Press Release 2/2020 (vers 2): SANC offers free restoration to qualifying nurses during COVID-19 National State of Disaster

Press Release 2/2020: SANC offers free restoration to qualifying nurses during COVID-19 National State of Disaster

The SANC notes and applauds the efforts by Government and in particular the Ministry of Health in the fight against the coronavirus, and the dedication to the health of all South Africans.

In support of these efforts, the South African Nursing Council (SANC) is pleased to announce a further solution to have more nurses available to assist during the crisis. Any nurse, who for the period of the COVID-19 National State of Disaster, wants to be restored back onto the Nurse Register for the sole purpose of rendering services and aiding in the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 or the treatment of affected patients, and is currently not on the Nursing Register, may restore and be registered at a fee of R0.00.

The Board Notice regarding this special concession was published …

Published 20 April 2020

.. COVID-19 Restoration Form

.. see Press Release 2 of 2020


Press Release 2/2020: SANC offers free restoration to qualifying nurses during COVID-19 National State of Disaster

SANC offers free restoration to qualifying nurses during COVID-19 National State of Disaster

20 April 2020

The SANC notes and applauds the efforts by Government and in particular the Ministry of Health in the fight against the coronavirus, and the dedication to the health of all South Africans.

In support of these efforts, the South African Nursing Council (SANC) is pleased to announce a further solution to have more nurses available to assist during the crisis. Any nurse, who for the period of the COVID-19 National State of Disaster, wants to be restored back onto the Nurse Register for the sole purpose of rendering services and aiding in the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 or the treatment of affected patients, and is currently not on the Nursing Register, may restore and be registered at a fee of R0.00.

The Board Notice regarding this special concession was published in the Government Gazette on 9 April already, but it was important that the process had to be communicated by the Department of Health on provincial level first to ensure a stream-lined and simplified restoration process. Thus said, it is important to note that this process of restoration for the said period will be done via the relevant departments e.g. Department of Health, Department of Correctional Services and South African Military Health Services. Nurses cannot restore individually for this process. The SANC has created a simplified restoration form to assist the respective departments with the process. Upon completion of the form, the departments will then provide same to the SANC with a list of all the nurses to be restored for the National State of Disaster period only. The completed form, available on the SANC website, must be submitted to the respective Provincial Departments of Health together with application sent in response to the advertisement.

Says the SANC Registrar and CEO, Ms Sizo Mchunu: “It is important that nurses note that this is an exception to the normal restoration rules and that this restoration will expire at the end of the National State of Disaster, as will be pronounced by the President of South Africa. These Nurses’ names will then be removed from the Register and the normal restoration process and fees will then apply for those who choose to remain registered in order to practice nursing.”

The SANC calls for calm and patience on the side of the public during this outbreak and implores the public to keep in mind that nurses work long hours and under gruelling pressure during this outbreak while at the same time they also have families that they worry about.

If we all make a concerted effort, together, we will be able to #flattenthecurve.

.. COVID-19 Restoration Form

Circular 6/2020: Postponement of May examinations

Circular 6/2020: Postponement of May examinations

15 April 2020


15 April 2020


TO: National Department of Health
  Provincial Departments of Health
  Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs)
  All Stakeholders



The purpose of this Circular is to inform the National Department of Health, Provincial Departments of Health, Nursing Education Institutions and relevant stakeholders about the postponement of the May 2020 examinations. 


The State President’s proclamation on extension of “lockdown” for non-essential services to the end of April 2020 has necessitated that the South African Nursing Council (SANC) postpones the examination that was supposed to be conducted from 4 May 2020. 


The new examination dates will be communicated when the SANC reopens for business from 4 May 2020.


For further information in respect of this Circular, you are advised to contact Ms SJ Nxumalo, SANC Senior Manager: Education &Training at (012) 420 1022 or on e-mail at: [email protected].


Yours sincerely,


Ms SA Mchunu
Registrar and CEO
South African Nursing Council