Circular 7/2002 Nurses who have been removed but paid the old Annual Fee before 31 March 2002

23 July 2002


To ALL Stakeholders: Hospitals
  Labour Organisations
  Departments of Health: National; Provincial


The Executive Committee of the South African Nursing Council on 18 July 2002 resolved to exempt the payment of restoration fees for nurses that:

paid the old fee of R114,00 or R96,00 before 31 March 2002 but were liable for the increased annual fee because payment was made after 5 December 2001; and
were removed from the register/roll because they failed to pay the outstanding balance of the increased annual fee before the due date of 31 March 2002.

The above exemption only applies if the outstanding balance of fees is paid before 31 October 2002.


Please note that nurses to whom the above exemption applies, and who have already paid the restoration fee for 2002, will have the amount automatically credited towards the 2003 annual fee.


Kindly communicate the above resolution to the affected members of your organisation.


Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer