for statistical purposes
a certificate will be issued by the approved school offering the short course

NB:    Listing of a course only implies that the course appears on the council’s database, it does not entitle the person to register to practice in a particular capacity or a registration certificate. A listed qualification has no status attached to it by virtue of it appearing on the SANC database. 

This resolution was communicated by Circular 30/84 in October 1984


  1. The SANC has also experienced several challenges over the years in respect of listing of short courses in accordance with the above resolution:
the focus has shifted from that of the initial intent and these courses are no longer based on national and regional health care needs, the need for short courses is driven by providers and individuals
short courses are not regulated and therefore there are no prescribed standards that the SANC can use to quality assure these courses. Providers have also not complied with the SANC guidelines for the listing of short courses which has resulted in a great deal of variation and inconsistencies in the courses listed.
some listed “short courses” are a duplication of regulated advanced qualifications. This causes confusion for the students, providers, and health facilities especially as these listed courses do not entitle a person to be registered to practice in an advanced area of nursing.


  1. Accreditation Requirements

4.1 The SANC is accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA) for the nursing qualifications.

 4.2 The qualifications within the scope of the SANC are stipulated by SAQA (Annexure A).

4.3 SANC’s is required as an ETQA to accredit and quality assure qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) that fall within its scope.

4.4 Currently none of the listed courses on the SANC database are registered on the NQF. The SANC as an ETQA therefore cannot continue to recognize courses for listing that are not accredited and quality assured by the Council.

4.5 Furthermore neither the Nursing Act 50 of 1978 nor Nursing Act 33 of 2005 makes provision for the registration of short courses.


  1. You are therefore hereby notified that the Council took the following resolution
discontinue listing of short courses by the Council, and to close the list
no new short courses for listing will be accredited
SANC will accredit only those short courses that comply with the requirements for registration on the NQF and fall within the scope of the SANC as an ETQA.
  1. Implications of this resolution:
Nursing Education Institutions may continue to provide the short courses, conduct examination and issue certificates in accordance with their status or provide these courses as skills programmes or in-service education
Institutions that are already approved by the SANC to offer short courses will remain in the SANC database (for information only)
Candidates completing these courses may not apply to the SANC to have the listed course appear before their names
The annual licence to practice will no longer contain details of previously listed qualification with effect from 2008 licence.
An institution may apply to the SANC for the accreditation of a previously listed course only if the qualification complies with a registered qualification on the NQF and falls within the scope of the SANC and/or meets the prescribed requirements of a qualification for registration with the SANC (meets the requirements of a Regulation for a specific qualification).



Any further enquiry regarding this matter may be referred to Ms Mchunu: Deputy Registrar Professional Affairs
(Tel: 012 420 1000 e-mail: [email protected])


Your cooperation in this regard will be appreciated.


H Subedar (Ms)


The Scope and primary focus of the South African Nursing Council as an ETQA accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority


The scope and the primary focus area of the South African Nursing Council as accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority cover the following qualifications:

  1. Certificate of Enrolment as Nursing Auxiliary
  2. Certificate of Enrolment as a Nurse
  3. Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a general nurse or psychiatric nurse
  4. Diploma in Midwifery
  5. Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing
  6. Diploma in Nursing (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwifery (Comprehensive Course)
  7. Degree in Nursing (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwifery (Comprehensive Course)
  8. Diploma in Nursing Administration
  9. Diploma in Unit Management for Registered Nurses
  10. Diploma in Nursing Education
  11. Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care
  12. Diploma in Community Health Nursing Science
  13. Post-basic Diploma in Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science
  14. Post-basic Diploma in Community Health Nursing Science
  15. Post-basic Diploma in Occupational Health Nursing Science
  16. Post-basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Science (Elective: Adults)
  17. Post-basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Science (Elective: Children)
  18. Post-basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Science (Elective: Adolescents)
  19. Post-basic Diploma in Gerontological Nursing Science
  20. Post-basic Diploma in Child Nursing Science
  21. Post-basic Diploma in Operating Theatre Nursing Science
  22. Post-basic Diploma in Ophthalmological Nursing Science
  23. Post-basic Diploma in Orthopaedic Nursing Science
  24. Post-basic Diploma in Medical and Surgical Nursing Science

