Closing 9 Dec 3/2016

Closing 9 Dec 3/2016

5 December 2016

TO: All Staff and Clients
FROM: Ms SA Mchunu

Acting Registrar and CEO




Please be informed that on Friday, 09 December 2016, the Council offices will close at 12:00 midday.

Your co-operation will be highly in this regard.


Yours sincerely



Ms SA Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Press Rel 2/2016

Press Rel 2/2016

15 November 2016

TO: News Editors
FROM: South African Nursing Council
SUBJECT: Nursing Education and Training and Nursing Education Institutions in South Africa


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) would like to reiterate that only students that study accredited nursing programs at accredited Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs), will be able to register as students with the SANC, register to write the SANC examinations and ultimately obtain professional registration or enrolment with the South African Nursing Council in the following nurse categories:

Registered Nurse
Enrolled Nurse and
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary


The SANC is established and functions under the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005).  In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the SANC regulates nursing education and training by accrediting institutions as Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs), among others.  The SANC further approves all nursing programmes offered by NEIs.  NEIs can offer the approved Nursing Programme/s, provided that they meet the set criteria, comply with the provisions of the relevant regulations and are duly registered by all relevant authorities.  All NEIs that are accredited by the SANC are currently offering legacy nursing qualifications.

Says Ms Sizeni Mchunu, Acting Registrar of the SANC: “The names of all accredited Nursing Education Institutions are published, public and private NEIs per province, on the SANC website at This is done to assist the public and potential nursing students with the correct information in order to ensure that students do not to register with the institutions that are not duly accredited. Nursing Education Institutions include Universities, Universities of Technology, public Nursing Colleges, public Nursing Schools and private Nursing Schools.

The SANC calls on all student nurses to ensure that their training institution is accredited and that they are registered with the SA Nursing Council as students, in terms of Section 32 of the Nursing Act.  The SANC issues a registration certificate to the NEI for each student upon submission of required documentation by the NEI.  Such certificate should be given to the student by the NEI.  Currently the Council is working on a system that will ensure that the certificate is issued electronically to both the NEI and the student simultaneously.

Students are encouraged to check whether they have been registered with the SANC by contacting them at Tel. 012-420 1000.”

The legacy nursing qualifications that are currently offered by NEIs are gradually being phased out so that new ones that are in line with current legislation both in Nursing and Higher Education can be phased-in.  The transition lies with the changes in the nursing legislation and higher education.

The phasing-out process affects both public and private NEIs.  It must be noted that no NEIs have been closed by the SANC as a result of this process.

The gradual process of phasing-out the legacy qualifications has started with two of these qualifications i.e. Course leading to enrolment as a Nurse and course leading to enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary.  Both these have seen a massive overproductions accompanied by a higher unemployment rate as has been shown by a survey that was conducted by the SANC in 2015.

The last intake date for the courses mentioned above was 30 June 2015.  Communication with Nursing Education Institutions and other stakeholders within the sector was sent by the Nursing Council through a circular 13 of 2014 as well as the formal notice that was published in the Government Gazette R.928 of October 2015.

Phasing out of the legacy nursing qualifications affects both the public and private NEI’s equally.



For more information or to arrange for an interview, please contact:

Mrs Adri van Eeden
Tel : (012) 426 9542
email [email protected]

Enrolled Nurse Survey 2/2016

Enrolled Nurse Survey 2/2016




To inform the nursing profession, employers both public and private, critical stakeholders, prospective nursing students and the South African community about the findings of the survey.



The Education and Training Department was mandated by Council at its meeting held in July 2015 to conduct a survey on recently qualified Enrolled Nurses and Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries. This survey was conducted to establish if there is a high proliferation of Enrolled Nurses and Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary categories and also to establish their employability status in the public and private health care industry. The South African Nursing Council amongst other functions is tasked with reporting to the Health Minister every six months on the status of nursing (section4 (1) (p) (ii) through request for submission of employer returns by Nursing Education Institutions section 4(2) (k) and employers section 4(2) (I). It is however, not easy to access nurses in transition from training to employment. 



A purposive sampling was used through accessing examination results of students who wrote in May & November2013 and passed as well as in May & November 2014 and passed. The Survey Monkey methodology was used and the questionnaires were sent through SMSes with a linkage through to a web-browser to access the attached questionnaires. The participants were to respond directly on their smart phones, desktops or laptops. SMSes were sent to 10 000 students that passed during the period under review. The participants were given six (6) weeks to respond and their participation was voluntary. There were 3 000 (30%) responses received within the six week period.

