Circular 14/2014 Handling and approval of applications relating to legacy Nursing Education programmes


10 October 2014

To:Nursing Education Institutions
 National Department of Health
 Provincial Departments of Health
 All Stakeholders

Handling and Approval of Applications relating to the Legacy Nursing Education Programmes



To inform all nursing stakeholders of the last date of receipt and handling of applications in respect to the Legacy Nursing Qualifications for approval of New Nursing Education Institutions, additional Clinical Facilities, increase of number of learners and relocation to new premises.



The South African Nursing Council (SANC) is preparing for introduction of New Nursing Qualifications which are planned to commence in January 2015.  To provide the opportunity for SANC and the providers to adequately prepare for the implementation of the New Nursing Programmes whilst phasing out the Legacy Nursing Programmes, SANC is also scaling down resources allocated for the Legacy Nursing Programmes and ensuring that there is a maximum use of these resources in the implementation of the New Nursing Programmes.  This will also ensure that there is a smooth transition between the Legacy Nursing Programmes and the New Nursing Programmes.

In lieu of the above, the Council has in its meeting held on the 18 – 19 September 2014 resolved that the last date of receipt and handling of applications in respect to the Legacy Nursing Qualifications for approval of the following is 31 December 2014.

These are applications for:

  1. Opening New Nursing Education Institutions to offer the Legacy Nursing Qualifications
  2. Additional Clinical Facilities for placement of learners by the existing Nursing Education Institutions offering the Legacy Nursing Qualifications
  3. Increasing the number of learners by the existing Nursing Education Institutions offering the Legacy Nursing Qualifications
  4. Relocation to new premises by the existing Nursing Education Institutions offering the Legacy Nursing Qualifications


The South African Nursing Council will only process applications relating to the above matters which are received before 31 December 2014.  No applications will be accepted nor processed after this date.


This circular becomes effective on the date of issue.


For further clarity on this circular, you are advised to contact the Senior Manager: Education and Training; Dr. S.W. Mkhize.


Yours sincerely



Mr. T. Mabuda 
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)
