Press Rel 7/2017

Press Rel 7/2017


SUBJECT:SANC organises provincial outreach to nurses in nine provinces
DATE:31 August 2017


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) will be conducting provincial outreach visits to nurses in nine provinces, starting on 4 September 2017.

Says Ms Sizeni Mchunu, Acting Registrar of the SANC: “The purpose of the Provincial Roadshow is to offer limited walk-in services such as payment of annual fees, selling of distinguishing devices, providing information related to the SANC, etc. During the 2016 Roadshow, 42 620 receipts were issued across nine provinces, indicating that the profession is embracing this initiative.”

The services that will be offered during the roadshow include:


Nurses are requested to provide the SANC officials with their SANC reference numbers rather than ID numbers for the processing of annual fees payments. 
There is no limitation for the number of people you can pay for. However, one must ensure that the daily limit is increased with their respective banks.
The SANC further request nurses to avoid using more than one bank card for payments because that delays the process. It would be appreciated / better if they deposit the money into one person’s account to save time.
If a person has paid at the bank already, the outreach staff cannot print their Annual Practising Certificates (APCs) as these will be sent to the nurses through the post. They will only be processing payments done on the day of the outreach.
Restorations cannot be processed immediately and any payment received for restoration will only be processed by the SANC head office after the visit. Proof of payment in the form of a white receipt will be provided and the original Annual Practising Certificate will follow later.


The quantity of distinguishing devices will be limited to ONE pair per person. Nurses are also requested to bring their original green identity books/smart cards for verification.
If a nurse is buying on behalf of his or her colleague, he/she must also bring his/her original green identity book.
If a nurse is buying on behalf of his or her colleague, the distinguishing devices form must be completed, on both sides, and signed by the owner. Please note that if the form is incorrectly completed, the request WILL NOT be processed. 
The owner must attach the certified copy of his or her ID and the quantity will be limited to one pair only if buying for someone else.
If a person has ordered the distinguishing devices through the bank, Outreach staff cannot issue that order, it will be sent through the post. 

The provincial outreach plan for 2017 is published below – be sure to diarise the dates!

PROVINCES Kwa Zulu- NatalNorth WestEastern CapeNorthern CapeWestern CapeFree StateLimpopoMpumalangaGauteng
WEEK 104 – 08 Sept11 – 15 Sept27 – 29 Sept9-13 Oct16 – 20 Oct23 -27 Oct08 – 10 Nov13 – 17 Nov 27-29 Nov
WEEK 218 -22 Sept N/A2 – 6 OctN/A30 Oct – 01 NovN/A20 – 24 NovN/A04 – 08 Dec


Says Ms Mchunu: “Unlike other professionals, nursing practitioners have six (6) months to pay their annual fee (i.e. from 1 July to 31 December every year). The SANC would like to remind nurses that their annual fee is due by 31 December. Failure to meet this deadline will mean that nurses will have to pay a restoration fee.

The SANC has full understanding of the challenges facing its members on a national basis, and therefore has made an eRegister available to employers,” Ms Mchunu reiterated. “The eRegister is sufficient proof for an employer to check if all nursing practitioners are registered for the relevant year.”


Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms S Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO: SA Nursing Council


Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden
Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications
South African Nursing Council 
E-mail : [email protected]

For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on  email: [email protected] 

Press Rel 6/2017

Press Rel 6/2017


SUBJECT: Court rules in favour of the Nursing Council on DENOSA’s application re the Examinations
DATE: 3 July 2017

In a landmark decision for the South African Nursing Council (SANC), Judge J Fabricius made a ruling on Friday 30 June 2017 in agreement with Circular 2 of 2017, issued by the SANC that the May 2017 examinations are nullified and new examination papers are set. New dates would remain as 19 and 21 July 2017, in line with his earlier ruling in a case between Hospersa and the SANC on 26 June 2017, which the SANC won. 

Moving the dates to July provides the students with more time to prepare for the examinations, which the SANC fully supports. It is in the interest of the public at large to ensure that the training institutions produce qualified nurses who passed the examinations on their own strength, and will therefore have the necessary knowledge to serve the public of South Africa.

The nullification was on the basis of evidence that there was indeed a security breach with examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a general nurse/ psychiatric nurse: Government Notice No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended).