The questionnaires included:

    Year qualification obtained
    Institution’s name where qualification obtained
    Cost of training per year
    Did you do pre- nursing?
    Province qualification obtained
    Name of the current employer
    Province currently employed
    Date of employment after qualification
    Full time employment
    Temporary employment
    Were recruited by employment agency? If yes, state the name of recruitment agency



It was done by Survey Monkey instruments and categorised according to:

 Age group 
Province where trained
Province of employment
Permanent employment
Temporary employment / Unemployment




20-25 12,34% 17,86% 69,81%
26-30 9,50% 15,38% 75,11%
31-35 17,82% 16,31% 66,36%
36-40 21,10% 15,19% 63,71%
41-45 23,26% 16,28% 60,97%
46-50 32,76% 13,79% 53.45%
Average 16,65% 16,42% 63,93%

The results indicate that as age increases there is a decline in the unemployment and increase in permanent employment and decrease in the temporary employment. The study reflected that the younger generation is most affected with high unemployment rate .The average unemployment rate is higher than employment rate whether permanent or temporary.


GAUTENG 7,69% 17,95% 74,36%
KWAZULU –NATAL 6,12% 6,63% 87,36%
EASTERN CAPE 18,89% 17,78% 63,33%
MPUMALANGA 2,38% 4,76% 93,33%
NORTH WEST 22,45% 4,08% 73,47%
LIMPOPO 7,50% 5,00% 87,50%
WESTERN CAPE 32,30% 28,08% 44,62%
FREE STATE 10,50% 31,58% 57,89%
AVERAGE 10,77% 13,60% 75,63%

They survey indicated that unemployment is higher among Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries than Enrolled Nurses and there is a high unemployment in the urban and semi urban provinces as compared to rural and underdeveloped provinces. The average statistics of unemployment indicated that urban and semi urban provinces are mostly affected



GAUTENG 35,52% 22,07% 42,41%
KWAZULU –NATAL 10,44% 16,16% 73,40%
EASTERN CAPE 13,00% 19,00% 68,00%
MPUMALANGA 62,50% 25,00% 12,50%
NORTH WEST 62,50% 00,00% 37,50%
LIMPOPO 41,60% 8,33% 50,00%
WESTERN CAPE 45,45% 33,33% 21,21%
FREE STATE 31,25% 37,50% 31,25%
AVERAGE 23,30% 19,61% 57,09%

The study revealed that there is a slight improvement in the employability of Enrolled Nurses in all provinces but higher in the rural provinces on permanent basis as compared to the urban provinces. The study did reveal though that employment on average is above 55%, with an average of permanent employment at 23%.



ENA 2013 24% 13,64%
  2014 12% 9,36%
AVERAGE   1,52% 10,34%
EN  2013 4,64% 5,30%
  2014 2,73% 4,70%
AVERAGE   3,08% 14,80%

The survey revealed that Nursing Agencies are able to secure employment for both categories higher on temporary basis than permanent basis. The Enrolled Nurses’ categories on average benefited from Nursing Agencies than Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries categories, however, there was a significant decline between 2013 and 2014 in recruiting both categories for either permanent or temporary employment.



ENA PUBLIC NEI 19,09% 14,00% 70,09%
  PRIVATE NEI 9,64% 14,09% 76,27%
AVERAGE   10,77% 13,60% 75,63%
EN PUBLIC NEI 44,76% 13,29% 41,96%
  PRIVATE NEI 18,71% 20,96% 60,33%
AVERAGE   23,30% 19,61% 57,09%

The survey reflect that both Enrolled Nurses and Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries categories who trained in public NEI’s are employable better than those trained in private NEI’s, but the average unemployability is higher for Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries categories irrespective where they have undergone training.



It is evident that there is a need to use these findings as a baseline to identify if there is a need to train these categories under new nursing qualifications especially Auxiliary Nurse category under R.169. It is also evident that prospective NEI’s which intend applying to offer such a programme to be guided by referring them to this survey.

Nurses Day 1/2016

NursesDay 2016

11 May 2016



The 12th of May is a day when nurses globally reflect on and celebrate the meaning and value of their contribution in the health care delivery. The South African Nursing Council join in celebrating the day with the nurses and midwives of our country. The theme for the 2016 International Nurses day is: Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving health systems’ resilience.

The South African Nursing Council contributes to the strengthening of health system resilience by ensuring that the Nursing Programmes being accredited prepares the graduates to acquire the necessary skills and competencies such as Monitoring and evaluation and management. Nurses are prepared to respond and take the necessary actions in cases of emergencies.

