Pres Rel 3/2018

Press Rel 3/2018

SUBJECT: SANC warning against “pre-nursing” programme
  5 April 2018

The South African Nursing Council (SANC) issued a warning today regarding certain institutions that are offering the Community Health Work programme purporting that it is an entry requirement into nursing education programmes.


These institutions lure students, who do not meet the minimum entry requirements into nursing education programmes, into their programmes with promises that it will provide them with an opportunity to bridge into nursing education. Says Ms Sizo Mchunu, Registrar of the SANC: “We should make it clear that this is not true. Entry requirements into nursing education programmes are legislated and the Community Health Work programme or any “pre-nursing” programme will not assist students to bridge the gap. They will be paying a lot of money for the programme only to find out at the end of their studies that the SANC cannot allow them, according to legislation, to register as student nurses.”


The SANC requests all students to be mindful of institutions that are recruiting and promising them that if they don’t meet requirements for entry into the nursing profession, they must do the community health course as a bridging programme. Of even bigger concern is that apparently these institutions are expecting the students to deposit huge sums of money into their accounts as an entry fee.


The SANC strongly warns students and potential students against these institutions that offer the so-called ‘’pre-nursing”-programme, purporting that it is an entry requirement for any nursing programme.



Official Spokesperson:

Ms S Mchunu
Registrar and CEO: SA Nursing Council


Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden
Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications
South African Nursing Council 
E-mail:    [email protected]
Tel:          012 426-9542


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel (012) 426-9542 or email: [email protected] 


Circular 3/2018

Circular 3/2018

23 March 2018


TO: Health Regulation and Compliance (National Department of Health)
  Office of the Chief Nursing Officer  (National Department of Health)
  Directors on Nursing Education (Provincial Department of Health)
  Directors on Nursing Services/Practice (Provincial Department of Health)
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Relevant Stakeholders




The purpose of this document is to update the Nursing profession and relevant Stakeholders about the Council’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and specifically the planning and implementation progress thereof. 


The South African Nursing Council (SANC), in line with the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005), is in the process of developing a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) System. This process commenced in 2013. To ensure reasonable participation in this process, the SANC established a CPD Technical Working Group (TWG) to assist it to drive the project.
The development of the CPD System is a response to the need expressed by the profession and the process of CPD seeks to ensure that Nurse Practitioners remain up-to-date with the required competencies for their specific areas of practice in Nursing. It is also seen as a mechanism that will provide opportunities to practitioners to pursue and achieve professional growth throughout their careers in order to benefit the people of South Africa.


The SANC is indebted to the funders of this project, namely The Atlantic Philanthropies initially and International Training and Education Centre for Health (I-TECH) from 2013 to date.


Lessons learnt from research, literature as well as national and international benchmarking included: 

A need for gradual and ‘staggered’ implementation;
The development of clear guidelines regarding types of CPD activities and the weighting of activities 
The need to perform auditing of ‘Portfolios of Evidence’ of at least 10% per annum once the full roll-out has been implemented; 
Establishing verification and validation strategies to prevent fraud and forgery;
Establishing a communication strategy with Stakeholders;
Establishing a dedicated business unit for CPD within the structure of the SANC;
Establishing a CPD Committee, which will be accountable to Council; and
The requirement for a “fit for purpose” technology solution.


It is proposed that each practitioner will be required to accrue a minimum of fifteen (15) CPD points over a twelve (12) month period that will eventually be linked to the renewal of the Annual Practice Certificate (APC). It is envisaged that the cycle of accrual will commence in July of each year and end in June of the following year.


The required CPD points will be accrued through activities and events that are offered by CPD Service Providers who are recognised by the SANC. The criteria that will be used to recognise potential CPD Service Providers will be finalised and will be communicated widely, once approved by the Council.



  Ethical and Legal domains
Area of Practice
Leadership and


Total CPD Points
Registered/ Professional Nurse 4 6 3 1 1 15
Midwife 4 6 3 1 1 15
General Nurse 4 6 3 1 1 15
Enrolled Nurse 3 9 1 2 Nil 15
Auxiliary Nurse 3 10 1 1 Nil 15


5.1 Development of a CPD Framework
A CPD Framework was initiated and developed to the current Version 3. This was possible through national and international benchmarking as well as engagement with stakeholders who provided valuable comments and input. 