DENOSA and other parties brought an urgent application that this Circular should be declared unlawful and therefore set aside. The application was dismissed with cost. As the Judge aptly put it: “if dishonesty becomes a norm the whole fabric of society will tear apart, and the rule of law will only remain a dream”.

Says Ms Sizo Mchunu, Acting Registrar of the SANC: “We are very appreciative and in full support of Honourable Fabricius’ ruling. We are dismayed about the leaking of the examination papers, especially in the light of the extra steps we have taken to ensure confidentiality. One can only wonder about the agenda of the people who leak the examination papers, as compromising the integrity of an examination and writing it on the basis of having had the paper beforehand, does not test the candidate’s capabilities to become a competent nurse practitioner, but exposes the country’s citizens to unsafe care. 

We empathize with the students who are not involved in receiving leaked papers, as they are the ones who are adversely affected by this. We are shocked that persons who aspire to be Registered Nurses and certain high level constituencies are pro-examination fraud, resisting the SANC‘s efforts to mitigate this corrupt act and are encouraging Learner Nurses that it is acceptable to pass unjustly. By implication, the public’s health and safety will be jeopardized as a result.”

The Nursing Act requires proper qualifications and competency to practice nursing, in the interests of the public. Judge Fabricius took into account both the fact that the dishonesty was widespread, and the SANC’s statutory obligations to ensure the integrity of the examination process.

“We sit with a shortage of Professional Nurses in the country, and actions like this completely undermine all efforts by the SANC, the Department of Health and all concerned citizens to deliver qualified practitioners in the best interest of the public.
It needs to be understood that the SANC will not compromise its commitment to set and uphold standards of nursing practice in this country,”
 says Ms Mchunu. 

The investigation into the leak continues. 




Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms S Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO: SA Nursing Council


Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden
Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications
South African Nursing Council 
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel : 012 426-9542


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel. (012) 426-9542 or email: [email protected] 


Circular 4/2017

Circular 4/2017


30 June 2017

TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Department of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Stakeholders


Annual Fees for 2018


This circular serves as affirmation of the South African Nursing Council’s fees and fines as stipulated on the government gazette published on 23 June 2017.



1.1  Normal Annual Fees

The annual fees for the calendar year 2018 for the different categories of practitioners are given in the following table.

 Category Annual Fee for 2018
Registered Nurses and Midwives R630.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R380.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R270.00


1.2 Reductions in Annual Fees for Age 60 and Over

The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the table below:

1.2.1 Age 60 to 64 Years on 1 January 2018 (25% reduction)

 Category Annual Fee for 2018
Registered Nurses and Midwives R470.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R290.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R190.00

1.2.2 Over 64 years of Age on 1 January 2018 (50% reduction)

 Category Annual Fee for 2018
Registered Nurses and Midwives R310.00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R190.00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R130.00

NB: To qualify for the discount amounts, a practitioner may be required to submit a certified copy of his / her identity document in order to confirm his / her age.


The annual fees for 2018 must be received by SANC on or before 31 December 2017.

The amounts in the tables above all include 14% VAT.



The restoration fees for the different categories applicable from 1 January 2018 are shown in the following table.

 Category Normal Restoration Fee Reduced Restoration Fee
Registered Nurses and Midwives R1880.00 R130,00
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives R1160.00 R130,00
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries R790.00 R130,00


The reduced restoration fee will only apply if your name was removed from the register at your own request – this must be confirmed with the Council before paying the reduced amount.



Please note that for the calendar year 2018, the closing date for the payment of Annual Fees is 31 December 2017. You are therefore urged to pay as soon as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush. 



Please note that other fees will be applicable with effect from 1 January 2018.




Ms L Matras
Chief Financial Officer
For Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

News 4/2017

News 4/2017

27 June 2017

TO: All SANC Clients
FROM: Ms SA Mchunu

Acting Registrar and CEO



Please note that the Council offices will be closed for business on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 because of the likelihood of disruption of services.

The Council offices will reopen for business at 08:00 on Thursday, 29 June 2017

Your co-operation is highly appreciated and any inconvenience is regretted.


Yours sincerely


Ms SA Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Press Rel 4/2017

Press Rel 4/2017


SUBJECT: DENOSA unauthorised access to South African Nursing Council
DATE: 26 June 2017

The South African Nursing Council (SANC) confirms that the Democratic Organization of Nurses in South Africa (DENOSA) accessed the premises of the SANC on Friday 23 June 2017 without authorization, legal permission or an appointment for any meeting. It is with dismay that we can confirm that fires were set, property was damaged and staff members were intimidated.