We support the strategy on re-engineering of Primary Health Care, which is Nurse driven and based on the promotion of Health, Prevention of Illness, restoration of health and alleviation of suffering. Nurses are also charged with the responsibilities of people and family centred, evidence based and continually improving in quality. This approach has been proven to be effective as well as cost effective.

SANC has the responsibility within the Nursing Act 2005 (Act 33 of 2005), to uphold and maintain professional conduct, ethics & practice standards. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Nurses and Midwife is subsequently in the process of being established in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act 33 of 2005,) sections 39 and 59 and other legislative & policy directives. A CPD Pilot in two Provinces one predominantly urban and the other predominantly rural in nature has been finalised and the outcome of the pilot study will guide further implementation of the CPD System. CPD activities are in terms of the framework that has been used for the pilot study, been divided into four (4) thematic areas,; namely (i)the Ethical Legal domain; (ii) Area of Practice; (iii) Leadership and Management and (iv) Teaching and Research.

We pay tribute to committed Nurses and Midwives at all health care settings who are providing the much needed quality care to the health care users, sometimes under very difficult environment.

Happy International Nurses’ day.




Issued by:

The Acting Chairperson: Dr S Vasuthevan
The South African Nursing Council
Cecilia Makiwane Building
P.O. Box 132

For more information contact: Ms Party Day Moloi
Tel : 012 426 9542 / 083 496 8366
Fax : 012 426 9554 / 086 231 9094

Circular 3/2016

Circular 3/2016

20 April 2020

TO: National and Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Stakeholders





1.1  Normal Annual Fees 2017

The annual fees for the calendar year 2017 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.

 Category Annual Fee for 2017
Registered Nurses and Midwives R590.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R360.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R250.00


1.2 Reductions in Annual Fees for Age 60 and Over

The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the table below:

1.2.1 Age 60 to 64 Years on 1 January 2017 (25% reduction)

 Category Annual Fee for 2017
Registered Nurses and Midwives R440.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R270.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R180.00

1.2.2 Over 64 years of Age on 1 January 2017 (50% reduction)

 Category Annual Fee for 2017
Registered Nurses and Midwives R290.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R180.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R120.00

NB: To qualify for the discount amounts, a practitioner may be required to submit a certified copy of his / her identity document in order to confirm his / her age.


The annual fees for 2017 must be received by SANC on or before 31 December 2017.

The amounts in the tables above all include 14% VAT.



The restoration fees for the different categories applicable from 1 January 2017 are shown in the following table.

 Category Normal Restoration Fee Reduced Restoration Fee
Registered Nurses and Midwives R1760.00 R120,00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R1090.00 R120,00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R740.00 R120,00


The reduced restoration fee will only apply if your name was removed from the register at your own request – this must be confirmed with the Council before paying the reduced amount.



Please note that for the calendar year 2017, the closing date for the payment of Annual Fees is 31 December 2016. You are therefore urged to pay as soon as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush. 



Please note that other fees will be applicable with effect from 1 January 2017, as stipulated on the government gazette published on 29 June 2016.




Ms SA Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Circular 2/2016

Circular 2/2016

8 March 2016

TO: National Departments of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders




Please be informed that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) offices will be closed from Thursday, 24th March 2016 at 12:00 and re – opens on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 at 8:00. 

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.

We wish you safe Easter holidays.




Mrs T Manganye
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council


Press Rel 1/2016

Press Rel 1/2016

3 March 2016

TO: Nursing Practitioners
FROM: Acting Registrar and CEO
SUBJECT: Illegal Intermediaries


Kindly take note that any service provider offering services to obtain your Annual Practicing Certificate on your behalf is doing so without the approval of the South African Nursing Council.

SANC Management strongly advise against nursing practitioners making use of such service providers as you are providing outsiders with your private information that can be used in fraudulent activities. You are also paying unnecessarily for a service. Please see the correct payment options as per the official SANC communication.

Kindly also specifically take note that the service provider using the name “SANC Assist” is an illegal service provider using the official intellectual property of the South African Nursing Council (the abbreviation “SANC”) illegally and is no way attached to or approved by the SANC. The South African Nursing Council will take no responsibility whatsoever for any nursing practitioners who loses their Annual Practicing Certificates, or whose Annual Practicing Certificates is used in fraudulent activities, as a result of their making use of the services of the “SANC Assist”.

Your kind cooperation in this regard would be highly appreciated as we do not want to see any of our nursing practitioners suffer harm.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Thandi Manganye 
Acting Registrar & CEO
South African Nursing Council 

Circular 1/2016

Circular 1/2016

19 February 2016

TO: National and Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Stakeholders





Please note that for the calendar year 2016 ONLY, the closing date for the payment of Annual Fees has been extended to 30 April 2016. You are therefore urged to pay as soon as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush. 


2.1 Normal Annual Fees

The annual fees for the calendar year 2016 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.

 Category Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R550.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R340.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R230.00


2.2 Reductions in Annual Fees for Age 60 and Over

The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the table below:


2.2.1 Age 60 to 64 Years on 1 January 2016 (25% reduction)

 Category Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R410.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R250.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R170.00


2.2.2 Over 64 years of Age on 1 January 2016 (50% reduction)

 Category Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R270.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R170.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R110.00


NB: To qualify for the discount amounts, a practitioner may be required to submit a certified copy of his / her identity document in order to confirm his / her age.


The annual fees for 2016 must be paid on or before 30 April 2016.

The amounts in the tables above all include 14% VAT.



The restoration fees for the different categories applicable from 1 May 2016 are shown in the following table.

 Category Normal Restoration Fee Reduced
Registered Nurses and Midwives R1650.00 R110,00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R1020.00 R110,00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R690.00 R110,00


The reduced restoration fee will only apply if your name was removed from the register at your own request – this must be confirmed with the Council before paying the reduced amount.



Mrs T Manganye
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council



Circular 5/2015

Circular 5/2015

7 December 2015

To: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council Year-end closure


The South African Nursing Council Offices will be closed for the year-end from Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 12:00 midday, however for operational reasons, the gates will be closed at 11:00 and will re-open on Monday, 4 January 2015 at 08:00.


Payments for Annual Fees can be made into the Council’s bank account.  Payments will be recorded effective from the date the payment is made into the bank account or, in the case of internet or other electronic banking payments, on the date that the transactions will be effected as per agreement with the client’s own bank.

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.

Alternatively, payments for Annual Fees can be made into the Council’s bank account. Payments will be recorded effective from the date the payment is made into the bank account, or in the case of internet of other electronic banking payments, on the date that the transactions will be effected as per agreement with the client’s own bank.

SANC banking details are:

Name of bank :  First National Bank
Account number :  514 211 86 193
Branch code :  253145
Reference :  Persons own SANC Reference Number followed by ANLFEES

Nurse practitioners are further encouraged to make use of the ATM advance machines at First National Bank branches, to deposit cash for the payment of any fees prescribed by the South African Nursing Council.

A 15 character payment reference consisting of nurse practitioners’ 8 digit SANC REFERENCE NUMBER followed by a 7 CAPITAL LETTER payment type code must be provided when making a deposit.  For example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A N L F E E S


Please use the correct payment codes provided by SANC to assist in detecting payments easily from our account so that deposits can be speedily processed.  Whilst waiting for the Annual Practising Certificate to be posted by SANC, the employer can verify the registration status of the practitioner through the SANC website by logging into the SANC eRegister.  To do this, you will require the practitioner’s SANC reference number or their Identity Number (ID Number).


 SANC banking details for payment of Annual Fees are: 

Name of Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 514 211 86 193
Branch Code: 25 31 45
Reference: Person’s own SANC reference number followed by ANLFEES (eg. 12345678ANLFEES)


Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.


Yours sincerely


T Manganye (Mrs)

Acting Registrar and CEO

South African Nursing Council


Circular 4/2015

Circular 4/2015

7 December 2015

To: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Health Establishments
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


Annual Fees for 2016


Normal Annual Fees

The annual fees for the calendar year 2016 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.  


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives  R550.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives  R340.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries  R230.00


Reductions in Annual Fees for Age 60 and Over

The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the tables below: 

Age 60 to 64 Years on 1 January 2016 (25% reduction)


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R410.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R250.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries .R170.00


Over 64 Years of Age on 1 January 2016 (50% reduction)


Annual Fee for 2016
Registered Nurses and Midwives R270.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R170.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R110.00


NB: To qualify for the discount amounts, a practitioner may be required to submit a certified copy of his/her Identity Document in order to confirm his/her age.


The annual fees for 2016 must be paid by 29 February 2016
The amounts in the tables above all include 14% VAT.


Restoration Fees for 2016

The annual fees for the calendar year 2016 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.  



Restoration Fee


Restoration Fee

Registered Nurses and Midwives R1 650.00 R110.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R1 020.00 R110.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R  690.00 R110.00


Closing date for payment of 2016 Annual Fees

Please note that for the calendar year 2016 only, the closing date for the payment of Annual Fees has changed to 29 February 2016.  You are therefore urged to pay as soon as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush.


Yours sincerely


T Manganye (Mrs)

Acting Registrar and CEO

South African Nursing Council