5.2 Feasibility study
A feasibility study was conducted in November and December 2013. The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability and capacity to establish an effective and sustainable SANC CPD process for Nurses and Midwives within South Africa.


5.3 CPD Pilot study
CPD Pilot study was conducted in the Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces from August 2015 to February 2016. The aim of the Pilot study was to explore the feasibility of the CPD project in order to determine the adjustments/adaptations required to facilitate a national roll-out. The findings of the Pilot study confirmed that, although there were barriers that prevented some participants from succeeding in acquiring the required CPD points, nurses expressed their support for and recognised the value of CPD. The study further yielded valuable input as to the relevance of the proposed thematic areas (highlighted in Table 1 above) as well as equitable access to CPD activities and opportunities.


5.4 Consultative Road shows
Road shows were conducted by the Council in all nine provinces during June to December 2016 to disseminate information on the purpose, process and nature of CPD.

The information sessions were attended by representatives from the Public and Private hospitals, the South African Military Health Services, Correctional Services, South African National Blood Services, NGOs, School Health Services, Nursing Education Institutions, Community Healthcare Centres and Clinics, Occupational Health organizations, Hospice Association and Old Age homes; as well as MTN Mobile, Eskom, PIKIT-UP and the Road Accident Fund.


5.5 CPD Stakeholder Forum
SANC established a CPD Stakeholder Forum, comprising of leaders in Nursing and Midwifery from the Public and Private sector, South African Military Health Services, Correctional Services, Private and Public Nursing Education Institutions and Labour organisations. This forum meets twice per annum to share information regarding progress on CPD.


For various reasons, including the need to purchase an ICT application which can be utilised for CPD, the SANC is not yet ready for a full roll-out of CPD. The draft CPD Framework shared at the Stakeholders’ meeting in October 2017 is a ‘baseline’ document that will be amended as necessary. Once all the necessary systems are in place, have been tested and are approved by the Council, the roll-out plan, including the implementation time frames and approach for the implementation of CPD, will be communicated to the profession and related stakeholders.


For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact The Manager: CPD – Ms A. Mnguni at (012) 426 9576 or on e-mail: [email protected]

Kind regards,


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Press Rel 2/2018

Press Rel 2/2018

SUBJECT: 2018 World TB Day – SANC calls on all nurses to adhere to TB protocols
  22 March 2018

The South African Nursing Council will be joining the world in the commemoration of the World TB Day on 24 March 2018 with the THEME “Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world”.

World TB day is commemorated each year to raise awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of tuberculosis (TB) and to step up the efforts to end the global TB epidemic. The date marks the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced that he had discovered the bacterium that causes TB, which opened the way towards diagnosing and curing this disease.

A lot of effort that has been put in trying to empower the communities with preventative measures and to cure this deadly disease but despite these measures TB continues to be the top infectious killer worldwide, claiming over 4 500 lives a day. In 2017 the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that 10.4 million people fell ill with TB and there were 1.8 million TB deaths in 2016. The emergence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) poses a further major health risk that adversely influences the progress made in the fight against TB.

The 2018 theme makes an appeal to all leaders in different spheres in the communities to play a positive role in trying to combat the spread of TB and also to ensure that all those that are on treatment adheres to their treatment plans. As the voice of the nursing profession the SANC pledges its support to educate nurses and the public who interact with people affected with TB, whether at work or in the community at large,” says Ms Sizo Mchunu, SANC Registrar & CEO.

The SANC acknowledges that the nursing profession is the backbone of the health system and as such nurses attend to people who are diagnosed with TB, who are already on treatment and those that are immune-compromised. Nurses are frequently the first professionals to have contact with infected people, which exposes them to the disease and increases the risk of occupational TB. The SANC therefore appeals to nurses as leaders in their communities and health facilities to ensure that they adhere to the TB management protocols in order to protect themselves and also ensure that any new TB infections decreases and patients take their medication properly and timeously.

The nursing profession’s standards of care include enabling patients to achieve an adequate level and quality of life and with TB nurses play a crucial role in control programs.