It is consequently understood that DENOSA was there to demand that the Council’s Acting Registrar unduly addresses a matter regarding the SANC cancelling examinations, which DENOSA itself has handed over to its attorneys to handle.

The only constituency that the SANC had a scheduled meeting with on the day in question and who therefore was legally present in the SANC building, was the Student Command of the Economic Freedom Front (EFFSC) to address student challenges as per their written request. 

The situation with the DENOSA members was diffused by the police who were called to curb the violence, prevent further damage to property and to protect the SANC staff whose safety is the SANC’s responsibility and is not taken lightly. 

The SANC, as regulatory body for the nursing profession and in line with its approved policy that has previously been implemented without delay or any challenges at all in this regard, cancelled the May 2017 examinations following an investigation into allegations and then confirming that the four examination question papers for the Bridging Course had leaked. Such cancellation ensures that all students who write the same examination pass fairly and credibly so that the public has confidence that they are safe and competent nurse practitioners. It also ensures that students who did not have access to the leaked paper are not prejudiced by an unfair advantage of competing with students who copied it. 

New examination dates were set to avoid a long waiting period that would jeopardize progression of first year students into second year, and second year students from finishing the course and going into service. 

The SANC affirms that the students will not pay any fees for this examination to the SANC, as is the norm. Any information making reference to payment for this examination is not coming from the South African Nursing Council, untrue and misleading. 

The investigations into the leakage continue in order for the necessary legal action against the perpetrators to be instituted as soon as the investigations have been completed.




Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden
Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications
South African Nursing Council 
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel : 012 426-9542


Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms S Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO: SA Nursing Council


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel. (012) 426-9542 or email: [email protected] 

Press Rel 5/2017

Press Rel 5/2017


SUBJECT: Court rules in favour of the Nursing Council on the cancellation and re-scheduling of examinations
DATE: 26 June 2017

The South African Nursing Council (SANC) would like to express its appreciation for the judgement handed down yesterday, 26 June 2017 in the Gauteng North High Court in the case between the SANC and HOSPERSA (The Health and Other Service Personnel Trade Union of South Africa) regarding the cancellation of examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a general nurse/ psychiatric nurse: Government Notice No. R.683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended).

Honourable Judge Fabricius of the Gauteng North High Court handed down a judgement upholding the decision of the Nursing Council that the May 2017 Bridging Course examination are nullified and must be re-written. A settlement was reached that the examination dates be re-set to allow students more time to prepare following the disruptions that were associated with the matter. 

Says Ms Sizo Mchunu, Acting Registrar of the SANC: “We are in full support of Honourable Fabricius’ ruling that the dates of the examination must be rescheduled as follows:

First year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 19 July 2017
Paper 2 21 July 2017


Second year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 19 July 2017
Paper 2 21 July 2017


The SANC has subsequently revised and circulated its Circular to the Nursing Education Institutions that was issued regarding the rewriting of the examinations, to accommodate the dates as mentioned above.

“Moving the dates to July provides the students with more time to prepare for the examinations, which the SANC fully supports. It is in the interest of the public at large to ensure that the training institutions produce qualified nurses who passed the examinations on their own strength, and will therefore have the necessary knowledge to serve the public of South Africa ”, says Ms Mchunu.




Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms S Mchunu
Acting Registrar and CEO: SA Nursing Council


Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden
Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications
South African Nursing Council 
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel : 012 426-9542


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel. (012) 426-9542 or email: [email protected] 


Circular 3/2017

Circular 3/2017

26 June 2017

TO: Principals of the Nursing Education Institutions


Cancellation of the Examinations for the Bridging course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General Nurse / Psychiatric Nurse: Government Notice No.R683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended)


1. Purpose 

To inform the Principals of the Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) of the amendment of Circular 2/2017 and the revised examination dates.