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 1/2007 Cancellation of the nursing examinations scheduled for February 2001

Circular 1/2007 Cancellation of the nursing examinations scheduled for February 2007


22 February 2007

TO:The Principals of Nursing Education Institutions


Cancellation of the Nursing Examinations Scheduled for February 2007


The South African Nursing Council regrets that due to a serious breach in security we have had to cancel all examinations that were scheduled for 21 and 23 February 2007 and nullify the examinations that were written on 19 February 2007.

The South African Nursing Council learnt on 20 February 2007 that examination papers that were sent to an invigilator were intercepted and some learners had access to the examination papers prior to date on which they were due to write the examination.

In these circumstances the Council had no option but to take the decision to cancel the examination. Furthermore we only learnt of the breach in security on 20 February 2007 which was a day after the first examination was written on 19 February 2007. 

The Council will be reconvening the examination for the affected learners as soon as we possibly can, however we also need some time to put in place tighter security measures to prevent the recurrence of such an incident in future examinations. 

The South African Nursing Council will inform all institutions providing nursing education of the new date for the examination which we anticipate at this stage to be around the end of March 2007. 

Kindly ensure that all the learners are duly informed of the situation and assure them that the South African Nursing Council is doing everything to resolve the situation speedily. Learners will be informed about the future date of the examination through the nursing education institutions. We also appeal to the learners not to contact the Council directly.

We sincerely regret the inconvenience and disruption this has caused the learners and the education institutions, your support and understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.



Hasina Subedar

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 8/2006: SANC Year-end closure

Circular 8/2006: SANC Year-end closure


7 December 2005



South African Nursing Council Year End Closure – 23 December 2006 to 02 January 2007


The South African Nursing Council will close its offices for the holidays at 16:00 on 22 December 2006 and will re-open at 08:00 on 03 January 2007.

You are welcome to make payments for annual fees, etc. into the Council Bank account during this period. Account details:

Branch:Pretoria (Church Square) Corporate Core Services
Account No. 514 211 86 193
Branch Code:251445 253145
Reference No. Your SANC Ref. number followed by your name

Any such payments will be processed immediately when the Council re-opens on 03 January.

The Council’s fax and email systems will continue to operate during this period although you should only expect a response once the Council has re-opened in January.



Circular 5/2006: increases in Nursing Council fees

Circular 5/2006: Increases in Nursing Council fees

21 November 2006


Increases in Nursing Council Fees


You are hereby notified that increases in South African Nursing Council fees have been published in the Government Gazette on 17 November 2006. This circular contains details of all the increased fees and the dates from which they will be applied.

Fees that will increase on 4 December 2006

The following fees will increase as indicated on 4 December 2006. This means that the increased fee will be payable for all amounts received on or after Monday 4 December 2006

Annual FeesRegistered Nurses/MidwivesR213-00
Enrolled Nurses/MidwivesR159-00
Nursing AuxiliariesR139-00
Restoration FeesRegistered Nurses/MidwivesR347-00
Enrolled Nurses/MidwivesR247-00
Nursing AuxiliariesR227-00
Restoration Fees
(after voluntary removal)
Registered Nurses/MidwivesR67-00
Enrolled Nurses/MidwivesR67-00
Nursing AuxiliariesR67-00
Student FeesRegistration (4-year programme)R94-00
Registration (all other programmes)R94-00
Restoration (all programmes)R94-00
Pupil FeesEnrolment as Pupil NurseR94-00
Restoration as Pupil NurseR94-00
Enrolment as Pupil Nursing AuxiliaryR94-00
Restoration as Pupil Nursing AuxiliaryR94-00
Application FeesAll Foreign QualificationsR375-00 
Registration FeesBasic Qualification (local)R63-00
Basic Qualification (foreign)R250-00
Additional Qualification (local)R125-00
Additional Qualification (foreign)R250-00
Enrolment FeesEnrolled Nurse (local)R63-00
Enrolled Nurse (foreign)R250-00
Nursing Auxiliary (local)R63-00
Nursing Auxiliaries (foreign)R250-00

In respect to payments made prior to 4 December 2006:

  1. A person who has paid the fees (in full) prior to the above date will not have to pay the difference between the old and the new fees.
  2. If fees have been paid via postal services and the posting date on the article is before 4 December 2006, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.
  3. If fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 4 December 2006, the person will not be expected to pay the difference. In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically. Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution.

Fees that will increase on 17 March 2007

The examination fees will increase as indicated on 17 March 2007.

Examination FeesExam paper (basic)R125-40
Exam paper (post-basic)R125-40
Late entry feeR63-00
Remark fee (per script)R250-00

The increases for examination fees will be implemented as follows:

  1. The increased fees for exam papers and late entries will be payable with respect to all examinations to be conducted in July 2007 or later. For examinations to be conducted prior to July 2007, the closing dates for applications all fall before 17 March 2007. To avoid ambiguity, the old fees will also apply to any late entries for examinations to be conducted prior to July 2007, even if payment is received after 17 March 2007.
  2. The fees to be charged for remarks will depend on the date on which the full payment for the remark is received. Where payment is received on 17 March 2007 or later, the remark fees will be charged at the increased rate.
  3. If remark fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 17 March 2007, the person will not be expected to pay the difference. In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically. Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution.


Please note that the above fees all include VAT at the current rate of 14%.


Copies of the amendment regulations published in Government Gazette No. 29378 of 17 November 2006 can be downloaded from this website for your information. Copies of the Government Gazette can be purchased from the Government Printers.

Please click one of the following links to select specific amendment regulations.


Amendments for Registered Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Enrolled Nurses  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Nursing Auxiliaries  (The principal regulations to which these amendments apply have subsequently been repealed.)


Amendments for Student Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Pupil Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries (English / Afrikaans)


Amendments for Examinations (English / Afrikaans)

The printed copies of the applicable regulations will be updated in line with these amendments and will be available for purchase from the Council shortly. Copies of the fully updated regulations can also be downloaded from the Council website for general information.

Please click one of the following links to select specific fully updated regulations.


Regulations for Registered Nurses  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Enrolled Nurses  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Nursing Auxiliaries  (These OLD regulations have subsequently been repealed.)


Regulations for Student Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Pupil Nurses (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries (English / Afrikaans)


Regulations for Examinations (English / Afrikaans)

To access the copies of all Council regulations on the Nursing Council website, type the following address into your browser or click on the link below:

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Circular 7/2006: Appointments for examination activities – 2007 SANC examinations

Circular 7/2006: Appointment for examination activities – 2007 SANC Examinations


21 November 2006



South African Nursing Council Appointments for Examination Activities – 2007


The assistance of Principals / Persons in Charge of Nursing Education is sought in identifying and supporting suitable persons that will participate in the Council’s examination activities. The appointments are in respect of the following categories:

Invigilators (see separate specification below)

Examiners, Moderators and Markers

  1. In order to be considered, the applicants must comply with the following Council requirements:

1.1    The applicant must be registered as a nurse with an additional qualification in nursing education.

1.2    The applicant must have been actively involved in the theoretical and clinical accompaniment of pupils/students for the relevant course for a minimum period of two years.

1.3    In cases of clinical post-basic courses i.e. additional qualifications, the applicant must have the particular additional qualification registered against his/her name.