Ms Mchunu says: “The SANC, as the governing body in the nursing profession and nursing education, will continue to engage in programs contributing to the dream of a TB-free world.” 


Issued by:

Mrs. Adri van Eeden
Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications
South African Nursing Council 
E-mail:    [email protected]
Tel:          012 426-9542


Official Spokesperson and person to be quoted:

Ms S Mchunu
Registrar and CEO: SA Nursing Council


For more information or to arrange for an interview with the Spokesperson, please contact Mrs. Adri van Eeden on Tel (012) 426-9542 or email: [email protected] 


Circular 2/2018

Circular 2/2018

14 March 2018


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Department of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Stakeholders


South African Nursing Council – Easter holidays closure


Please be informed that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) offices will be closed from Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 12:00 and will re-open on Tuesday, 03 April 2018 at 8:00.


We would appreciate it if you could kindly inform all persons in your institutions.

Wishing you safe travels over the Easter holidays.

Yours sincerely


Ms S Mchunu
Registrar & CEO
South African Nursing Council

News 3/2018

News 3/2018

19 February 2018


Impairment Committee Report: Management of controlled scheduled medicines/substances in healthcare establishments to minimize errors and abuse caused by improper control

1. Introduction
In healthcare establishments, registered nurses have a duty to control various medications, including controlled scheduled medicines and substances, i.e. those scheduled 5, 6 and 7. 
The shortage of qualified professional nurses in wards has the implication that ‘other categories’ of nurses are expected to participate in the co-checking of these medicines or substances. This has at times led to a departure from the policies and procedures governing the control of medicines and as such, lower categories of nurses and unauthorised personnel are sometimes left to check and administer these drugs on their own, without supervision.


2. Purpose
This Impairment Committee Report serves to reaffirm that nursing management has a duty to ensure that controlled scheduled medicines are properly managed, from the time these are ordered until they are administered to patients as prescribed by a medical practitioner, following proper policies and procedures.


3. Background 
The Impairment Committee of the South African Nursing Council (SANC) has noted with concern a degree of negligence in the manner in which controlled scheduled medicines are managed in some healthcare establishments (both public and private). 
The Impairment Committee, which is one of the standing committees established in terms of section 51 of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No.33 of 2005), is appointed to manage nurse practitioners (registered in terms of section 31 (1)(a-e) of the Act) who are deemed unfit to practice nursing due to disability or impairment. Cases of medicine and substance abuse are referred to the Committee, and it is frequently established that nurse practitioners have had access to drugs in the following ways:

Nurse practitioners being allowed to check and administer controlled scheduled medicines alone;
The keys of cupboards containing controlled scheduled medicine were not kept in the appropriate manner;
The amount of a medicine or injections remaining was supposed to be discarded, but the nurse in question appropriated it for her own use, because she handled the discarding process alone, and therefore had the opportunity
Controlled scheduled medicines are not properly checked during every shift change, leaving discrepancies to go unnoticed;
Prescribed medicines being administered recklessly, without counting/keeping record of the quantities of medicine having been administered to patients.

o This information was forthcoming from nurse practitioners who, for example, were involved in car accidents or have had major operations (including caesarean sections) and were prescribed Pethidine, which led them to or contributed to their addiction


4. Management of controlled medicines, schedules 5,6 and 7, in hospital departments and wards: 

4.1 Hospitals must adhere to policies and procedures in place to:

• Prevent;
• Detect; and 
• Report any diversion (such as stealing and falsifying of records) of controlled medicines. 

4.2 It remains the obligation of the registered nurse/midwife to ensure that all controlled scheduled medicines are ordered, controlled, administered and disposed of in terms of the given protocols, policies and procedures of the institution.
4.3 The registered nurse in charge of a nursing unit and/or shift remains accountable and responsible.
4.4 Enrolled nurses/nursing auxiliaries MUST NOT be allowed to keep the keys to the controlled medicines and substance cupboard and to check and administer scheduled medicines alone.
4.5 Unregistered staff (care workers and general workers) should not be involved in the administration of controlled scheduled medicines, or any medication.
4.6 Without a prescription by a doctor, there can be no administration of controlled scheduled medicines, except where a protocol is followed and in an emergency situation. The person in charge will remain accountable


Note that the following are warning signs of nurses who may be abusing medicines and substances:

Health care users receiving the maximum prescribed dose of a pain injection (e.g. 100mg Pethidine), yet still experiencing increased pain;
Scheduled medicine to be discarded being kept in a syringe for no apparent reason;
A nurse frequently borrowing scheduled medicines from other wards or visiting the wards/healthcare establishments at awkward times;
A nurse asking colleagues to countersign in the register for scheduled medicines which they did not witness being dispensed;
Inaccurate recording and fraudulent entries;
Erasing or ‘overwriting’ of drug book entries, instead of following standard operating procedures;
Often volunteering to administer scheduled medications;
Frequently offering to count scheduled medicines, to make sure the count is correct.


5. Legal obligations of the nursing service manager/ unit manager
Nursing service management must oversee the scheduled medicine control processes or procedures to ensure that all healthcare providers working in their healthcare establishment are strictly following these in terms of the given legislation.
It is therefore important that nursing management ensure adherence to the standards as laid down by:

The Medicines Control Council; 
The National Drug Policy for South Africa;
The rules relating to Good Pharmacy Practice in South Africa;
The Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965 (Act 101 of 1965).


Behaviours indicative of Controlled Medicine abuse

These may include, but are not limited to the following:

A noticeable decrease in attendance at work, increased absence or reporting late for work
A noticeable decrease or inconsistency regarding work performance.
Mood swings.
Deterioration in personal appearance.
May be sleepy or dozing off while on duty.
Not interested in interaction with others, or being withdrawn.
Memory lapse or euphoric recall of events.
May have ‘pin point’ pupils, shaky hands or tremors.
Smelling of alcohol, or mouthwash/breath mints to mask the alcohol smell.


Common group of Controlled Scheduled Medicines abused by health practitioners 

Like anyone, nurses can and do use many different types of medication. Some are legitimate prescriptions issued after consultation with medical doctors. Some, like pain or allergy medication can be bought over the counter.

Those used in health establishments fall within the following categories:

Barbiturates, benzodiazepines and tranquilizers, such as Diazepam;
Prescription painkillers, such as opiates;
Sedatives, such as Propofol or Diprivan;
Appetite suppressants and narcotic analgesics.


Some SUBSTANCES are recreational, such as:

Marijuana and other ‘street drugs’.


Getting Help

Most public and private health establishments have Employee Assisted Programs to support their staff, including assistance for nurses with substance abuse problems.
The South African Nursing Council, like other health statutory bodies, offers an alternative to discipline program for nurse practitioners who demonstrate signs of impairment in terms of section 51 of the Nursing Act, 2005 ( Act 33 of 2005).

To contact the SANC please use the following information 

Postage or hand deliveryTel No. 27+12 420 1008/426 9547
The South African Nursing Council
602 Cecilia Makiwane Building
Arcadia, 0083
Email: [email protected] or  [email protected]



‘Scheduling of Medicine guidelines’– Medicine Control Council;
Medicine and Related Substances Act, 1965 (Act No. 101 Of 1965);
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005);
‘Good Pharmacy Practice Manual’ – South African Pharmacy Council;
‘Safe Management of Controlled Drugs: A guide to good practice in secondary care (England)’ – British Department of Health;; discipline/chemically-dependent-nurses/.

Circular 1/2018

Circular 1/2018

1 February 2018


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions
  All Relevant Stakeholders

Phasing out of ‘legacy’ qualifications


The purpose of this document is to update the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) and relevant stakeholders about the following matters pertaining to nursing education and training:

Phasing out of the ‘legacy’ qualifications in 2019;
Removal of the names of certain Nursing Education Institutions, that were previously approved to offer the following phased out nursing programmes, from the South African Nursing Council (SANC) website:

– Course leading to Enrolment as a Nurse (Government Notice Regulation No. 2175 of November 1993); and 

– Course leading to Enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary (Government Notice Regulation No. 2176 of November 1993);

• Registration of learners/students undergoing Nursing Education and Training programmes; and
• Maintenance of registration or enrolment for learners/students who are pursuing basic/ undergraduate or additional/post-graduate ‘legacy’ qualifications.



Based on:
a) Circular 13 of 2014, wherein the South African Nursing Council (SANC) informed Nursing Education Institutions and stakeholders that the ‘legacy’ nursing qualifications in point 1 above would no longer be offered after 30 June 2015 (duly gazetted as per Government Notice No. R928 of 09 October 2015); and 
b) Circular 7 of 2016, issued in December 2016, informing all NEIs and stakeholders about the process of the phasing out of ‘legacy’ nursing qualifications and implementation of the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF)-aligned nursing qualifications, the SANC has phased out those two legacy programmes, namely: 

Course leading to Enrolment as a Nurse (Government Notice Regulation No. 2175 of November 1993); and 
Course leading to Enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary (Government Notice Regulation No. 2176 of November 1993).

In a Board Notice published in Government Gazette No. R. 801 of 06 July 2016, the Minister of Higher Education and Training, declared that the last enrolment date for first time entering students into academic programmes that are not aligned to the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework (HEQSF), will be 31 December 2019.


The implications of the phasing out of the ‘legacy’ nursing programmes for the affected NEIs are as follows:

Adherence to their approved numbers of students per intake;
Adherence to their approved number of intakes per year;
Adherence to their intake month/s; and
No learner/student will be registered with the SANC if the NEIs did not adhere to all of the above stipulations.

The SANC wishes to remind all NEI’s that are affected in respect of the above-mentioned programmes that May 2018 is the last examination date for the two-year programme leading to Enrolment as a Nurse, and that no further examinations for this programme shall be undertaken by the SANC.



Institutions that are accredited by the SANC to offer nursing programmes are published on the SANC website in order to provide the public with up-to-date information. Prospective students and the general public are encouraged to visit the SANC website to verify the name of the institution where they want to register for a nursing programme, in order to ensure that they do not apply at bogus schools.


Noting that displaying the names of NEIs that are no longer offering any nursing programme(s) on the SANC website could create confusion for potential nursing students who want to register for nursing programmes, the Council of the South African Nursing Council at its meeting held on 29-30 November 2017 took the following resolutions: 

The names of NEIs that were only approved for those nursing programmes that have already been phased out, will be removed from the SANC website, as the NEIs no longer offer programmes for which they are accredited by the SANC. Such removal is effected in the interest of the public.
Henceforth, there shall be two (02) separate lists of NEIs displayed on the SANC website, namely:

– NEI’s that were only accredited for the ‘legacy’ programmes that are currently being phased out; and
– NEIs accredited for the ‘new’ nursing programmes.



In terms of section 32(1) of the Nursing Act No. 33 of 2005, “a person undergoing education and training in nursing must apply to the Council to be registered as a learner nurse or a learner midwife”.


The responsibility to register learners / students resides with the Head/ Person in charge of the NEI as provided for in section 32(3) of the Act, as follows:

“The person in charge of a Nursing Education Institution must, within 30 days, notify and furnish to the Council information prescribed by the Council in respect of each learner who has commencedcompletedtransferred to or abandoned a nursing education and training programme”. (Our emphasis added.)

These provisions in the Act are applicable to all students, both under-graduates and post-graduates.


The provisions also place increased responsibility on the persons in charge of health facilities that are used as clinical facilities by different NEIs, as provided for in section 32(5) of the Act, as follows: “A health establishment must not allow access to clinical facilities for training purposes to anyone who is not registered in terms of this Act.’’


Currently some Higher Education Institutions are not compliant with these provisions, especially in respect of students undergoing nursing programmes in Clinical Nursing Science leading to registration of an additional qualification (Government Notice No. R212 of 1993). This gives rise to many actual and potential challenges, including but not limited to the following:

Health facilities will not allow access to clinical facilities for training purposes to anyone who is not registered, in terms of this Act.
A Learner/ Student database which is incomplete and inaccurate; and
Registration as practitioners after completion of the learning programme may legitimately be refused.

All NEIs are therefore reminded of these provisions and are urged to comply with them in respect of ALL learners/students. Failure to comply will render learners/students illegible to access clinical facilities, and result in refusal by the SANC to grant a registration certificate on completion of education and training.



This Circular serves as a reminder that all learners/students who are pursuing basic studies or additional qualifications must maintain their enrolment/registration with the SANC, failing which the education and training that was done while a learner/student was removed from the register/roll will be considered null and void.


IMPLEMENTATION DATE: This Circular becomes implementable on the date of issue.


For further information on this Circular, you are advised to contact the Senior Manager: Education and Training, Ms SJ Nxumalo at (012) 420 1022 or at [email protected]

Kind regards,



Ms S Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

News 2/2018

News 2/2018

29 January 2018


Nurses now receive 10% discount when using the Greyhound bus service


Great news!

Nurses registered with the SANC now receive 10% off on all bus travel via Greyhound!

Contact Greyhound directly via their Facebook page: GreyhoundSA or on Twitter: @GreyhoundRSA


Press Rel 1/2019

The SANC Press Rel 1/2019

14 March 2019

TO: All SANC Clients
FROM: Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO


SANC offices open at 11:00 on 19 March 2018


Please be informed that the South African Nursing Council offices will open at 11:00am on Tuesday, 19 March 2019 due to operational reasons.


Your co-operation in this regard is appreciated.


Yours sincerely

Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

Pres Rel 1/2018

Press Rel 1/2018

08 January 2017

Media statement by the Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi regarding the update on the Listeriosis outbreak in South Africa

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for joining us this morning

Firstly, let me introduce Prof Lucille Blumberg, Specialist Microbiologist, and Dr Juno Thomas, Head of the Centre for Enteric Diseases – both are from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), Dr Rufaro Chatora (Country Representative from the World Health Organization (WHO)), Mr Mooketsa Ramasodi (Acting Director General for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)), Mr Lionel October (Director General for the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)), and Ms Tiny Rennie (Acting Director-General of the Department of Health).

This media conference is about updating the nation on the current outbreak of listeriosis in South Africa. 

Again, I must emphasise that listeriosis is a serious, but preventable and treatable disease caused by the bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes. The bacteria are widely distributed in nature and can be found in soil, water, vegetation and the faeces of some animals. 

Animal products (including meat, meat products, dairy products), seafood and fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables can be contaminated from these sources.

To understand where we stand now, it will be important for me to do a quick recap of what transpired at the last press conference which we held on 5 December last year in this venue.

We informed you that tracking back from 1st January 2017, as of 29 November 2017, there were a total of 557 laboratory-confirmed listeriosis cases that were reported from all provinces.

Exactly a month later, i.e as of 5 January 2018, the situation is as follows:


There are 727 laboratory-confirmed cases that occurred in the country since January 2017. This means that since the last press conference of 5 December 2017, a total of 170 extra cases emerged.

Of these 170, a total of 51 had already occurred before 5 December 2017, only that we are discovering them now as the search continues, hence they were captured retrospectively.

Therefore, there are 119 new cases that occurred since our last press conference.

Let me remind you that searching for laboratory-confirmed cases is not the same as finding the actual patient. 

After discovering a positive test in a particular laboratory we hence have to start tracing the patient from the health facility that had sent the specimen.

It is very difficult and a tedious process to follow these patients.

As you may remember, by the 1st press conference on 5 December 2017, there were 36 people who were traced and were found to have passed on.

Now out of the total of 727 laboratory-confirmed cases which we know about, we were only able to trace 134 actual patients. 134/727 is only 18%.

This means that we still have a very long way to go in searching. Out of this 134 traced patients, 61 had passed on.
Of the new cases, i.e of the 119 new cases found since 5 December 2017, we were only able to trace 5 and 3 of these have passed on. These 3 are already counted in the total of the 61 deceased.

We know that in all major Listeriosis epidemics that occurred in various parts of the world, the mortality rate is usually high, sometimes higher than 30% despite the fact that Listeria monocytogenes is treatable. This is because it is a very virulent organism, especially to neonates.

As far as distribution in the country is concerned we have the following situation:

Gauteng still no. 1 at 61% (442/727) – in December it was 62% (345/557;

Western Cape is still no. 2 at 13% (92/727) – in December it was 13% (71/557);

KwaZulu Natal is still no. 3 at 7% (51/727) – in December it was 7% (37/557);

65% (473/723) are occurring in the public sector – in December it was 66% and 35% (251/724) are occurring in the private sector – in December it was 34%. 
Hence no change in the public/private distribution.


Since 5 December 2017, the Department of Health amended the list of notifiable diseases to include Listeriosis. Prior to this outbreak, Listeriosis was not a notifiable condition.

For a disease to be notifiable, it has to meet at least two (2) of five (5) qualifying criteria:

1) The disease must be contagious/communicable;
2) Rapid spread;
3) Unusual or unexpected behaviour;
4) Risk of spilling across borders;
5) Risk of restriction to business or travel across borders

It is now evident that Listeriosis does qualify in at least 2 of the criteria, i.e Rapid spread and unusual or unexpected behaviour.

It is for this reason that the Department of Health introduced a new policy of making Listeriosis notifiable and this is appearing in Government Gazette No. 41330 of 15 December 2017.

We appeal to all health workers to do the following:

• Report all cases of Listeriosis in terms of reporting procedures applicable to all notifiable diseases;
• Complete case investigation forms for patients with Listeriosis and submit these to the NICD – details are available on the NICD website

In their efforts to scientifically trace the source of the outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes, a whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis is done. WGS is a DNA-fingerprinting analysis to see whether particular organisms are related and are of the same sequence type. To do this, the NICD uses isolates from 3 different sources:
• Clinical isolates: this is obtained from the blood of a sick patient;
• Food isolates: this is obtained from the food that is found in the patient’s home or any other locality like food production sites;
• Environmental isolates: these are obtained from the environment where food is produced.
This work is ongoing and is stretches back from the 1st of January 2017, and as of 3 January 2018, a total of 337 isolates have been sequenced to date. 
73% (247/337) are clinical isolates.
22% (74/337) are food isolates
5% (16/337) are food production environment isolates.

The clinical isolates are represented by 9 sequence types which are ST1, ST101, ST2, ST219, ST5, ST54, ST6, ST8, ST876. However, 91% (225/247) of these clinical isolates are sequence type 6 (ST6) and are very closely related, representing a single strain of Listeria monocytogenes.


This ST6 strain has been identified in isolates from all 9 provinces, and this finding supports the current working hypothesis, of a single source of food contamination causing the outbreak, i.e a single widely consumed food product or multiple food products produced at a single facility.

The food and environmental samples are represented by 18 sequence types, 4 of which (ST1, ST101, ST2, and ST5) are also STs represented in the clinical isolates. However, no ST6 food or environmental isolates have been identified to date.
In simple language, it means we cannot yet link the clinical isolates obtained from patients to a particular foodstuff or a particular food production site environment.

In their vigilance and continuing search for the source of Listeria outbreak, Environmental Health Practitioners from the City of Tshwane in December 2017 investigated a Tshwane patient hospitalised with Listeriosis. 

A chicken sample collected from the fridge at the patient’s home tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. This chicken was traced back to the store, and from there traced back to the abattoir it was sourced from (Sovereign Foods). 

The Environmental Health Practitioners visited the abattoir and collected food and environmental samples, several of which tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. As a precaution, the abattoir was served with a prohibition notice pending further investigations. 

The abattoir-related Listeria monocytogenes was subjected to whole genome sequencing (WGS). All the samples collected from the food and environment at the abattoir have up to so far failed to pick up the outbreak strain ST6. However, other strains with potential to cause disease were picked up, hence the prohibition notice for public health safety. 

At this juncture, we cannot conclude that the Abattoir called Sovereign Foods is the source the present outbreak. 

But we can conclude that it has Listeria, which can cause illness, and hence it was in the best interest of public health that the Abattoir was prohibited from further preparing food pending the cleaning of the environment and meeting certain conditions given to them.

What concerns us more at this moment is that this particular abattoir was closed two-months ago by DAFF following the discovery of unhygienic conditions and practices, which of course were not necessarily related to Listeria. These were preceded by Environmental Health investigations which were conducted earlier in July 2017 by Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality the findings of which were existence of conditions that constitute a nuisance in the facility. 