2. Background

2.1 The Judge of the Gauteng North High Court (Judge Fabricius) passed a judgement on 26 June 2017, upholding the decision of the Nursing Council that the above-mentioned May 2017 are nullified and that they must be re-written. A settlement was reached that the examination dates be re-scheduled to allow students more time, considering the disruptions that have occurred over the past week 

The agreed-upon dates for the examination as follows:

First year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 19 July 2017
Paper 2 21 July 2017


Second year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 19 July 2017
Paper 2 21 July 2017


The copy of the order regarding the agreement on the above-mention dates is attached for your convenience

2.2 Kindly ensure that all the learners are duly informed of the new dates of the examinations. We also appeal to the leaners not to contact the SANC about the revised dates but rather the Principals of the NEIs.

2.3 Your continued support and understanding in this matter is highly appreciated. 


3. Implementation

This circular becomes effective and implementable on the date of this circular.

All enquiries must be directed to the Manager, Assessment Section: Ms E. Magagula. Tel. (012) 426 9596. E-mail [email protected]


Yours sincerely


Ms SA Mchunu
Acting Registrar & CEO
South African Nursing Council

Circular 2/2017

Circular 2/2017

12 June 2017

TO: Principals of the Nursing Education Institutions


Cancellation of the Examinations for the Bridging course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as a General Nurse / Psychiatric Nurse: Government Notice No.R683 of 14 April 1989 (as amended)


1. Purpose 

To inform the Principals of the Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) about the cancellation of the above examinations, written in May 2017.


2. Background

2.1 It has come to the attention of the South African Nursing Council (SANC) that some learners had access to the examination question papers prior to the date on which they were due to write the following examinations:

First year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 05 May 2017
Paper 2 08 May 2017


Second year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 24 May 2017
Paper 2 26 May 2017


2.2 In these circumstances, the Council had no option but to take the decision to cancel the examinations.

2.3 The SANC will be reconvening the examinations, as follows:

First year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 28 June 2017
Paper 2 30 June 2017


Second year examinations for the Bridging Course for Enrolled Nurses leading to registration as General Nurse/Psychiatric Nurse  Date on which the examinations are to be written
Paper 1 28 June 2017
Paper 2 30 June 2017


2.4 Kindly ensure that all the learners are duly informed of the situation and the new dates of the examinations. We also appeal to the leaners not to contact the SANC directly regarding the situation, but rather the Principals of the NEIs.

2.5 The South African Nursing Council is currently in the process of investigating the circumstances that led to a breach of security in respect of the examinations.

2.6 We sincerely regret the inconvenience this has caused the leaners and the NEIs, and your continued support and understanding in this matter is highly appreciated. 


3. Implementation

This circular becomes effective and implementable on the date of this circular.

All enquiries must be directed to the Manager, Assessment Section: Ms E. Magagula. Tel. (012) 426 9596. E-mail [email protected]


Yours sincerely


Ms SA Mchunu
Acting Registrar & CEO
South African Nursing Council

Circular 1/2017

Circular 1/2017

23 March 2017

TO: National Departmentsof Health
  Provincial Department of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  Nursing Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council – Easter Holidays Closure


Please be informed that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) offices will be closed from Thursday, 13 April 2017 at 12:00 and will re-open on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 at 8:00. 

We would appreciate it if you could kindly inform all persons in your institutions.

Wishing you safe travels over the Easter holidays.


Yours sincerely


Ms SA Mchunu
Acting Registrar & CEO
South African Nursing Council

News 3/2017

News 3/2017

March 2017

TO: All SANC Clients


SANC logo and slogan design competition

The SA Nursing Council is inviting nurses and midwives who are currently registered with the SANC to assist with the design of a logo and slogan for the Council as part of our new corporate image.

The SANC currently only has a Coat of Arms – a device reflecting our distinctive heraldic achievements and/or bearings. We need a logo and slogan as part of our brand and to build on our brand presence.

While reflecting on a design, keep in mind that the SANC is not just setting and maintaining standards, we are representing the essential staff in healthcare – our registered nurses and midwives provide a critical service to ensure patients achieve optimal health under their care. Our new logo and slogan need to reflect this.



The winning design will be awarded with a new tablet –how cool is that!! 

bullet The competition is open to all nurses and midwives currently registered with the SANC 
bullet The winning design, should there be one, will be used as the official SANC logo and slogan
bullet No correspondence will be entered into during or following the competition
bullet Designs must be the member’s original work, be submitted as a high quality jpeg file and contain a description on what the elements of the design stands for.

Email submissions to:
[email protected] 
by Thursday 30 March 2017.

For the official rules of the competition please visit the SANC website: or type in: