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South African Nursing Council News 2014

Circulars 2014

The following circulars were distributed by South African Nursing Council during 2014:

Circular Description
1/2014 SANC Examination schedule – 2014 (revised for Election Day)
2/2014 Non payment of annual fees by certain practitioners
3/2014 Closing of SANC offices for the Easter holidays
4/2014 Cancellation of SANC examination papers for the Enrolled Nursing exams
5/2014 Requirements regarding deferments of candidates to write SANC scheduled examinations
6/2014 Payments of prescribed fees at the FNB ATM
7/2014 Change of date for practitioners to start paying for APCs for 2015
8/2014 Accreditation of nursing education programmes and NEIs by SANC
9/2014 Annual Fees and Restoration Fees for 2015
10/2014 Post Office strike causes postage delays
11/2014 Extension of offering the Education & Training programme (R.425)
12/2014 Extension to offer supplementary and post-basic (additional) qualifications
13/2014 Legacy programmes that will NO LONGER be offered after 30 June 2015
14/2014 Handling and approval of applications relating to the legacy programmes
15/2014 Schedule of SANC exams for 2015
16/2014 Update: Delays in postage due to industrial action at the SA Post Office
17/2014 SANC year end closing and payment arrangements at year end


Press Releases 2014

The following press releases were issued by South African Nursing Council during 2014:

Press Release Description
1/2014 International Nurses’ Day 2014
2/2014 Prescribing of morphine by Professional Nurses


Special News Items 2014

There were no special news items published on the South African Nursing Council website during the year 2014