These led to delayed issuance of Certificate of Acceptability at the time until such time that the corrective measures were implemented. 

A special meeting was held with all Senior Managers in GP on the 15th of December 2017 to inspect all food premises within the Province with specific target of the food processing areas and retail foods.
The Director General of the National Department of Health has formally requested food industry stakeholders to submit details of Listeria-positive food items, environmental swabs and Listeria isolates to the NICD. Whilst several stakeholders have been forthcoming with information, not all stakeholders have responded as yet. 

Environmental Health Practitioners from Municipalities and Provinces where positive cases are reported should embark on case investigation and trace the sources of infection. 

Clinical listeriosis management guidelines are also available on the website, and the NICD continues to operate its 24-hour hotline to support healthcare workers.

Work has commenced on implementation of plan for inspection of food processing facilities including packaging at distribution plants for bigger retailers and inspected by Environmental Health Practitioners from Municipalities initially within most affected Provinces (Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal) and samples taken to assess the quality of the processing systems. 
The results will be used to guide public health interventions for listeriosis prevention and control.

A multisectoral outbreak response team (MNORT) led by the National Department of Health, and includes the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery (DAFF), the Department of Trade and Industry, the NICD and other relevant stakeholders will continue to monitor and coordinate the outbreak response activities.

All South Africans should practice basic food hygiene principles as outlined in the World Health Organization’s ‘Five Keys to Safer Food’ programme. The core ‘commandments’ of food hygiene are – 

1. Keep clean: wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation
2. Separate raw and cooked: separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods
3. Cook thoroughly: cook foods thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, eggs and seafood
4. Keep food at safe temperatures: refrigerate and reheat foods correctly
5. Use safe water and raw materials: use safe water or make it safe (by boiling); choose foods processed for safety such as pasteurised dairy products; wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, especially if eaten raw.

In December 2017 we reported that whilst Listeria can affect anybody from any socio-economic backgrounds, there are certain categories of people who are specifically vulnerable. These are neonates, i.e less than 28 days of life, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems – e.g people living with HIV and AIDS, Diabetes, and chronic diseases like cancer, kidney and liver diseases.
However, when we view statistics of affected people, we note that of all these vulnerable groups, neonates are the worst affected, if we analyse it by age group from birth to 93 years. In this case, neonates alone account for close to 40% of these cases.
Of note is that of all the neonates that get affected, 96% had early onset disease, i.e from birth to 6 days after birth. It is clear that these neonates are simply vulnerable due to their pregnant mothers. They are infected by their mothers at birth.
Due to this high number of neonates, a special request to health workers and the public at large, is to pay special attention to all pregnant women. Have a high index of suspicion whenever dealing with a pregnant woman or a neonate. Be alert all the time, be it at antenatal clinic, labour ward, and neonatology units.

There are 1,2 million pregnant women in South Africa annually. In 2014, we launched a special programme called MomConnect, whereby we register every pregnant woman on the cellphone. We send them messages every two weeks commensurate with their period of pregnancy. After birth we switch over the messages to the care of the newborn. Since that period, we have registered 1,96 million pregnant women in that programme. I have now given instruction that all of them be sent instruction about Listeria. We are calling on more pregnant women to register on MomConnect, be they in private or public, because it is during times like this when we are able to reach them quicker through messages.

I thank you

For media enquiries, please contact:

Mr Popo Maja
Head of Communications
National Department of Health
Cell: 0725853219/012 395 9591

Foster Mohale
Director: Media Relations
National Department of Health
Cell: 0724323792/012 395 8180
Email: [email protected] 

News 11/2017

News 11/2017

4 December 2017

TO: All SANC Clients
FROM: Ms SA Mchunu

Registrar and CEO

SANC offices closed from 11:00 on 22 December 2017

The SANC offices will be closed for the year-end from Friday, 22 December 2017 at 12:00 midday however for operational reasons, the gates will be closed at 11:00 am. The office will reopen on Wednesday, 3 January 2018 at 08:00 am.

Reminder: All annual Fees must be paid on or before 31 December 2017 in order to avoid restoration fees.

The SA Nursing Council would like to wish you and your families well during the festive season. Travel safely.

Yours sincerely


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council