  1. The following documents must be submitted to the Council by the applicant:

2.1    Application letter

2.2    Completed application form

2.3    Curriculum Vitae

2.4    A sworn affidavit



  1. In respect of appointment of invigilators, the office of the Council has noted with concern that some invigilators/assistant invigilators are traveling long distances from their residential areas to the examination centre(s). These long distances have negative effects in case of emergency.

  2. You are therefore requested to submit names of invigilators whose single trip is no more than 50 kilometers. Please indicate the distance to be traveled on the application form.

  3. It is the responsibility of the Head of Institution (Principal) to ensure that the nominee has the ability to effectively carry out all the responsibilities of an invigilator. The enclosed instructions to invigilators will assist you in fulfilling this responsibility.

  4. The following documents must be submitted to the Council by the applicant:

4.1    Completed application form (form no longer on this website)

4.2    A sworn affidavit (form no longer on this website)


All applications for 2007 appointments must to be submitted to the Council by the end of business on Monday 11 December 2006.

Kindly make copies of the attached application forms and affidavit to be completed by identified persons at your institution.


Any enquiries in this regard may be referred to the following:

Manager – Examinations:   Ms M C Dioke
Telephone Number: 012 420 1044
E-mail address:[email protected] 


Your cooperation and support will be highly appreciated.




Click on the following links to open and view/print  the various forms.

   Application Form: Examiners

   Application Form: Invigilator

   Application Form: Marker

   Application Form: Moderator

   Sworn Affidavit

Download Acrobat Reader to view our forms ™

Some documents on this web-site are only available in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the forms. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free from Adobe.

The above trademarks™ are used by kind permission of the trademark owner – Adobe Systems Incorporated of 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704.


Circular 6/2006: SANC Examination Schedule for 2007

Circular 6/2006: SANC Examination Schedule for 2007


20 November 2006

TO:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule – 2007


Click here to see the Examination Schedule for 2007.


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations. 

  1. The closing date for examination should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates. 

  2. Only registered students/pupils will be eligible to enter for an examination, the head of the nursing education institution must ensure that all students/pupils are registered with the Council within the prescribed period (this does not apply to the Admission Examination for Enrolled Nursing or to the Admission Examination for Foreign Nurses).

  3. The Council will only process examination applications that meet the following requirements:

a)    submitted on the Council’s official Application Form for Examination which is completed in full and signed by the relevant persons.

b)    accompanied by the prescribed fee or proof of payment of the fee into the Council’s bank account, such payment should be done by the nursing education institution (group payment) and not by individual students – the latter delays processing of applications as some payments may be outstanding at the time of processing. Banking details for direct deposits are as follows: 

Name of bank:FNB
Account number:51425166282 (Current Account)
Branch:Pretoria Branch Corporate Core Services
Branch code:251445 253145
Reference:NEI reference number must appear on all deposits!

 c)    includes all the required documentation.

  1. Only those students/pupils that have been issued an examination number will be eligible to write Council examination.

  2. All practical Mark Sheets must be submitted to Council by the end of the month in which the examination is written. Examination results cannot be processed if practical mark sheets are not submitted on time or if the practical mark sheets are incorrectly filled in. Please note that if you wish to submit computer generated practical mark sheets, the layout and content must correspond with the format of the official practical mark sheets supplied by SANC.

  3. The Council reserves the right to cancel a scheduled examination if there are insufficient candidates for such an examination.

  4. Examination results will be sent to the nursing education institution through which the candidate registered for the examination. No individual results will be communicated to candidates telephonically. Institutions must inform learners that they should refrain from telephoning the Council to enquire about their examination results.

  5. Requirements for the Admission Examination for the Course Leading to Enrolment as a Nurse:

a)    This exam is a pre-requisite examination for enrolled nursing auxiliaries who want to access the course leading to Enrolment as a Nurse but who did not qualify as an enrolled nursing auxiliary under the course leading to Enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary prescribed by the regulations published by Government Notice No. R. 2176 of 19 November 1993 (as amended).

b)    An enrolled nursing auxiliary who did not qualified as an enrolled nursing auxiliary under the R. 2176 regulations and who has not successfully completed the Admission Examination will NOT be eligible for any exemptions in terms of the regulations for the course leading to Enrolment as a Nurse as prescribed in the regulations published by Government Notice No. R. 2175 of 19 November 1993 (as amended).

c)    The providers of nursing education and training are responsible for identifying learners who need to sit for this examination.



Circular 4/2006: Distinguishing Devices

Circular 4/2006: Distinguishing devices


29 August 2006






Please note that the price of distinguishing devices will increase on:

1 October 2006.


The new price will apply to all orders received by the Council on or after 1 October 2006. Orders received by post and POSTMARKED before 1 October 2006 will be processed at the old price.

A copy of the revised instruction sheet and application form for distinguishing devices, reflecting the increased prices of distinguishing devices, is attached.

The order form now has a letter of authorization on the back for the convenience of those sending someone else to purchase distinguishing devices at the counter on their behalf. Please NOTE that Council will NOT issue distinguishing devices to any person identified only as “BEARER”!

The new instruction sheet has a section applicable to bulk orders sent in by employers on behalf of staff working for them. Employers are requested to carefully follow the instructions given to make sure that orders are processed correctly and without undue delay.

It is extremely important that this information is brought to the attention of all nurses and midwives to avoid problems that might otherwise occur when purchasing distinguishing devices. Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Please destroy or dispose off all old forms in your possession.

Extra copies of the form are obtainable from the Council on request. Please make telephonic arrangements beforehand if you require large quantities.


The form can also be downloaded from the Nursing Council website:

Click the Services button and select the Distinguishing Devices option of the page to download the form.

Alternatively, you can type in the following address to take you straight to the Distinguishing Devices page: (this link is no longer available on this website)


Please contact Ms M. Mulder at telephone (012) 420 1080 if you need any further information regarding this circular.


Signed (H Subedar)



Circular 3/2006: Publication of new Nursing Act

Circular 3/2006: Publication of new Nursing Act

 22 June 2006




The new nursing act has been published in Government Gazette No. 492 of 29 May 2006. The act is called the Nursing Act, 2005 and is Act No. 33 of 2005.

Attached please find a copy of Nursing Act, 2005 for your information (this Act is not yet in operation)

Your attention is drawn to the following important points in the new act:

The Nursing Act, 2005 “comes into operation on a date determined by the President by proclamation in the Gazette” – Section 62 of the Nursing Act, 2005.

Existing regulations, notices, orders, etc. remain in force

All existing regulations, notices, orders, registrations granted, etc. under the old nursing act will remain in force under the Nursing Act, 2005 – Section 61(1) of the Nursing Act, 2005. The only exception to this section being any thing that is contradictory to any provision of the new nursing act.

The Nursing Council will, together with the Department of Health, endeavour to bring all existing regulations, etc in line with the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005 as a matter of extreme urgency. Priority will be given to those provisions of the new nursing act that do not have any existing regulations.

The current Council will not automatically be dissolved when Nursing Act, 2005 comes into operation

When the Nursing Act, 2005 comes into operation, the current Council will continue functioning and current council members will continue to be members of the council until the current Council is dissolved by the Minister of Health by notice in the Gazette (unless a particular member or members resign from the Council for any reason) – Section 61(2) and 61(3) of the Nursing Act, 2005.

There are other transitional arrangements that you should note

Section 61 of the Nursing Act, 2005 also contains some other transitional arrangements that should be studied in order to understand how the transition between the old and the new acts will be effected.

An electronic version of the act is also available for download on the Council website:

The electronic version is particularly useful as the table of contents is fully bookmarked to help you quickly find the section you are looking for. It is of course also fully text searchable.


Hasina Subedar

NB: For further information, please contact:

The Communications Officer

Tel: (012) 420-1000